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Trailer: Rampage

Furry.Today - Thu 16 Nov 2017 - 19:55

Looks like it's kaiju week! So we have a film adaptation of Rampage .... I was hoping for more an Rampage Oculus rift smash buildings game but I'll take a film version of the game.
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Trailer: Russian Subway Dogs

Furry.Today - Thu 16 Nov 2017 - 16:29

BARK! BARK! "Welcome, comrades! Meet Russian Subway Dogs, a fast-paced action-arcade game inspired by the real-life stray dogs of the Moscow Metro. We have done extensive, totally legal research in order to fine tune this chaotic simulation for what it's like to scavenge for food from Russian commuters. Surviving isn't easy when you are dodging volatile vodka, rival dogs, and the rare and dangerous Subway Bear! Coming to PS4 and PSVITA in 2018!"
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Planet of the Apes: Tales From the Forbidden Zone, Edited by Rich Handley and Jim Beard – Book Review by Fred Patten

Dogpatch Press - Thu 16 Nov 2017 - 10:00

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

Planet of the Apes: Tales From the Forbidden Zone, edited by Rich Handley and Jim Beard.
London, Titan Books, January 2017, paperback, $14.95 (421 pages), Kindle $9.99.

“The 1968 Planet of the Apes film has inspired generations of authors. Now a who’s who of modern writers produces sixteen all-new tales, exclusive to this volume, set in the world of the original films and television series.” (blurb)

Plus an Introduction by co-editor Rich Handley and an Afterword by co-editor Jim Beard. Handley explains that, while there have been Planet of the Apes movies, TV series, script novelizations, original novels, comic books, and so on, there have not been any Apes short stories before. Hence this book.

Seventeen authors (one story is a collaboration), most of whom are veteran s-f novelists or comic-book writers who have written some form of Apes fiction before, were invited to contribute a story to this anthology. All have had the creative freedom to explore their own ideas, without any editorial attempt to make the stories consistent. Since the first five Apes films established the concept that time travel is “a highway with infinite lanes leading from the past to the future” (p. 12), all stories are equally valid.

“Unfired” by Dan Abnett is set in the nuclear wasteland in Beneath the Planet of the Apes. A group of seven mutated, telepathic humans is making a pilgrimage through the Forbidden Zone to the subterranean city:

“They spent two weeks following the track through the craterland. By night, wild dogs barked in the distance, and Taul kept his rifle close. They skirted the rims of wide craters in the heat. The sun made the air buzz and click. Chemical lakes had formed in the basins of the craters, some vivid turquoise or blood-red. The wind stank of sulfur. Occasionally, they could see shapes down in the lakes: rusted, twisted, blackened masses half submerged, buckled metal leering at the sky, vague in the mists that lay across the toxic pools.” (p. 20)

Four turn back, or die, or are killed by the Third Race (the apes), one by one. The survivors’ goal is the the city under New York; the holy city of God — the doomsday bomb.

“More Than Human, Less Than Ape” by Nancy A. Collins features Cornelius, the chimpanzee from the first movie, in a prequel adventure from his first archaeological expedition. It explains why there are chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas, but no baboons.

“Blood Brothers” by Will Murray takes place in the setting of the 1974 Planet of the Apes live-action TV series, which has several differences from the movies; the largest being that ANSA (American National Space Administration) astronauts Alan Virdon and Peter Burke find themselves in a 3085 where talking apes and talking humans coexist. Virdon, Burke, and chimpanzee Galen from the apes’ Central City are escaping from the ruthless gorilla army of Security Chief Urko, looking for a remnant of human civilization.

“They had been pushing north for days, toward the Napa Valley. Village humans had told them that the apes avoided the Napa Valley. No one knew why. But it was a good place to find respite, and a steady supply of food, if the abundant vineyards still survived after generations.” (p. 66)

Urko’s troops are about to capture them in the Valley of Grapes when they are rescued by humans dressed like stereotypical Native American warriors.

“‘I see Sioux, Hopi, Navajo, Cheyenne, Yurok, and other costumes [Burke says]. The faces that go with them seem authentic. Everybody looks like a full-blooded brave of one tribe or another.’” (p. 72)

The humans of the Tribe of the Last from the Rez are led by gorilla Chief Apex in a full war bonnet of eagle feathers. Apex has been raised by the humans and has become “‘Kind of like Tarzan of the Apes, but in reverse.’” The three are forced to join Apex’s war party, and to witness a personal battle between Apex and Urko before continuing on their journey.

“The Pacing Place” by Bob Mayer is a sequel to the first movie. Astronaut George Taylor and speechless human Nova cross the desert of the Forbidden Zone and gradually collect more wild humans. Taylor creates Fort Wayne. Three years later, Taylor’s and Nova’s son Adam is born, who can talk. Over many years, Taylor passes on civilization to Adam and his later children.

