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TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 16 - Show 600!

TigerTails Radio - Mon 12 Dec 2011 - 16:00
Chaos in the studio as Felis, Anthropuppy, and Hedgie joins us for some fun on the air in an action-packed Show 600 celebration. Featuring a submission by Dombrus on how newer games sacrifice too much for graphics and multiplayer. A hiccup with the recording software cuts a small bit of the show out so please excuse the sudden cut to Felis' review. For Done and Dusted Xavier gives us this thoughts of the PSN demo Wizardry and gives us a quick mention of Orcs Must Die. TK plays a little bit of The Lion King 5 on the NES. Werewolfe sends us his review of Troll Hunter. Felis reviews Family Guy the game on the PSP, and Castlevania: Lament of Innocence on the PS2. Starring TK, Xavier, Eeve3, Felis, Anthropuppy, and Hedgie. TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 16 - Show 600!
Categories: Podcasts

My Proudest Drawing From 2011

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Dec 2011 - 12:47
Categories: News

Public Service Announcement

Furries In The Media - Mon 12 Dec 2011 - 05:34
In the light of a recent event, please allow me just five suggestions:
  1. If you get approached by a reporter, please inform yourself about what they are usually writing and for whom.
  2. If you do not have any experience in public relations management, please do yourself and the fandom the favor and politely decline the request.
  3. If you are unsure, please ask those in the fandom for advice who do have experience handling the media. The media liaisons of larger conventions, for example. Or those in the fandom who work as journalists.
  4. Don't talk about issues you aren't involved with.
  5. And for heaven's sake, don't make a drama out of every provocation. The press will blow it up to the proportions of a scandal when they find out about it.

I'm not linking the article triggering this notice, and may I ask you to not link it as well, because lots of links are exactly what the publisher wants.
Categories: News

Stress Relieving Ref Sheet of my Fursona

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Dec 2011 - 03:20
Categories: News

The Werewolves are Coming — Next Year!

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 12 Dec 2011 - 02:54

The 2012 Werewolf Calendar is available for order now, with delivery available before Christmas. This year’s roster of 13 artists includes Balaa, Blotch, BlackPassion777, Goldenwolf, Kyoht, Wolf-Nymph, Khaosdog, Johis, Myenia, Thornwolf, Synnabar, Vantid, and Kyndir. “The werewolf is often seen as a dangerous man beast, a man corrupted by the temptation of his primitive unsecured urges, let loose to prey on his fellow man. This is the werewolf that undoubtedly dominated today’s popular media and while we here at the Werewolf Calendar embrace this vision with an open eager heart, this is not the Werewolf we wish to bring to you our audience. We wish to bring to you instead the inner animal, an animal that is not unlike the human, harboring the same emotions and sensibility that man has coveted as being alone in having for millenia on end. Here is the werewolf that is regal, or that is bedraggled from his trials of survival, or adorned in ceremonial garb to celebrate his being, or that is wandering alone in search of something, or surrounded by loving packmates, or is engaged in a teeth gnashing territorial dispute, or at last howling fiercely at the moon beneath which both man and wolf were born together.” Visit the Werewolf Calendar web site to find out more about the calendar project, preview the artwork, and order your copy.

image c. 2011 by Goldenwolf (from a previous calendar, not 2012)

Categories: News

Finals Week, stress relief sketch

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Dec 2011 - 00:19
Categories: News

A Sketchdump That Happens To Contain Furries

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Dec 2011 - 23:00
Categories: News

What's your opinion on collars?

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Dec 2011 - 21:56

My sister is moving to an apartment from a house, and she can't take a lot of stuff with her, so today I raided her house. One of the things that I got from her was a collar. This made me really excited, because lately I've been wanting one. Unfortunately, I'm kind of nervous about wearing it in public, and I was wondering, what do the rest of you think about wearing collars in public?

submitted by Life_Wolf
[link] [72 comments]
Categories: News

Adding another designer for DFB

DailyFurBlog - Sun 11 Dec 2011 - 18:53

I am pleased to announce I found someone that makes some amazing suits and is friends with Rarakie (meaning the suit making is goooodd). The talented SparkyCom has some amazing things she does head over and look. She is also currently opened for commissions.

Categories: News

Sweet Skyrim Pic

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Dec 2011 - 12:18
Categories: News

Datasstrophe by [unknownartist]

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 Dec 2011 - 00:15
Categories: News

FC-63 Time Traveling Hipsters - Basically, if you ever see a hipster... just punch them in the face.

FurCast - Sat 10 Dec 2011 - 23:59

Basically, if you ever see a hipster… just punch them in the face.

Download MP3

News: E-mails:
  • Big Red Husky – “Strange Tail”
  • Crimson X – “Apology”
  • Du Hast Mich – “EP52 + explanation of babyfurs”
  • Furry Raver – “Online Profiles: (fandom-related?) workshop”
  • Zumoro – “No questions, just some ego stroking.”
  • Viktor the Fox – “Animal testing”
  • Devin D. Parlett – “2012 Primaries”
  • Straight Fox – “Greetings!”
Notes: FC-63 Time Traveling Hipsters - Basically, if you ever see a hipster... just punch them in the face.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-63 Time Traveling Hipsters - Basically, if you ever see a hipster... just punch them in the face.

FurCast - Sat 10 Dec 2011 - 23:59

Basically, if you ever see a hipster… just punch them in the face.

Download MP3

News: E-mails:
  • Big Red Husky – “Strange Tail”
  • Crimson X – “Apology”
  • Du Hast Mich – “EP52 + explanation of babyfurs”
  • Furry Raver – “Online Profiles: (fandom-related?) workshop”
  • Zumoro – “No questions, just some ego stroking.”
  • Viktor the Fox – “Animal testing”
  • Devin D. Parlett – “2012 Primaries”
  • Straight Fox – “Greetings!”
Notes: FC-63 Time Traveling Hipsters - Basically, if you ever see a hipster... just punch them in the face.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-63 Time Traveling Hipsters - Basically, if you ever see a hipster... just punch them in the face.

FurCast - Sat 10 Dec 2011 - 23:59

Basically, if you ever see a hipster… just punch them in the face.

.postlink:link { color: #ff9900; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .postlink:visited { color: #BB5500; } .postlink:hover { color: #ffBB00; } .postlink:active { color: #ffffff; }

Download MP3 (Right-click, Save)




  • Big Red Husky – “Strange Tail”
  • Crimson X – “Apology”
  • Du Hast Mich – “EP52 + explanation of babyfurs”
  • Furry Raver – “Online Profiles: (fandom-related?) workshop”
  • Zumoro – “No questions, just some ego stroking.”
  • Viktor the Fox – “Animal testing”
  • Devin D. Parlett – “2012 Primaries”
  • Straight Fox – “Greetings!”




FC-63 Time Traveling Hipsters - Basically, if you ever see a hipster... just punch them in the face.
Categories: Podcasts

Does enjoying anthropomorphic porn make one a furry?

Furry Reddit - Sat 10 Dec 2011 - 20:34

So I'm just a guy that enjoys furry porn in general, but that's as far as it goes and I take distance from people who wears fursuits and stuff like that. Do I still classify as a furry?

submitted by Annoyed_Cat
[link] [24 comments]
Categories: News