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Furry Deux Ex Achievement

Furry Reddit - Fri 9 Sep 2011 - 17:57
Categories: News

Episode 18 – The Wrath Of Con - We’re back from our brief hiatus, and we’ve got three new e-mails on the topic of conventions! We get to hear about first conventions, give some suggestions on things to bring, and encourage people to make the lea[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Fri 9 Sep 2011 - 03:41

We’re back from our brief hiatus, and we’ve got three new e-mails on the topic of conventions! We get to hear about first conventions, give some suggestions on things to bring, and encourage people to make the leap from anime cons over to the furry variety! We also cover a variety of other topics; Halfwit goes rantypants about driving, Istanbul goes rantypants about freeloading, and Kyo gives his con report about Mephit Furmeet 2011!

Our next episode is going to be all about evil exes. No, we don’t mean virii that try to get onto your computer…we mean ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends who have proven that they’re the lowest of the low! All three podcasters have stories about this, and if you want to share, now’s the time! Don’t worry, we won’t use any names on the air. And hey, if you just want to talk about things like revenge tactics or what your buddy’s evil exes have done to them, that’s okay too!

Finally, we want to mention it here: while we will tend to give precedence to topical e-mails over non-topical e-mails, all e-mails are always welcome, and one kind of e-mail will always get preference: the one where you ask for help. Fuzzy Logic was created to help you, the listeners, through the hard times in your life. Even if your problem isn’t on-topic, it’ll always receive the highest priority with us. Never be afraid to write in for help, that’s what we’re here for!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
iTunes: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 18 – The Wrath Of Con
File modified September 9, 2011 – 55.4 MB – downloaded 334 times so far

Episode 18 – The Wrath Of Con - We’re back from our brief hiatus, and we’ve got three new e-mails on the topic of conventions! We get to hear about first conventions, give some suggestions on things to bring, and encourage people to make the lea[...]
Categories: Podcasts

What do furries think of this story idea?

Furry Reddit - Fri 9 Sep 2011 - 00:23
Categories: News

An old con badge of mine by WhiteWolf

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Sep 2011 - 23:20
Categories: News

Cuddly Like A Fox: Meet Gizmo, A Pet Fox, And His Keeper - Thu 8 Sep 2011 - 13:17
"It's the last day of Pet Week on the Woot blog, and to me, no wild animal seems like a more appealing pet than a fox. They're cute, smart, playful, closely related enough to dogs to seem petlike, but not as scary as wolves. Indeed, as a decades=long Russian breeding experiment shows, when selectively bred for tameness, foxes become more doglike, both temperamentally and physically. Naturally, I was fascinated by the blog The Pet Fox, and its wealth of posts about fox care, fox behavior, and the editor's own pet fox, Gizmo (pictured throughout this blog). I just had to ask the editor, who goes by the online handle Ragtatter, about what it's like to share a home with these one of these lithe, resourceful, tufty-tailed quadrapeds..."
Categories: News

Any artists want to try remodeling my Fursona?

Furry Reddit - Thu 8 Sep 2011 - 02:04

Here's my original 'sona. You can revamp her, or make a completely new one.

I tried on another forum but nothing really stood out to me.

So, if you'd like to give it a shot, here is a little bit of info as to what should go into this. Please read the list completely.


I like...

-Wolves -Jackals -Snow Leopards -Ravens -Foxes -Rams -Blue Jays -Hawks -Lynx -Badgers -Skunks -Parrots -Hyenas -African Wild Dogs -Dragons - Koi Fish


I am partial to...

-Gray -Green -White -Orange -Teal -Tan -Silver -Icy Blue -Lilac -Natural Colors


I love...