“Murderers’ Row” by John Jackson Miller is in the Escape from the Planet of the Apes setting. In that movie, chimpanzees Cornelius, Zira, and Dr. Milo time-travel into the past, to 1973, and become celebrities. The movie covers the next few months; a year or so. This story takes place seventeen years in the future, in 1990, and recounts how all human civilization – especially the Hollywood TV industry — has been changed.

“Endangered Species” by Greg Cox is set in the world of the first movie, but several generations earlier. The chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans of Ape City have only recently crossed the desolation of the Forbidden Zone and begun to spread out. Janae, a young chimpanzee, is on a scientific expedition to study a colony of feral humans, but she is constantly thwarted by Captain Atlas and his gorillas who consider humans to be only fodder for hunting parties.

“Dangerous Imaginings” by Paul Kupperberg imagines that the world is not destroyed at the end of Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Young chimp scientists Darius, Kya, and Sidd find proof of ancient man’s technology. But it goes against the Academy’s religious doctrines that man was never intelligent. They learn more about their Academy than they suspect.

“Of Monsters and Men” by Kevin J. Anderson and Sam Knight is another prequel to the first movie, but featuring Zaius in his youth rather than Cornelius. Zaius, an Academy apprentice, has been put in charge of an expedition to explore the Forbidden Zone surrounding Ape City. The expedition’s other chimp and orangutan scientists follow his orders, but arrogant gorilla Captain Caetus feels he should be the leader. What they discover threatens to destroy them all.

“The Unknown Ape” by Andrew E. C. Gaska covers the Return to the Planet of the Apes 1975 animated TV series. General Urko, who has been exiled, has his gorilla troops raise a nuclear bomb from the psionic Underdwellers’ subterranean city. It is not clear whether he intends to destroy the humans’ Hidden Valley, or Ape City in revenge – but it is really an Alpha-Omega doomsday bomb that will destroy the whole Earth. He is foiled by a human army including apes Cornelius, Dr. Zaius, Virgil, and others, led by the prophesized Unknown Ape (Caesar, son of Cornelius and Zira); but not before the unstoppable bomb has been launched. Caesar, Virgil, Krador (the Underdwellers’ leader), and the Travelers (time-traveling astronauts Alan Virdon, Jeff Allen, and Judy Franklin) argue nobly over who among them will take the Probe Nine on a suicide mission to destroy it in orbit before it returns to Earth.

“Silenced” by Jim Beard covers generations, centuries, beginning with George Taylor in the present and returning to him in the future, telling in between of he gradual devolution of humanity into the feral humans that Taylor finds in the future.

“Who is This Man? What Sort of Devil is He?” by Robert Greenberger is a second tale in the setting of the 1974 live-action TV series. It gives an unexpectedly sympathetic portrayal of the gorilla Urko as he pursues Virdon and Burke.

“Stone Monkey” by Greg Keyes does not fit into any of the movies or TV series. Sun the siamang gibbon, a wily trickster, is captured by gorilla warlord Shor Telag. He demands Sun help him to live forever, as the legendary Stone Monkey does. Sun leads Shor and his gorilla troops into the Forbidden Zone …

“Milo’s Tale” by Ty Templeton is the personal tale of Dr. Milo, the chimpanzee scientist who accompanies Cornelius and Zira, just before the three travel into the past in Escape from the Planet of the Apes.

“Message in a Bottle” by Dayton Ward returns to the 1975 TV animated series. Astronauts Virdon and Burke, and the chimpanzee Galen, fleeing gorilla security chief Urko and his troops, venture into the Paola Wasteland, rumored to hold unknown ruins. What the three find is, naturally, extraordinary and incredible, and they have to keep it from falling into Urko’s control.

“The King is Dead – Long Live the King” by Rich Handley is a sequel to Battle for the Planet of the Apes, the final feature of the original series. Twenty years after its conclusion, Caesar is the leader of the new peaceful joint society of apes and humans in Ape City. He wants to forge a peace with the mutants of the subterranean Forbidden City (the Underdwellers). The leaders from Ape City and the Forbidden City meet, but a traitor sabotages everything.

“Banana Republic” by Jonathan Maberry is about the discovery of something that proves all the apes of the future are wrong in what they believe. It is also ape politics, and the strange alliance between orangutan priest Dante and gorilla military Captain Maximus.

These sixteen tales are all by professional authors, and are all well-written. But unless you are a really big fan of the first five Planet of the Apes movies and the two 1974-1975 television series, this is probably too specialized for you. This is a good anthology to be read gradually, a story or two at a time over a couple of weeks.

Fred Patten

Like the article? It takes a lot of effort to share these. Please consider supporting Dogpatch Press on Patreon.  You can access exclusive stuff for just $1, or get Con*Tact Caffeine Soap as a reward.  They’re a popular furry business seen in dealer dens. Be an extra-perky patron – or just order direct from Con*Tact.

