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(First) sketch of fursona- am I doing it right?
Saw this on Suel's FA, thought it was funny :3
Shake your tail with Dog the Wag
Recently, at the Independent Games Summit in San Francisco, Die Gute Fabrik's Douglas Wilson showed off what he dubbed a "deliberately stupid" game, which demonstrated how the PS Move technology could be used in a more canine way.
Dog the Wag, which is gracefully demoed in the video below, requires plays to attach the Move controller to a string, which is tied to their rumps. Players then get down doggie-style and begin to wag their 'tails' as furiously as possible to earn points. Making the game even more murry, I mean merry, sometimes the Moves' orbs will flash, signaling that a player is vulnerable to attack. The other players can then try to pounce the player and press a button on their blinking controller, causing the pounced player to lose points.
Yep. Real demo. Real game.
Source | Photo courtesy The Center for Neuroscience/University of Trieste
New Subreddit Created - /r/MyFurArt !
You may have noticed that a lot of people have been posting their art or art of their fursonas. There's enough of a supply and demand for this kind of content that it deserves its own subreddit: /r/MyFurArt It'd be cool if you guys posted that kind of art there instead of on /r/furry. It's pretty empty at the moment, so it's up to you guys to make something of it. Thanks!
submitted by bixsciurus[link] [10 comments]
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Episode 167 - Live At Furry Fiesta
Lucid Dreaming + Furries = ...
So, I just had this crazy idea. If you dont know what Lucid Dreaming is, Here's the concept in a nutshell; You are aware that you are dreaming and you can do anything you want in the dream. So, the Idea was, Why dont we use LDing to become our Fursonas in our dreams? It seems like an amazing Idea that could make you feel more at home with your Fursona! If you think this could be cool, leave a comment, or try it for yourself. (I'm trying to learn how to do it at the moment!)
submitted by ryartran[link] [47 comments]
Iain the bikefox! (Fursona picture by Acisej)
This happened last April. Still have the painting on my wall. I doubt I'll ever take it down.
010 - Shephard/Normandy slash fic - Xander & Alkali discuss HBO Real Sex, Mass Effect 3, Jesus's cleric level, and other random nonse...
Poker paws…poker paws
So look at this bad ASS shit if you like poker or just awesome poker chips! FWA is having their charity poker this FWA and giving out these amazing chips, if you’re not going sadly they will not give this out outside FWA so GO NOW!