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The truth about haters

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Aug 2011 - 15:25
Categories: News

Why is there so many disgust for sexual attraction to furries amongst the community? - Tue 9 Aug 2011 - 09:45
When I say "Sexual attraction to furries", I don't mean zoophilia, plushophilia or any form of wanting to yiff with a furry, I just mean enjoying reading comics like
Genus* or liking pictures like the ones of Michael Caddell's Collection**. I myself see it as a form of Art, with an erotic tint.
Categories: News

Any roleplaying places besides FurCadia?

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 20:14

I have finally decided that I would like to roleplay as a furry, either as an avatar or as text, not necessarily yiffy, but whatever. I have tried Furcadia and I can't get into it, is there anything else?

submitted by PemCorgiSelphie
[link] [25 comments]
Categories: News

What Do Bears And Wolves In Yellowstone National Park Do When No One's Watching? - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 19:13
Categories: News

Brazilian Sonic the Hedgehog is Kind of Scary - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 19:07
Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog series was a worldwide sensation in its early days, as evidenced by this vintage commercial from back when Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was first launched in Brazil. As it turns out, Sonic the Hedgehog is slightly terrifying when he speaks Portuguese.
Categories: News

Mists of Pandaria! - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 19:04
Editor's note: It is theorized that a new race will be introduced to WoW based off an older April Fools' joke... PANDAS!

"While searching for some completely unrelated Titan info, I ran into this name. As far as I can tell, Blizzard has just registered it as a trademark.

Is it something already known ? If not, the timing is pretty sweet, with just a few months before Blizzcon where everyone's expecting some big WoW reveals. Next patch / expansion ?"
Categories: News

Idaho police tell man to stop wearing bunny suit - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 19:02
Police in Idaho Falls said on Tuesday they have told a 34-year-old man to stop wearing a bunny suit in public after residents complained that he has been frightening children.
Police warned Idaho Falls resident William Falkingham after a woman said she saw him dressed in the costume, peeking at her young son from behind a tree and pointing his finger like a gun, according to a police report.
An investigation of the sighting led officers to question other neighbors, "who expressed that they were greatly disturbed by Falkingham and his bunny suit," the report said.
Neighbors also reported that Falkingham occasionally wears a tutu with the bunny suit, police said in a statement.
Categories: News

Gunshow - Great Big Wonderful Beautiful Tree - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 19:01
"69'd a wolf at the base of this tree. Yiff forever"
Categories: News

Humanimal: Art of Transformation - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 18:48
Umm... wow. Some of these models are really intriguing. Other I find too damn creepy.
Categories: News

Anthrocon announces dates for 2012! - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 18:45
Editor's note: The supposed event that got AC bumped is the NHL draft.

Anthrocon 2012 will be held at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA, from JUNE 14 to JUNE 17, 2012. Please note that this is one week earlier than was previously announced! We hope that this does not cause any inconvenience for any of our members; if it does, we are deeply sorry. Here is the story:

Pittsburgh has been given a very rare opportunity to host an event that they have been wanting to host for many years. The only trouble was that the proposed event (and we won't say what it is until it is officially announced) would lie in part over Anthrocon's planned weekend. The City approached Anthrocon very deferentially and asked us if we would consider moving our 2012 convention just one week earlier to help them realize their collective dream. As much as we love our adopted home city and would do anything in our power to support them, we were hesitant to change the date of our convention after having announced it.

Pittsburgh replied with, "What if we got you another hundred hotel rooms within walking distance of the Convention Center?"

We said, "Where do we sign?"