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Slave Trade by Comidacomida

Furry Book Review - Wed 15 Nov 2017 - 20:52
If there were one word to describe “Slave Trade” by Comidacomida, it would easily be “surprising.” This 466-page novel chronicles the story of its protagonist Sidney—introduced as a fox house slave to Lord Hector Desanti of Pross—and his rise among the ranks of both those of property and those of power.When a mysterious character known only as Fate Weaver leads Sidney to be his Lord’s errand-runner, Sidney could not imagine that this decision would save his life more than once. Following this choice, Sidney is thrust first into the role of a Slave Master, then to an overseer of a gladiator stable, later to a confused political tool, and soon to a curious title of rumor that even the King himself fears. Along the way he meets friends, enemies, and watches as some turn to the other in a world where no one is quite who they seem to be.Slave Trade’s plot is steeped in its world’s politics. Comidacomida’s world-building is fantastic, which makes the politics all the more engaging. The reader really gets a sense of Pross’s laws, the way Lords and the King interact, how slaves are valued and varied: there is a clear hierarchy that allows for real excitement when one watches Sidney surpass his limitations. The characters (with maybe one or two exceptions) are all almost wholly unique, with fleshed-out origins, personalities, opinions, and even accents and languages.On that last point is one of my few critiques: Maern—the foreigner horse that Sidney buys under Lord Hector’s request—does not speak Prossian upon his introduction. This leads to some cute and characterizing scenes, though they often felt longer than necessary and far too frequent to reiterate the point that he cannot speak with them.Beyond that one mildly-aggravating characterization, the inhabitants of Slave Trade’s pages were all very consistent in behavior, and their growth felt natural, justified, and well-paced. Hector remains hopeful to a fault; Sidney—despite his successes—remains timid and confused, though visibly evolves; Lord Talvin is cryptic and conniving, though ever-friendly (and admittedly my favorite character) throughout; Ulric starts and stays headstrong and aggressive; I could go on. Comidacomida clearly put a lot of thought into the personality of Pross’s characters, and it makes for incredibly enjoyable dialogue and organic development.Fair notice: this book is heavily erotic. Numerous male-on-male scenes pepper the storyline, and more often than not they feel like an integral part of the plot. Sidney, having once been a “pleasure slave” is well-versed in sexual capabilities and uses such knowledge to his advantage on more than one occasion. While at first, the trope of a sexualized fox character had me roll my eyes, I was impressed with Comidacomida’s utilization of Sidney’s history as a means to propel the story: his being so sexual had actual bearing on the progression of the events, and I was glad that after most scenes of promiscuity there was an accomplishment in it having been so. My one concern regarding the novel’s sexual content its frivolous use of rape: while framed in the world of Pross as a commonality of slave life (in the form of sold breeding or punishment), far too often afterwards it is inconsequential and felt as though such scenes could have been omitted at no cost to the story.For furries—particularly ones interested in politically-influenced narratives, and especially those that enjoy gay erotica—this book will not disappoint. Every few chapters grace the reader with gorgeous full-page illustrations, only adding to the novel’s immersion. Its characters are varied, its plot is exciting, its mysteries are engaging—all of which culminate in the last 150 pages as such a roller coaster of betrayal, magic, action, life and death, and more betrayal that I could not set the book down. Exclusively hardback with stunning full-cover, full-color cover design, “Slave Trade” would make a fine addition to anyone’s bookshelf.
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Tower and the Fox by Tim Susman

Furry Book Review - Wed 15 Nov 2017 - 20:33
Imagine a world where the American Revolution failed. Now, can you also imagine that in this world the British Empire employed sorcerers, and that these sorcerers created races of human-animal hybrids known as “Calatians?" You now have the basic premise of Tim Susman’s novel The Tower and the Fox.The book opens with an excerpt written by this universe’s version of John Adams concerning the Empire’s poor treatment of its Calatian “children,” and then we the readers are shown an example of such treatment as our protagonist attempts to enter a college of sorcerers. Kip Penfold, a fox Calatian, displays a strong talent for magic, but his kind are generally not allowed to learn sorcery. However, when the Prince George College of Sorcery suffers an attack that wipes out the entire apprentice population, Kip receives the opportunity to enroll alongside a dozen other new students. He quickly bonds with a group of other “unusual” students including his old friend Coppy, an otter, Emily, the first woman to attend the college, and Malcolm, who’s Irish. Together, they attempt to study magic and prove themselves worthy apprentices despite strict (at best) teachers, a host of magical accidents, and Farley, a bigoted student whose bullying often turns deadly.Those familiar with Tim Susman’s work under the name Kyell Gold and who may be expecting another novel along those lines may be disappointed. I am sorry to say that The Tower and the Fox is utterly lacking in a romantic subplot.Susman is an experienced author, and it shows in his characters. While they might appear two- or even one-dimensional at first, as you get to know them further, they reveal hidden depths. For instance, one character at first seems to be just a rich kid with no talent for magic, but it later turns out that he has some rather plot-significant influence “behind the scenes” as it were. However, some might think that he exaggerates the racism and sexism of the period to drive the story forward. I’m unsure if arranged marriages were prevalent in the real Colonial-era America, but, in this version, they do seem common among both Calatians (as they must marry within their species, and their populations are sparse) and middle-class humans. Still, the action is paced so that you’ll have trouble setting the book down for fear of missing what happens next.
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Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters

