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My very first furry story: Rescue

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 Nov 2011 - 20:40
Categories: News

My first furry art

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 Nov 2011 - 14:43 Yeah it's unfinished and I was gonna scan it but my printers being a cunt so I had to take a photo with my phone. Please be constructive with your criticisms, and please give me tips on how to improve and whatnot. (Also this image is based upon an existing gay furry porn image. I didn't trace it, I merely took inspiration from it)

submitted by homohominilupus
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Categories: News

Had a rough day so far, /r/furry...

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 Nov 2011 - 14:21

Think you could post something that makes you feel good?

submitted by WesternSeabored
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Categories: News

So? [Possibly NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 Nov 2011 - 12:53

What do we think of cub? Or any other extensions of the furry fandom? What I'm trying to say is, any fetishes?

submitted by ZayneMeadows
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Categories: News

ActFur s3 ep16 - Season Finale

ActFur - Fri 25 Nov 2011 - 09:36
Download Standard Podcasts ActFur s3 ep16 - Season Finale
Categories: Podcasts

hey r/furry, think you can help me come up with a cool fursona?

Furry Reddit - Fri 25 Nov 2011 - 01:27

i've been a furry for years, but i've never been that into it until now. never had a furaffinity account, a fursona, anything really. in fact, it wasn't untill a week ago that i found r/furry, but since then i've really wanted to get more involved with the fandom. kinda rediscovered my love for furries here (and then some.) :D any suggestions for cool fursonas? i have a vauge outline for traits, but not sure on anything specific...

submitted by seiyonoryuu
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Categories: News

Coots and Critters Christmas Special

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Nov 2011 - 23:57
Categories: News

Hey guys~

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Nov 2011 - 21:39

Just wanted to say thanks for the unexpected warm welcome.

I'll be free for a lot of tomorrow and some of the weekend with nothing to do, so I've decided i'll make some of these if anybody wants one.

I probably wont be able to get through many of them probably 5ish at the most so leave an image that i can reference from and anything else like background colour ect..

submitted by Zerda
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Categories: News

Happy Thanksgiving

[adjective][species] - Thu 24 Nov 2011 - 21:27

Stay classy, and have a great holiday :o)

How domestic!

Makyo and JD get ready to vore some turkey. Sure, 'vore's a verb.

A new fursuit subreddit :)

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Nov 2011 - 16:23
Categories: News

What's your fursona?

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Nov 2011 - 15:46

I'm a half husky half dragon! you?

submitted by ZayneMeadows
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Categories: News

Fox sighting

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Nov 2011 - 11:57

I just wanted to share this with people who would appreciate it. This morning I saw a big beautiful red fox on my parents' land. It was in full winter coat and looked so healthy and happy.

This Texas draught has been so disheartening it was good to see some creatures are still thriving.

Wish I could have gotten a picture for you guys. My parents have a motion camera that we're going to set up so if we catch him I'll be sure to upload!

submitted by ChatGarou
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Categories: News

Best. fursuit. ever!

Furry Reddit - Thu 24 Nov 2011 - 09:26
Categories: News