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to tell or not to tell

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Jun 2012 - 16:31

hey r/furry i have this girl i like and i think she likes me. all i was wondering was should i tell her about being a furry before we get into a relationship or after

submitted by cobracol
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UnFurled: Episode 50 – FurEh

Furry News Network - Wed 13 Jun 2012 - 15:23
Author: Vox SORRY FOR THE LATE EPISODES. TAL IS A LAZY LAZY BULL WHO NEEDS MANY MORE BEATINGS. Find the full article here: UnFurled » Podcast UnFurled: Episode 50 – FurEh
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You encountered : A Forest Moogle

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Jun 2012 - 12:24
Categories: News

ActFur OnAir: ActFur s4 ep2 – Initiative Roll

Furry News Network - Wed 13 Jun 2012 - 10:37
Author: actfuronair Big ideas, stingray shoes, greek slaps and pie rage Download Standard Podcasts Find the full article here: ACTfur On Air This podcast may contain coarse language and adult themes. It is being provided as a service and is not the property of Furry News Network ActFur OnAir: ActFur s4 ep2 – Initiative Roll
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Furry Has Anger Issues

Ask Papabear - Wed 13 Jun 2012 - 03:00
Hello there. 

There are many people in my life who I greatly despise, whenever someone ticks me off, I normally threaten to suffocate them with my scarf. The few friends that I do have think I am a tad bit violent so, you do have any advice for me?

--Gray The Mincinno

* * *

Dear Gray,

Your tendencies toward anger and violence are not healthy. Anger is a natural emotion, but some people do not handle it as well as others, and you sound like one of those people.

Anger is a reaction to one of two things: something that happens to you externally, such as a negative event (e.g., getting fired from a job) or irritating person, or something that is internal, such as problems in your past that you have not dealt with emotionally in a healthy way. 

All people face situations that make them angry, but some people react more violently than others when they get angry. Why is that? Well, one reason might be due to genetic or physiological causes. Studies have shown that some people are born more “hot-headed” than others; it is just their nature. On the extreme end of the scale are those who are suffering from a psychological disorder (anger is a side effect of a number of ailments). Another reason is environment: some angry people are that way because they grew up in chaotic environments with poor parenting and little or no social support. They therefore never learn how to deal with their anger in appropriate ways.

And there are ways to deal with anger: 1) by trying to calm oneself through meditation, philosophical reflection, even biofeedback techniques to manage how one physically reacts to stress; 2) by expressing one’s anger in an assertive, non-aggressive way; you do this by making known your needs and desires in a way that does not manipulate or control others but simply communicates effectively and persuasively your needs; and 3) by redirecting your anger in another way, such as rigorous outdoor activity. Whatever you do, though, do not suppress or deny your anger because if it has no safe outlet it can burst open into violence, as you suspected.

Here is an online brochure published by the American Psychological Association that offers a good overview of anger’s causes and some anger management techniques:

This is one of those letters where Papabear can only point out the first steps to resolving your problem, Gray.  What you have said in your brief letter is a bit scary, and I would not want your anger issues to cause anyone any harm. If at all possible, try and seek out a counselor who specializes in anger management.  You can start by asking your family doctor for a referral.

Good luck, Gray. I hope you can get further help.


Dubstep Husky

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Jun 2012 - 02:37
Categories: News

Gay Bear Gives Advice on Dating Women

Ask Papabear - Wed 13 Jun 2012 - 00:54
Dear Papa,

I seem to be having some trouble with the ladies. I can't figure out whether its because they don't like how I look or I need better chat up lines. Any advice?

Yours Sincerely, 
Kärlek Åkerstedt

* * *

Dear Kärlek,

This is interesting. You do realize you’re asking a gay bear for advice on dating women? LOL, sorry, I just have to chuckle a little bit. I don’t mean to tease, and yours is a serious question. Fortunately, Papabear is not inexperienced in such matters, since he dated women in high school and college and was married for 21 years. Women do still puzzle me, but I feel I have a certain grasp of the situation—enough to help you out, I believe.

First of all, no one strategy is going to work on all women. So giving you tips on pick-up lines or how to groom and dress yourself is not going to work on most women. Maybe on a few, but not most, and not women of quality; they are individuals, after all. Secondly, give women some credit: 99% of them are not so shallow that they will be impressed by your hair, your jeans, or what kind of car you drive.

So, what ARE women looking for? And what are men looking for, for that matter? Papabear subscribes to the biological view of dating: that is, both sexes are, no matter how much they might deny it, guided by their hormones and millennia of genetic evolution to do one thing: procreate. But the sexes work differently: men are programmed to fertilize as many women as possible, spreading their genes in a battle of survival of the fittest; women, however, can only carry one or two children at a time, and, therefore, are just seeking one highly qualified mate. Although social convention and antiquated ideas of chivalry pressure men to be monogamous, they are, at heart, polygamous, while women are—broadly generalized—monogamous by nature. (Papabear maintains that a monogamous man is far more remarkable than a monogamous woman). Or, as my mate more humorously puts it, “Women need a reason, men just need a place.”