Furry.Today - Wed 15 Nov 2017 - 19:26

Attention Kaiju fans, Looks like Toho has a new Godzilla anime coming out this Friday!
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FA 093 Family Relationships - Is weed bad for sex? Are families only good with weed? All this, and more, on this week's Feral Attraction!

Feral Attraction - Wed 15 Nov 2017 - 19:00

Hello Everyone!

We open this week's show with a discussion on marijuana and sex drive. Conventional wisdom says that the more you smoke pot the less likely you are to be active at anything, sex included. However, recent studies show that daily users of pot tend to have more sex than average. We discuss why this might be and why more research is needed.

Our main topic is on family. During the holiday season a lot of us will be returning home to visit family, friends, and other people we grew up with. As young adults (or burgeoning adults) we have to begin to transition our mindset from that of a child to that of an independent adult. How can we accomplish this in a way that is ethical and empathetic. 

You also might be in the position of being a teenager living at home. How can you work with your parents to find a way to meet your wants while also meeting their needs? 

We close out the show with some feedback on reduced cost mental health services and a question on how to handle an abusive parent when you are a younger teen. 

For more information, including a list of topics, see our Show Notes for this episode.

Thanks and, as always, be well!

FA 093 Family Relationships - Is weed bad for sex? Are families only good with weed? All this, and more, on this week's Feral Attraction!
Categories: Podcasts

How furry conventions fail (or please) their vendors – Critical discussion.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 15 Nov 2017 - 10:43

Crazdude looks like one of those multi-talented artists that are one of the secret weapons of furry subculture – bright and devoted people with a buffet of skills like making art, writing, or performing all at once.  For the blog she started in 2016, I got a professional impression from a first glance. (I look out for blogs that seem to vibe with Dogpatch, so I liked finding this.)

The Crazblog bears out a good impression by sharing her selection as Guest of Honor at Fur-Xoticon. It lets you in on a personal detail:“As just a first-year newbie to the Artist Alley and Dealer’s Den experience at furry conventions, this came as quite an exciting surprise!”  Highlighting the newbie disclosure and small/local con size isn’t too critical, if you take it for granted that Furry is full of DIY power – it’s just good to keep in mind while reading the below post with an open mind. It mentions 3 years of experience at other cons.

Here is my breakdown of some of the aspects of vending at a furry con AA/DD that do more harm than good (+ possible solutions!) PLUS a bonus section of things that make vendors & artists happy! ????

It's a slog of a read so bring coffee. Feel free to RT!

— draw softly and carry a big blog (@Crazdude) November 13, 2017

Crazdude’s post – “Top 5 ways conventions let their vendors down (+ Cons doing things that artists love!)” – led me to a point/counterpoint peer discussion that I wanted to share in response. I considered breaking down salient points for a formal article, but I liked the natural flow of a casual chat here. The chat is between me (plus a few stray watcher comments) and ScalieStaffer (name redacted to keep opinions apart from their position). They’re a fur with 8 years of con staffing experience in multiple departments, with roles both minor and major.

This is unfiltered chat (lazy spelling and all), so please be tolerant about critical opinion, which would be expressed with diplomatic respect if written up formally. Hopefully Craz finds her writing dignified by all the attention here.


Man, I support artists and vendors, but I REALLY hate this post.


What do you hate about it? Are you reading stuff between the lines from experience I don’t have? I was a dealer just a couple of times, was too much effort for money i could have made in a much shorter time staying home and I’d rather enjoy the con.

Lay some knowledge on me ????


So the whole article is skewed towards the view that the dealers and artist alley are the centerpiece of a convention.

They are absolutely not.

Conventions cannot cater the entire convention experience around their vendors/artists

in fact, the cost of having the space for vendors is usually so high, that conventions see it as offering dealers space as a convenience towards attendees, not towards the dealers.

Like, just one fuckup in the cost of the dealers den spaces at most big cons could bankrupt them.

ESPECIALLY AC, that convention center is EXPENSIVE.

Randomfur Reader:

It certainly is.

Anthrocon 2006 Dealer’s Den. Photo by GreenReaper.


