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skyrim mod

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Feb 2012 - 07:13

I'm looking for some people to help me with a big mod. I am recreating the world of redwall and i can't do it alone. If anyone is interested or have any questions please let me know. I want to start with the abbey and work my way outwards.

update 1: got an artist working on the tapestry for the game

submitted by haladur
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Categories: News

JAW continuing to try to publish Stranger’s Wrath on XBLA

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 22:33


Just Add Water is having a tough go at trying to get Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath onto the Xbox Live Marketplace. The studio has been pushing for the game to be published by Microsoft or self-published, but that route seems to have stymied:

“We’ve basically run everything dry in terms of going some kind of first-party route with Microsoft, be it them publishing it or be it us publishing it ourselves, so we’re now having to go down the third-party route...We’re speaking to two or three different publishers at the moment about taking it on for us. I think we’ll probably have some news on that by Easter, I hope.”

JAW's problems with getting the game onto XBLM come from the inability to get the game below the 2 GB limit. The PSN version of the game has been out since December.


Categories: News

Drew this, would like criticisms

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 20:51
Categories: News

I finally bit the bullet, and got myself on FurAffinity :P

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 19:32


This is probably not such a big deal to the vast majority of you but after hanging out along the peripheral for so long I think it's worth making a little about noise :)

Anyway, give me a shout, let me know who you are and maybe I'll start to get to know the community a little better over the coming days. I'm pretty busy with real life at the moment but once I'm a bit more settled into my account I'll be openeing up a small handful of free commission slots to get the ball rolling there. Keep an eye open for journal and note updates if you think you'll be interested! I'll also be opening up a few low prices slots in the hope that some folks will still be interested even after the free slots are taken.

Hello all!

submitted by Art-Stew-Frou-Frou
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Categories: News

Request for more fuzzy Steam pals

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 18:21

Let's get another one of these things going and fill up our friend lists with more awesome furs!

submitted by akalic
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Categories: News

No ConFuzzled for me...

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 16:19

Hey guys, so I was planning on going to ConFuzzled 2012 in May, it was going to be my first ever con, and I even saved up loads of money for my first fursuit too. The good new, my fursuit should be arriving before April....the bad news is me and my partner can't afford the tickets now. Well what I was wondering is, could anyone who is going there make as many videos as they can and post them on youtube or something so I can see how it went? I know it won't be anything like actually being there, but we got so excited I have to at least see as much as I can.

submitted by Konor
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Categories: News

TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 26 - It Was Acceptable In The 80's

TigerTails Radio - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 16:00
Floating Lime joins us again for another fun packed couple of hours. In this week's show, the cast rattle far too quickly through their normal segments, ending up with a spare few minutes to relive their 80's and 90's cartoon favourites. Many of them. For Done and Dusted TK gives us his thoughts on the film Vuk / The Little Fox. Xavier talks about Mass Effect 3's demo, released on Valentine's Day. Eeve3 talks about the book Inheritance by Christopher Paolini. Starring TK, Xavier, Eeve3 and Floating Lime. TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 26 - It Was Acceptable In The 80's
Categories: Podcasts

Born Again

[adjective][species] - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 14:00

George W. Bush is probably the world’s most famous born again Christian. At age 40, he was a borderline-alcoholic, a failed businessman, and the son of a successful politician. He credits a conversation with the Reverend Billy Graham in the mid-1980s, a high-profile preacher and Bush family friend, with turning him around.

Whatever you think of Bush as a politician, and whether you believe his story about rediscovering religion (plenty of people feel it’s a convenient fiction), it’s a compelling narrative: “ne’er-do-well boozehound finds God; becomes president”.

Bush’s story is unique but the sentiment is common amongst born-again Christians. Born-again Christians like Bush credit their faith for showing them the path to becoming a fully realized person. It is a revelatory experience to discover, or rediscover, your direction in life. The strength of that experience is such that born-again Christians are notoriously evangelical about their faith.

Which brings me to the furry community.

Many furries don’t discover the furry community until they are already an adult. The experience of learning about your personal identity, combined with the fellowship of the community, is often intense and profound. It’s common for such furries to go through changes that might qualify as being born again: they reconsider their lives and find a new, more honest direction. A born-again furry immediately gains an important social group; commonly re-evaluates their sexual preference; and sometimes changes career, relationship status or living situation.

Finding furry later in life can be revelatory. Just like born-again Christians, the experience is so strong that born-again furries can be evangelical about the community. (Some of them go so far as to write articles for websites dedicated to meta-analysis of the community itself.)

To those people who discovered furry as they were maturing, for whom furry has always been a part of their adult lives, the evangelical attitude of born-again furries can be a bit ponderous or cloying. After all, the furry community is flawed: the drama, the toxic personalities, the popularity contests, and the cliques are all reminiscent of the worst aspects of tribal juvenile behaviour, otherwise known as high school. How could a self-destructive and childish community be so great and life-changing?

To which the born-again furry might answer: try being a latent furry who doesn’t connect with their natural social groups. Or perhaps: if you think furry is childish and self-destructive, you should see what the rest of the world is up to.

The evil funhouse mirror version of the born-again furry is the anti-furry. An anti-furry (for the purposes of this article) is someone who thinks the furry community is a bad thing. In my experience anti-furries usually fit into one of two categories:

  1. The burned fur: a fur who has been hurt by or become disgusted with the furry community. They usually cite the endless whirlpools of drama, or the community’s tolerance of unsocial or oversexed behaviour. These furries often ragequit by airing their grievances in some public forum, quietly lurk online for a while, and eventually return – albeit harbouring ill will towards the community in general.
  2. The troll: someone who rails about the horror of the furry community. Something Awful was a notorious hotspot for this sort of behaviour some years ago. I’m happy to say I have personally seen less trolls in recent times. The trolls who are obsessed with the furry community are often (surprise surprise) latent furries who haven’t managed to admit it to themselves.