So, backtracking a bit, what women are seeking is a guy who will be a good provider, a good father, and an all-around good man. In addition, they are, subconsciously, looking for what you might call a “healthy specimen.” A recent study ( showed that, when it comes to appearance alone, women seek out facial traits that are symmetrical and masculinized, features that subliminally indicate to them that these men are in good, robust health. But there is a careful balance here, because traits signaling high testosterone levels are also risk factors for men who are more likely to cheat and be less attentive to children. Hence, we have a scientific study here of why a lot of women like masculine “bad boys,” but others are looking for a man “who can make me laugh.” Men, on the other paw, are also seeking certain features, such as wide hips and large breasts, both of which indicate a female who can successfully give birth to and feed the child whom he has sired.

A lot of the above has been applicable since the days of the cavemen, of course. Suitability for fatherhood and partnership these days are also measured in things such as a good education, good career, and financial stability—the modern equivalent of being the caveman who can kill a mammoth that feeds the entire family for a year.

Essentially, Kärlek, what you need to do to become more attractive to women (in terms of things you can personally change about yourself) is not to use superficial strategies such as lame pick-up lines, but, rather, to make yourself a better candidate because you are a better man. Don’t be a Howard Wolowitz (reference to “The Big Bang Theory”), trying to pick up multiple women with magic tricks and brightly colored clothes. Be sincere, like Leonard Hofstadter, who, though he struggles to get the pretty Penny for years, eventually will win her over because why? Because he’s the genuine article: someone who will work hard, be faithful to his wife, and a good father. If you can’t look that far ahead, you won’t be finding a quality girlfriend any time soon.

To have better luck with “the ladies,” don’t be a phony. Be well-groomed, friendly, and take a genuine interest in the woman you like.

Good luck on the dating scene!


Bird and Squirrel… and Cat!

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 13 Jun 2012 - 00:44

Animator James Burks (who previously gave us Gabby & Gator from Yen Press) returns with Bird & Squirrel Volume 1: On the Run, a new full-color graphic novel from Graphix Press. “Bird and Squirrel outwit Cat and become best friends in this zany adventure. Squirrel is afraid of his own shadow. Bird doesn’t have a care in the world. And Cat wants to eat Bird and Squirrel. Of course, he’ll have to catch them first, and that’s not going to be easy. Join this trio as they head south for the winter in a hilarious road trip. But watch out! Cat is waiting around every bend, and he’s one pesky feline.” Barnes & Noble have pre-order information for the book, which is coming this August.

image c. 2012 James Burks

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Dubstep Cat [0:24]

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 Jun 2012 - 00:07
Categories: News

Coroner confirms it; dingoes ate the baby

Furry News Network - Tue 12 Jun 2012 - 22:24
Author: crossaffliction After thirty years, it turns out, yes, dingoes really did eat that baby. At least that was the finding of Australian coroner Elizabeth Morris today, as quoted by the New York Times: “The cause of her death was a result of being taken by a dingo.” The bizarre disappearance from Ayer’s Rock of [...]
Categories: News

BBF bedazzles

DailyFurBlog - Tue 12 Jun 2012 - 22:23

BBF (BigBlueFox) has always dazzled us with his amazing videos, while long they show everyone at the con and the fun times we have. So here is two vids one is a fursuit walk in a dutch animal park  and the other is FWH 2012(Furry Weekend Holland) vid. which shows furries saying, “YAH, I’m from Holland” — yeh bad joke whatever. Check it out and as always follow your fur stars on Twitter.

Categories: News

Dafuq PETA?

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jun 2012 - 21:40
Categories: News

Cartoon short: ‘Little Quentin’

Furry News Network - Tue 12 Jun 2012 - 20:24
Author: Fred A giant rabbit commits murder and gets a tough guy, a clown, and an astronaut to help him get rid of the body — maybe — in this 9 ½-minute, NSFW Dutch animated cartoon by Paco Vink and Albert ‘t Hooft of Anikey Studios. You will never look at Bronies the same way [...]
Categories: News

Trying to help a Friend get a word out about his thing!

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jun 2012 - 19:18

Trying to help a fellow 'coon friend get word out about his project and personal dream! This is a self post without Karma potential. Thanks for your interest, regardless! If you could repost this on your own blog/website, whatever to help, I would and he would appreciate it!

Journal Links:

More or less, he's looking for either Writing Commissions to do, or Donations to help him acquire the pricey software he needs to begin to make Multiplatform and Flash Games. He's more than willing to work rather than beg for donations.

He thanks you for any intrest!

submitted by RockyCoon
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Categories: News