Also if conventions were to actually charge table costs to fully cover the space rented with all the other costs involved… no furry would buy a table.

They usually offer space at a loss that will be partially covered by table costs and partially by registrations.

Randomfur Reader:

When I’m elected I promise to introduce the Fursonas for Americans Act, with fully subsidizes furry cons and provides tax incentives to fursuit makers


haha, i mean its a niche industry in the country now. there is over $1 million worth of fursuits in the world now.

Randomfur Reader:

Provision everyone a Social Security Fursona

Managed by Equifur


Haha, not just $1 million of fursuits in the US, over $3 million at AC alone, and that was when i did math on attendance and ballpark prices a few years ago

And yeah fantastic comment about cons subsidizing dealers

So the “dealers are supersponsors” approach deserves a definite counterpoint

However, from the standpoint of “well managed con is good for everyone” I found the article to be really valuable

Particularly stuff like the letter from someone talking about the awful experience of a musician who was stoked to put on a great show, and got burned by the con’s awfulness


Thing is they are implying that not getting the things they want means a con is poorly managed, when that is hardly the case


I dunno, it seems to make a lot of logistical sense to combine dealer applications and hotel room access. It sounds majorly counterproductive to the whole cons purpose to get an expensive dealer room but have roadblocks to access. Like, dealers who wheel stuff back and forth really need close access, their working hours are important too

So opening limited room booking for dealers then doing “release the hounds” sounds spot on to me.  (Nobody who wants a shortcut is going to be a dealer just to get a room.)


The thing is, there is no shortage of dealers. If those were true roadblocks, cons wouldnt have long waitlists for dealer dropouts

Like I said to a friend, if someone didnt like a con’s dealer policies for whatever reason, they are free to not deal at that con, and there will be someone out of the many waitlisted people jumping at the chance.


Yeah, there is no shortage, but that’s quantity instead of quality. Theres something to be said for partially making “community access” but also a lot going for curation. If a mainstay-of-cons, full-time-pro type dealer cant get in, thats pretty counterproductive to what the entire fandom is about (building things from personal commitment)


The thing is, thats not been a problem so far, there are plenty of ways for dealers to get in the “main hotel” of an event. Most connected dealers have many MANY friends and can find roomspace, not only that there are sites like ConRoomies as well that cater to hooking up people with rooms to those without.


Cons do charity and are functionally not-for-profit but are still businesses, its simply poor and inefficient business to have a clusterfuck about room booking out of sync with dealer access.


If you take part of the room block and reserve it for vendors when there are so many now, on top of the ones being held for staff, there will be very little left over for attendees.

Not to mention the very specific problem to our little group, fursuiters.

So I do agree that rooms should be booked before dealer openings, but they shouldnt have their own block, which is what is suggested.


And oh man, that is absolutely what i mean. Having full time pro dealers have to scrape crumbs by looking on ConRoomies? Many of them need a close, fully private room for a very good reason

I also really doubt that the proportion of dealers vs general attendees poses a threat like that about taking all the rooms

Correct me if theres math about number of rooms vs number of dealers


But Like I said, a convention is under no obligation to even provide space to those full time pro dealers, there are SO MANY people that want in now that literally anyone who can pay the table fee can get in.


Of course there’s no obligation, but that doesnt excuse poor logistics… having a better experience for dealers is good for the whole con. People don’t go to buy from “just any” dealers (if the shoe fits, wear it style)


Yes but I think that the grand majority of con goers arent going to change their convention attendance if a dealer they want to see isnt there.


Take a dealer like Lagarto Leather, he seems ubiquitous all over, with a popular product, and i dont know anyone else doing it on his level. Leathercraft takes investment into materials apart from just offering art commissions. What you’re proposing puts any random artist in his place if his application is a gamble influenced by whether room access sucks. I’ve also heard serious complaints from 1980’s “fandom founders” about being left in the dust of others with what they feel is no justification or explanation, making them upset about how the fandom is being diluted with people who dont care about it. Not saying it’s 100% right but its a perspective worth hearing

So no, people may not make decision for attending based on what dealer is there, but quality gets noticed and so does poor selection


Its a perspective worth hearing sure, but also a convention has to tailor to its attendees as well, and as the majority of major cons skew towards the 18-24 set as their highest demo, having a dealers space that has alot of Jim Groats and such would not work at all.


And people who dont travel and love their home cons may really want to see a guy like Lagarto coming to them even if he goes to many

There’s Jim Groats, but hearing the complaint from a Lagarto would get my attention, and I think the article does a good job of spelling it out persuasively. Even with the counter point about subsidized costs taken for granted.


And I get that, but like I said, there are plenty of people who dont go to the con with the dealer space as their focus. My main complaint is that certain artists like this one think they are the lifeblood of the convention being able to operate, when that is absolutely not true.