So with that agreement, in 2012 we ought to have enough hotel space for just about everyone who wants to stay. Of course, we would have signed anyway. Anthrocon is proud to have become a Pittsburgh institution, and as accommodating as they have been to us over the last five years, we were honor-bound to return the favor in any way that we could.
Categories: News

Meeroos Starving Due to SL Griefers Selling Fraudulent Food & Linden Lab Closing Their Legitimate Food Source - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 18:42
Meeroos, SL's extremely popular species of virtual, breedable animals created by Malevay Studios, are currently starving. Yesterday, reports Malevay's Catherine Farspire, unidentified griefers using variations of the avatar name "Meeroos Resident" (the company's official account) were found selling unauthorized Meeroos food in the region of Twas. (The miscreants, says Ms. Farspire, "built their own [store] in the sky selling fraudulent food".) As a result, she reports, Linden Lab has closed down the region of Twas -- and also blocked "Meeroos Resident", the legitimate Malevay Studios account: "We believe the account was blocked by Linden Lab by mistake, given all the reported accounts were variations of the same name, or the account was mistakenly reported by residents meaning to abuse report the offending avatars. We simply cannot be sure. Unfortunately, this has dealt us a crippling blow at the worst time possible."
Categories: News

Free for All: Oh em gee, have I become a furry? - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 18:40
"Before I ask you to jump past the cut to read the rest of my article, I thought it would be cool to explain my interpretation of the "furry" culture. I want to do this so that you, fair reader, aren't icked out simply by the title of my article. I decided to divide the furries into three levels all of this based on my observations and Google-searching.
At level one are the fans of anthropomorphic critters. Essentially, these are the fans of playing the animal races in different games, reading about them in books, and who think that there is something cool about an animal walking and talking like a human. At the very least, this level has no problems playing the pigman in the latest MMO.
Level two are the people who are fans of animal and human crossings, but take it a step further by feeling slightly connected to the creatures. They might have some spiritual connection to them, or simply think they are the best thing yet. They might also enjoy dressing up as a furry critter.
At level three we have the fans who take it even further. Yes, these are the furries you hear so much about. These are the ones who are not only into anthropomorphic creatures, but are into them (if you get my meaning.) They often feel an attraction to bipedal cats or human-like goats. Their dress-up is often accompanied by sessions of roleplaying as animals or hybrids.
Now, which level am I? While I think you can guess, click past the cut and I'll explain."
Categories: News

?Husky on a bicycle? - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 18:37
Broke and homeless Husky is offered a rare opportunity to learn how to ride a bicycle by a kind passer-by
Categories: News

My ear broke! [anthro edition]

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 16:33
Categories: News

Seriously Disney?

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 14:18
Categories: News

Snuggling Like Cats and Dogs

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 03:09

You’ve seen Feed the Kitty, right? The well-known Warner Brothers cartoon short (directed by Chuck Jones) starring Marc Antony (the big, burly, barking dog) and Pussyfoot (the ridiculously adorable kitten)? Well if somehow you haven’t, get your paws on any number of Warner Brothers cartoon collection, because this cartoon is a must for any and all furry fans! Marc Antony starts off trying to frighten the tiny kitten, but overcome by a wave of cuteness, the dog ends up falling in love with… him. Yes, him. Though the Wikipedia entry refers to Pussyfoot as a female, in the cartoon Marc Antony’s human owner distinctly refers to Pussyfoot as “he” and “him”. So, why bring all this up now? Because the Looney Tunes comic book (published by DC Comics) is featuring our smitten canine and feline pair in issue #202, on the shelves right now. It’s written by Bill Matheny, with cover art by Dave Santana.

image c. 2011 DC Comics

Categories: News

Anthrocon moved for NHL draft!

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Aug 2011 - 00:28
Categories: News

Anthrocon Predicts 2012 NHL Draft?

Furries In The Media - Sun 7 Aug 2011 - 23:20
Ok, so in case you did not hear it from the AnthroCon site, or Flayrah:
Anthrocon was asked to move foward a week next year, in order to allow a mystery event to take place during the originally scheduled time. Staff said they would not reveal the event until it was confirmed, but it seems that a lot of people are speculating that it is in fact the NHL Draft for 2012.
I have alerts for things such as 'furries' and 'Anthrocon' and every day, there are more and more links showing up.

What I'd like to do is compile a list of them:

First off, the Anthrocon and Flayrah postings:

And the News/Blogs/Websites:

The Hockey News:


Pittsburgh SBNation:

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:

Kukla's Korner:

CBS Sports:

AOL Sporting News:
Categories: News