-Snowboarding -Zombies -Horror and Comedy -Nature -Writing -Drawing -Reading -Hiking -Animals -Fishing -SNOOOOOOOW!!! -Meeting new people -Exploring


  • Spaghetti -Futurama -Memebase -Cracking Jokes -Laughing -Learning -Fruity Mentos -Watching movies -The beach -Tattoos -Piercings

I guess those could fit in with my interests, but I thought I might need to separate them. x3


-Loud people -Mayonnaise -Rude people -Litterbugs -Animal Abusers -Dishonesty -Poisonous Millipedes / Centipedes

About me:

I'm twenty, going on twenty one. I would describe myself as a tomboy, but I do like to look nice and doll myself up. I'm a nerd, and enjoy Anime and dweebing out on memebase and Failblog. I love a good laugh, and it doesn't matter at whose expense. I laugh at myself all the time. I'm really artsy and love to draw and write. I'm an avid outdoors-woman, and I love spending time in nature. My favorite season is winter, because I'm hopelessly addicted to snowboarding and the cold weather in general, though I don't like how pasty I get. I'm quiet until you get to know me. I usually portray all of my characters as male, but if it fits, I'd be just as happy with a female. I prefer the company of animals to people, for the most part. I'm a hopeless romantic, and have been known to trust people a bit too easily. I've also been described as a troublemaker (partying, drugs, fights, etc).

I'd love to see someone give it a shot! Thanks :3

submitted by epixxe
[link] [19 comments]
Categories: News

Kiss Me, I Speak Latin!

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 8 Sep 2011 - 01:32

The artist known as Kamui (apparently also known as Flossalot) has put together a collection of text t-shirts that announce to the world which non-human animal you identify with — by their scientific names. “Kiss Me, I’m Vulpes Vulpes” means red foxes, for instance. The “Linnaean Tees” collection includes a very wide list of species, and if your favorite isn’t there, the creator also offers to do custom one-offs. They’re all available as t-shirts or hoodies, in a wide variety of sizes and colors. You’ll find the collection at Red Bubble.

Categories: News

The Cat Piano

Furry Reddit - Wed 7 Sep 2011 - 20:32
Categories: News

In case of fox breath...

Furry Reddit - Wed 7 Sep 2011 - 20:25
Categories: News

Interview With Shadow Conner

Furry News Network - Wed 7 Sep 2011 - 17:47

Recently I sat down with a local Californian, 21 year old web comic creator, artist, and author named Zachary Scott White. To many, he is known as Connor Lupindo Hemming, or more simply Shadow Connor. His fursona is a folux – a mixture of folf (fox and wolf) and crux (an imaginary genderless mixture of rabbit, dragon, and wolf – created for Second Life). This man’s claims to fame are being banned repeatedly from FurAffinity and being, “a fur, but not a furry.”

 Rainstar: It says on your Wikifur page that you are listed as a Writer/Musician?

 Conner: Yes, I used to write short stories a while back, although I’ve been having brain farts lately and I haven’t been able to get many ideas. My Sheezyart has a few of the stories on it. I usually write fan fictions about Connor, like a favorite game or movie scenario and I will add him in there.

 What kind of genres do you write?

 Mainly Kingdom Hearts themes, typically suspense and comedy mixed together.

 Mixed? How so?

 Well since Connor is kind of a coward and a klutz, it makes it pretty funny. Slapstick is more like it. [Laughs] The suspense comes in when he faces off against the antagonist, his grandfather Kane Smith. Usually I use the same antagonist for most of the stories. Lots of battles ensue, both physical and metaphorical in some senses. The only physical battle that has ever occurred ended up with the death of Connor. Did I mention he has phoenix abilities and is over 3000 years old? [Laughs]

 You seem to have this whole plot figured out. Have you ever considered writing a novel?

 Yes, but you see I get impatient far too fast. Most of my chapters end in cliffhangers; thus they are usually only two or three pages long.

 I see. Now, tell me about your web comic, “Sanity Not Included.”

 It is a comic series that I created with a good friend of mine, Kyo Panda. She was a very good artist; I supplied the funny picture ideas for her to draw. As of now, there is no real plot line to the comic other than the main characters are living together and random shenanigans occur. The comic isn’t supposed to be 100% comedy, mind you. It will get serious at some points, while at other times getting to the plain ol’ what the f*** moments. [Laughs] The comic is an ongoing project. In addition to Kyo, my mate is also an artist.

 I noticed on your Wikifur page that it said you were banned from FurAffinity several, if not a dozen times. Care to explain what happened?