I thought the article seemed pretty clear about its bias, not like trying to trick anyone into ignoring others interest. I’m a small business guy and do some tight organized events and love hearing about logistics, and would recommend this article for event organizing, although i havent done any on con scale.

I’m interested in resharing this as critical comment, especially about the subsidizing. Interested in picking anything else apart in it?


I mean I could pick the whole thing apart but I just dont have the time. In all honesty, this would make a great podcast or something. many of these points are easier to make with voice


Yup agree.

There you go. Anyone with a podcast could run with that, and for anyone else (especially those who pay a lot of attention to how dealer rooms are run), please leave comments down below! — More feedback of interest:

Juried DD is hard to pull off well. It leads to form letters telling long-time pro artists to "improve your art and try again next year!" Or "you got 0 points." Requires really clueful staff or it generates even more bad feeling than the drag races.

— Jarlidium Press (@jarlidium) November 14, 2017

I like juried DD so there ideally isn’t too much repeat/overlap of a particular thing or art style! I remember one year at Bronycon, I was bored as a shopper because it was licensed merch, custom plushes, and the 2D artists. Not enough variety of products had me spending zilch.

— Irime (@IrimeZane) November 14, 2017

Pulling stock for Anthro NW next weekend. Nice thing about hometown con: I can pack for one day's sales & bring in more as actually needed.

— Jarlidium Press (@jarlidium) November 4, 2017

We had a good time in the @anthronw dealer's room. Faustorian did a great job running it, he was visible, available, and responsive! And thanks to everyone who stopped by our table!

— Jarlidium Press (@jarlidium) November 14, 2017

Like the article? It takes a lot of effort to share these. Please consider supporting Dogpatch Press on Patreon.  You can access exclusive stuff for just $1, or get Con*Tact Caffeine Soap as a reward.  They’re a popular furry business seen in dealer dens. Be an extra-perky patron – or just order direct from Con*Tact.

Categories: News

Florida furry dead, police hunt serial killer.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 15 Nov 2017 - 10:06

Anthony, AKA James Firefox, was age 20. As a furry fan, he shared fandom creativity through music.  As a person, media reports say he was autistic, but reaching for independence. Public buses in his neighborhood in Tampa, Florida took him to his job where he was packaging hurricane relief supplies.  A light glance at his online profiles shows that he expressed frustration about social difficulties, but seemed to find a lot of happiness with music, cartoons and furry art.  Sometimes it was edgy but other parts showed self awareness like criticizing memes about the las vegas shooting out of sensitivity for others.

On October 19, he got on an unfamiliar bus line when his usual one was shut down. He ended up in the proverbial wrong place at the wrong time and became an unlucky statistic. He was the third victim of a series of shootings in Tampa’s Seminole Heights neighborhood that appear to be done by a serial killer.

Ever since that time, his family has been actively speaking out for justice.  His father said he had been assaulted and robbed earlier in 2017 in a different neighborhood and that his son’s special needs made him an easy target. Media says his father and stepmother have “remained heavily involved in the community since his death” and been “walking the streets, talking to people, desperately looking for answers.”

A puzzling part of the story is lack of motive, spreading fear in the community that has affected businesses and led Tampa’s mayor to be unusually outspoken about stopping the crimes. There’s currently a $41,000 reward for helping to close the case.

On November 14th, a fourth victim was reported. This time there’s a witness description resembling an earlier person of interest seen on security video.

The serial killer who shot @divinefirefox on October 19 just killed a fourth victim.

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) November 15, 2017

Anyone who knew him is encouraged to help fill in the story.  It gives me a feeling that you may never realize what’s going on behind someone’s fursona you see online, when they’re around or after they’re not.

Categories: News

The Ape You Fear The Most

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 15 Nov 2017 - 02:59

2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the release of the original Planet of the Apes movie. (“You blew it up!”) You can bet there will be plenty of media celebrating that milestone. Possibly first out of the gate, BOOM! Studios has a new full-color series: “BOOM! Studios and Twentieth Century Consumer Products are excited to announce Planet of the Apes: Ursus, a comic book series launching in January 2018 about the classic franchise’s most notorious villain. Written by David F. Walker (Power Man & Iron Fist, War for the Planet of the Apes) and illustrated by Christopher Mooneyham (Five Ghosts) — both longtime fans of the franchise — the series will follow the rise through the ranks of the ape who has hated (and feared) mankind the most, including what first brought him to the Forbidden Zone. This is the first project from BOOM! Studios in 2018 as part of their yearlong celebration of the franchise’s 50th anniversary.” Previews has an extensive interview with Mr. Walker about bringing the series to life.

image c. 2017 BOOM! Studios


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John Lewis: Moz The Monster

Furry.Today - Wed 15 Nov 2017 - 01:52

Monsters are some of the most interesting people.
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S7 Episode 3 – The Mega Blocks of Success - Tired of working retail? Do you feel you're not content with your life? Roo and Tugs are joined in the linked studio by Haku as they discuss resumé writing, how to get professional experience, and become a more

Fur What It's Worth - Tue 14 Nov 2017 - 14:00
Tired of working retail? Do you feel you're not content with your life? Roo and Tugs are joined in the linked studio by Haku as they discuss resumé writing, how to get professional experience, and become a more successful member of the furry fandom. From how failure helps you success to how to interview and strive for your dreams, this episode has been long in the making! We also have Space News, Get Psyched, and an olde timey ad!

