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Question for Con-Goers: Should I miss the first day of my first con for a concert?
Okay, basically, I was planning to go to FAU 5 this year as my first con. Then I found out August 17th my favorite band is playing in my area one night only. So my question to you is, should I miss only the first day of the con, skip it altogether, or skip the concert? The band is Linkin Park btw.
submitted by Harke[link] [10 comments]
TigerTails Radio - Season 6 - Episode 34 - A Wild DeeJay Returns
Furry, Funny, and Nerdy prints by Rubbishmonkey
Where is the furry community nowadays?
I logged back into my Livejournal after not using it for the better part of a year...only to discover that many of the furry communities I used to be apart of there that were once very active...aren't. I had a lot of furry friends there, and it seems like most have up and disappeared.
So, speaking as someone who wants to potentially reconnect with this scary, interesting, freaky, and sometimes disturbing fandom...where is the community at nowadays?
submitted by bloodfyr[link] [40 comments]
The Lady and the Wolf
Kyell Gold is a well-known author of anthropomorphic fiction. How well known? He currently holds the record for the most Ursa Major Award wins by an individual — for novels, short stories, and story collections combined. Usually his work is known for two things: Eroticism, and a male-to-male emphasis. However, his latest novel is considerably more straight — straight romance, and straight horror. The Silver Circle tells the story of a woman named Valerie, who heads off into the woods on vacation after a messy divorce. She’s determined to try and relax, in spite of the warnings of deadly wolves infesting the forest. Then, she comes across a mutilated dead man, a young man with an arrow in his side… and a hunter who insists that the wounded young man is a werewolf. From there, things get complicated. The Silver Circle is being released as a Kindle e-book from Amazon Digital Services this month.

image c. 2012 by Kamui
Trying to do more commissions...as i need money (and an excuse to show more art XP )
I recently found out i maaaayyy not be in school next year...cause of...stuff so umm I need to have a little cash. And i'd like to go to Anthrocon and have no money for that...so i am opening um commisions. X3 Hope ya guys like my stuff and think its worth buying Contact me if you are interested to work out the paypal payment stuff $15
$20 (not necessarily furry art here but colored pic with background)
if you have any other questions about stuff im willing to do or would want me to do just ask X3 I love talkin to people Well thanks and PeAcE
submitted by Greynois[link] [comment]
Time lapse of the local furry party art board
Hi guys, I need some help with an age-old question... (First Post to r/Furry)
I've had a hard time with finding a fursona right for me since I got into the fandom years ago. I sat down and did a lot of thinking, and now I need some help from others. I can't see what I'm like from the outside, so I wanted to ask for some help in developing a version of myself I won't hate. Here's a link to a journal of a description for my fursona, feel free to comment there or here, I'll respond to both: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3368179/
I'm stumped as to which species to choose... Lately I've been thinking about resigning and choosing a dragon. Or a puma. I want something simple, yet something I can use and not hate after a week.
EDIT: It's a Puma. Have yet to choose a name, but I'm finally happy with it. :)
submitted by Spiderweave[link] [8 comments]