 Well, back when I was using Second Life, I was living with a girl named Luna. I went on vacation for a few days and when I came back to Second Life, I found c*** waffles all over my house. Back then, I wasn’t Pan-Sexual. I was straight and it really ticked me off. So, basically I said things like, “Why would you do this? It wasn’t f***ing funny you f***ing b****.” And so on and so forth. Eventually I moved out of her house on Second Life and ignored her. Shortly thereafter, she started to harass me and troll me on FA. I ignored her for a couple months, reporting her every so often. Clearly, however, Dragoneer was ignoring it and I decided to fight back. Apparently that is against the rules of FurAffinity and I was banned. I was confused as to why I had been banned, so I created another account to talk to Dragoneer. He banned that account too and, well it continued until after roughly 10 accounts were banned and I gave up. Some people began creating accounts and posing as me, getting me into more trouble. Dragoneer said that I would be allowed to return to FurAffinity after two years or so, but I’m not sure if it’s really worth it.

 Bad luck there, I’m sure. Now, I noticed that someone mentioned to me that you consider yourself a fur, but not a furry. Care to explain?

 A friend of mine started a journal on DA. We basically discussed how we believe the term; “Furry” refers to generally a person who is the main reason behind the media frenzy. I.E. the porn addicts, the artwork thieves, the fursuit sex addicts, immature 13-16 year old kids, and/or the reclusive homosexual males living in their mothers basements. On the other hand, the term “Fur” refers to the intelligent side of the fandom that actually has fun and actively participates in the betterment of the fandom. As it says on the journal, “Furs are the icing on the cake whilst furries are the burnt part on the bottom.”

 I see. Well do you believe that is true of the entire fandom?

 From what I’ve been seeing lately, yes. The My Little Pony spamgasm is clear evidence of the rising immaturity levels.

 What would you say is the ratio of “Furries” to “Furs?”

 I would have to say, at least in my opinion, 30:1. It used to be 10:1 but it has dramatically increased in modern times. Shows like Tosh.O and 1000 Ways to Die have made things so much more difficult for us. People are starting to notice the fandom, sometimes in positive ways – mostly in negative though. All of the attention, however, is drawing in a massive amount of younger children who are, in a sense, infecting the fandom with their immaturity. It isn’t there fault necessarily, but still it is quite annoying for those of us who take this seriously and try to make the most of it.

You mean the “Furs” like you and me?

 [Laughs] Exactly.

You can find Shadow Conner on Deviantart. You can also find his web comic Sanity Not Included.

—Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this interview do not directly reflect the views of the Furry News Network or any of its affiliates.

Categories: News

Asylum Entertainment seeks Furries for “Furdom” Documentary

Furry News Network - Wed 7 Sep 2011 - 12:24

Today some of you may have been emailed by Asylum Entertainment about a proposed Furry Documentary called “Furdom”.  They sent us a request to notify our readers.  We spoke with Jamie from their office to get more information about their request.

After speaking with their office, it’s our understanding that they are looking to film a “Slice of Life” documentary where they look at someone’s every day activities.  As with all media contact, you must evaluate whether it is going to be beneficial for yourself, and how your peers, including those in the furry fandom will respond.

As requested, here is their email and contact details.

Hi everyone,

I know some of you have heard about this already, but I wanted to reach out to more of you to let you know of an exciting opportunity. I work at an Emmy-award winning production company, and we are producing a one-hour episode of an acclaimed documentary series for a major cable network about furries. The documentary will focus on two to three different furries. It’s a follow-doc style, so it’s meant to see a real slice of the life of a furry.

Some of you have expressed concern that other media representations of furries in the past focused solely on the sexual parts of it. I understand that sexuality accounts for only a small percentage of your culture, and we are absolutely NOT making the focus of this documentary about sex. This is about life, and the exploration of a popular trend and lifestyle that’s emerging in today’s society.

For years Hollywood has perpetuated a myth about furry fandom and we are here to correct the misconceptions. There will be no exploiting or anything disrespectful about this documentary. We believe that education stops discrimination and we need to find someone who speak the truth about the culture.

I hope this clears some confusion and apprehension up on what our intention is with this documentary. I’d love to find people who want to participate, so if you are interested you can send an email to: E-Mail Hidden or call 310-696-4476.

Please include your name, age , fursona, story and please let us know if you own a fursuit.

To find out more about our company visit our website:

Categories: News