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Haku, our guest. Check out his DJ set at a local con!
And everyone who submitted tips and strategies to us!

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Opening Theme: Husky In Denial – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2015. ©2015 Fur What It’s Worth and Husky in Denial. Based on Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Closing Theme: Husky In Denial – Cloud Fields (Headnodic Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2015. ©2015 Fur What It’s Worth and Husky in Denial. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

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Next episode: Our next episode is about Taurs! Send your email by November 15, 2017! S7 Episode 3 – The Mega Blocks of Success - Tired of working retail? Do you feel you're not content with your life? Roo and Tugs are joined in the linked studio by Haku as they discuss resumé writing, how to get professional experience, and become a more
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Q&A with Kazul of Kazplay, first place winner for cosplay at Blizzcon.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 14 Nov 2017 - 10:01

Kazul G. Fox on Twitter – on WikifurOther social media links

Congrats on the win, Kazul! Who is Hogger, and how did the concept happen?

The Story of Hogger [Hearthstone Lore]

Hogger is an NPC from the World of Warcraft. He is the first elite mob that human characters encounter in Southern Elwynn Forest. Hogger has the reputation for being particularly dangerous and deadly because new players aren’t expecting him to be so strong. I chose this character because the unique body shape offered a good challenge, it was my goal to make this a very animated, highly mobile costume so that I could put on a good performance. I documented my process using #WantedHogger so people could catch up and see my progress quickly, anyone who stumbled upon one WIP, could quickly get caught up on the story of what was going on. I also have a few youtube videos that go into depth about the whole concept, design and build. I have plenty more footage and more parts to cover, more videos will be coming very soon.

Youtube channel: Kazplay Videos

I started building in April 2017, through some life challenges and an across the state move I was able to finish and attend Blizzcon 2017 and take first place in the costume contest.

Thank you Hogger for being a good boy ❤#WantedHogger

— Kazul Cosplay (@KazulGFox) November 5, 2017

Can you talk a little about what Blizzcon is, and was was it like to win there?

Blizzcon is my favorite convention of all time! It’s like a big family reunion of people who love Blizzard games, the passion and excitement in the air is palpable. I would say the cosplay community at Blizzcon especially feels like family. Everyone chats with each other over the year, encouraging and offering advice. The competition is top notch, everyone brings their A game, but it remains friendly. I love the cosplayers at Blizzcon, I have mad respect for them all. Winning there was incredible, it had been a goal of mine for so long and then it finally happened, I feel like I am on top of the world!

Can you talk about your ambitions with Hogger, cosplay, or anything else you do?

My goal when building Hogger was two fold: Movement and Finish. I wanted to make sure he was very flexible and mobile so that I could put on an unrestricted performance. I also wanted to have lots of sympathetic movement, things that moved without my input directly (like the flowing tail and mane, the bouncing ear) to give the illusion that he was more alive. Then on the finish, I wanted to focus on doing plenty of weathering. I wanted hogger to look like he smelt like a wet, dirty dog and I wanted all his clothes/armor to look beat up, worn and dirty to match him. Gnolls aren’t known for cleanliness.

With all my work I strive to make convincing characters. When I hear people ask “how is it moving like that?” “How is a person inside that?” when I know that I’ve tricked their brain well enough that they can only see what is in front of them as a real creature, that’s when I win.

How about yourself… how did you get into doing this, and what do you do in animation?

I have been creative my whole life, I always have a sketchbook with me and I can get rather grumpy if I don’t have a project to work on. My mother was a seamstress and taught me sewing, my grandmother was a sculptor and painter and taught me a few things as well. I have always had a high drive to accomplish things, my parents noticed from a young age that I could and would do anything I set my mind to. When I was 6 years old the movie Toy Story came out, it was the first 3D animated feature film. It was so incredible to me at a young age that I decided that was what I wanted to do when I grew up. So I worked hard all through school, got a BFA in Animation, and I worked as an animator in the video game industry for 5 years.

With Blizzcon, ever since my first time competing in the cosplay contest in 2013, it has been my goal to win 1st prize. Each year I pushed myself with more complicated designs and challenged myself to learn the techniques I needed so that I could win.