The anti-furries are similar to the born-again furries because they have equivalent confidence in their opposing convictions. They are also similar in that those strong opinions are rooted in personal experience: the revelation of the furry community at a late age; the feeling of being let down by the community; the pain of being a closet case.

Regardless of your own opinion, born-again furries and anti-furries alike have interesting and valid personal stories to tell. They are all worth your time and your fellowship.

There is a rough truism here – a closely-held extreme belief often belies a transformative personal experience – that can apply in any case where a strong opinion is expressed. It holds for born-again Christians and, to refer back to my recent post, it holds for controversial topics like zoophilia.

My article from two weeks ago makes a defence for ethical zoophiles, practising or otherwise. It’s a topic that is rarely discussed in any sort of intelligent fashion. In my experience, most conversations devolve into flame wars between two people who hold extreme positions on either side. But there are strong reasons to defend and appreciate the people holding both the extreme pro-zoo and the extreme anti-zoo opinions.

A few weeks ago, there was a zoophilia thread over on Flayrah. The subject is a furry who has been prosecuted for bestiality. The subsequent comment thread is difficult to read without becoming enraged for the un-nuanced opinions asserted from all sides – see below for a relatively mild example.

Comments from Flayrah

But let’s consider a closely-held extreme belief often belies a transformative personal experience. This puts a different perspective on our flamers. I have already made my defence of the zoos, so let’s look at the anti-zoos. Here are a couple of plausible scenarios:

  • The topic of zoophilia is important to our anti-zoo because she is a zoophile and is rejecting it in her own head. Participating in zoo-related discussions helps reinforce her belief that zoophilia is wrong. It also helps her believe that she will be able to escape her own sexuality. And perhaps, subconsciously, it’s also a little titillating.
  • The topic of zoophilia is important to our anti-zoo because he experimented at a young age with the family pet. What if our anti-zoo was discovered by a family member mid-act? (We all vividly recall our own shameful experiences and we know how powerful they can be.)

In either case, our angry furries are a lot more complex and interesting than their comments suggest.

Some of the most interesting furries I’ve met were angry. The topics that triggers their anger are all different, but they all share the same destructive consequences: anger is exhausting and, in the long run, unhealthy.

The furry community is a positive one for people exploring their own mind and their own personality. This holds true for the angry furries as well. Most of the angry furries I’ve met have changed or moderated their position over time – the community has helped them accept their sexuality, or their past, or their familial relationships, or whatever it may have been. Everyone has a unique story.

It’s easy to get fired up when someone disagrees with you. I’d suggest that we should be tolerant towards all parties – even the trolls, even the born-again Christians. They might surprise you with their intelligence and ideas. (Your milage may vary if you befriend George W. Bush.)

Warwick x Twitch (LoL)

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 09:24
Categories: News

Brave Pets vs. the Undead

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 02:46

Who says there aren’t any original ideas anymore? Even if they involve combining other ideas, still: “In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, a small band of animals, led by a hyper-intelligent Golden Retriever named Rex, and accompanied by a baseball bat-wielding gorilla, begin their cross-country journey in the hope of finding safety…and a home.” It’s Rex: Zombie Killer, a brand new double-thick one-shot comic book that’s coming soon from Big Dog Ink. Written by Rob Anderson and illustrated in full color by Dafu Yu, it’s scheduled for release (escape?) in early April. Check out the Rex: Zombie Killer web site to meet all the characters and find out more about the comic.

image c. 2012 Big Dog Ink

Categories: News

I'm thinking of a number...

Furry Reddit - Mon 20 Feb 2012 - 00:10

...between 9 and 251. Closest guess gets a free sketch to be completed tonight. Because I'm bored and laid up recovering from surgery, and the creative mojo needs a kickstart. :3

edit: it's 11pm mountain time, I'll announce the winner in ~30 minutes or so.


edit2: Alright, that's it! Tallying, BRB!

And we have a winner! The number spat out was 119, which makes Neko the winner of tonight's round. Thanks for playing! I'll probably do this again soon. Neko you can't win next round, no offense. :D Send me a reference or three and I'll get started.

submitted by pandagron
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Categories: News

So tell me a little about cons

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 20:58

I've never been to a furry con. I've been to anime cons and horror cons, but never furry. My boyfriend and I would probably go together, but he does not identify as furry in any way. Would there be anything there to interest him? What sorts of panels/events could I expect?

Would probably go to Anthrocon since it's closest...

Thanks for any input!

Edit: Also if there are any other (maybe smaller?) conventions in/around Maryland that you would recommend.

submitted by Freyja713
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Categories: News

Yo dawgs I heard u like furries.

Furry Reddit - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 20:17
Categories: News

Auction you can’t miss!

DailyFurBlog - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 18:08

Rarakie (owner of FurGen Studios) is auctioning off a amazing fursuit (seen above) which is deemed “Khyber” . The suit will be made to fit the winner however, certain parts can not be modded which means head over HERE and take a look at her post. Bidding starts at $400 and is held in the comment section on FA.


Categories: News

Doggy sees sex!

DailyFurBlog - Sun 19 Feb 2012 - 17:01

So I guess in the UK they worry about the content of ads for media a lot more now? I came across this blog and video for “Sims 3: Pets” which happens to show a dog in the room while a male and female sim were about to go it on in bed. APPARENTLY this short little scene was raising a big fuss, but doesn’t this come from the same country that allows some of the craziest commercials allowed? I mean if you don’t believe me look at this video for travelocity , so why the bad hype? I’m a husky … maybe it’s a feline thing?

Categories: News