How is the cosplay world different from what furry readers may be familiar with? Is this inspired by furry stuff or adjacent to it, and do any parts show your own unique creativity that furries don’t ordinarily do? Do you have any good words for creative furries?

I did start my costume making career in the furry fandom. There was a lot of tutorials and resources out there that helped make it approachable. The skills I learned and the connections I’ve made with other fursuit makers and artist in the fandom are very valuable to me, but I felt at one point that the fandom was holding me back as an artist. I didn’t think I could make anything more than the cartoony suits that I had built, and I thought no one would appreciate my work if I tried something else. I finally let myself take that step outside the fandom and my work has greatly benefited.

My work is far more influenced by sources outside the furry fandom. I love the cosplay community in particular because there are so many varied sources of inspiration, so many different techniques and materials. I love movie monsters, and practical effects have been a strong influence on my life. Finding the Stan Winston School of Character Arts was a game changer for me and how I build. I love video games, especially Blizzard’s games. I have been playing Blizzard games since I can remember, so I absolutely love the designs in their games.

With Hogger I brought in a lot of my love and admiration of puppetry into the design. If I had any advice for creative furries it would be pursue the things you love, let yourself admire and pursue things that aren’t in the ‘furry aesthetic’. Open yourself to a broader sphere of designs, aesthetic and techniques, and you’ll find you can do more than you thought. Also if you put real passion and effort into your work, that will resonate with an audience. I love creatures and animals, that’s what brought me to the furry fandom in the first place.  But now I’m not so concerned about trying to fit in to a particular ‘furry’ label, and I find myself more free to pursue exactly what I love, and that has opened a lot of doors.

Thanks Kazul – hope to see much more good work from you. (Here’s some more fun stuff for readers).

Got some time to write out more thoughts about this incredible weekend ❤ #WantedHogger

— Kazul Cosplay (@KazulGFox) November 5, 2017

Tanking a few moments to appreciate the 7 month long process of creating #wantedHogger

Thank you so much for following along!

— Kazul Cosplay (@KazulGFox) October 31, 2017

We're all smiles as we head off to #Blizzcon! #wantedHogger is especially smiley

— Kazul Cosplay (@KazulGFox) November 1, 2017

Hogger is on the prowl! #wantedHogger

— Kazul Cosplay (@KazulGFox) October 31, 2017


— Kazul Cosplay (@KazulGFox) October 31, 2017

Thank you #Blizzcon2017!! It was an honor to host community night! And congratulations to @KazulGFox & all the amazing artists & cosplayers!

— Chris Hardwick (@hardwick) November 4, 2017

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TigerTails Radio Season 10 Episode 50

TigerTails Radio - Mon 13 Nov 2017 - 17:10
Categories: Podcasts

Judy Laverne Hopps Theme (1971)

Furry.Today - Mon 13 Nov 2017 - 12:55

Judy Hopps is a twenty-something single rabbit who settles in Zootopia after breaking up with a boyfriend. She lands a job as an police oficer. Her boss, Chif Bogo, hates her spunk but often looks to her to solve crimes (or even personal problems). Mary's other coworkers include news Nick Wilde, gossipy Benjamin Clawhouser. Mary's home is in the modest "Grand Pangolin Arms". I believe this tape was a rerun recorded from an old UHF station from around 1987ish. *Coughs*
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10th Kingdom Interview at

Dogpatch Press - Mon 13 Nov 2017 - 10:02

It has over 950 Amazon reviews.

The 10th Kingdom was a 10-hour miniseries from 2000 about a young woman and her father who were transported from New York City into the magical fairytale lands of the 9 Kingdoms. The 10th Kingdom was well received and won an Emmy when it was released. It has an 88% score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Mike Retriever, admin of Spanish (and international) furry news site, has an interview up with actor Scott Cohen, who played the character of Wolf in The 10th Kingdom. Mike’s article is worth checking out:

This miniseries is simply phenomenal. Award-winning screenplay writer Simon Moore, who also wrote Gulliver’s Travels (1996) and co-wrote Traffic (2000), wondered what may have happened after the ‘Happily Ever After’ of old fairytales, and his vision became the screenplay to this miniseries. But it isn’t just greatly written. It’s also endearing, funny, entertaining for both kids and adults, and, it’s immensely furry!

It comes with a plea to sign the petition asking for a sequel to the show that has 3300 signatures at time of posting. From

The 10th Kingdom has a thriving fan base that continues to grow steadily attracting new viewers. This is evident by the increasing sales, including the 15th Year Anniversary Edition, which is currently ranked among Amazon’s top Best Sellers of Fantasy Blu-rays.

The 10th Kingdom: Sign the petition for a sequel!
Read our interview with actor Scott Cohen!

— Mike Retriever (@MikeRetriever) October 13, 2017
Categories: News