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So....who here *didn't* go to anthrocon?

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 11:33

Just wondering....

submitted by myfurryaccount
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Categories: News

Making a body suit, have some questions!

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 10:49

How do you properly sew together a bodysuit? i'm using the DTD (duct tape dummy) method. More experienced furs, how do you sew it together so it looks perfect? Also, how do you add in a zipper?

submitted by DarkShinigami115
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Categories: News

Looking for nonmorphic or ref sheet artists…

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 10:10

I'm considering to get some new character art done to create a more complete image of my 'sona. This might be some kind of ref sheet, or perhaps a "Anthropomorphic meets Nonmorphic" picture. I'm kinda leaning towards the latter, as I often imagine my character nonmorphic.

So I was wondering, could anyone recommend me some artists who are good at making reference sheets or nonmorphic/feral art?

submitted by foxzen
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Categories: News

my fursona

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 07:45
Categories: News

Buckdida steps down as HP! forums’ Global Mod

Furry News Network - Sun 24 Jun 2012 - 05:26
Author: wrote: “Buckdida has decided to step down from his role as Global Moderator. I understand how hard the job can be; after all, why do you think I so rarely bother showing up? However, I hope you can still find time to be an active member of the community…” Buckdida later stated that [...] Buckdida steps down as HP! forums’ Global Mod
Categories: News

FC-89 Fart Particles - Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here's an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good 'ole emails.

FurCast - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 22:59

Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here’s an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good ‘ole emails.

Download MP3

Watch Video News: Emails:
  • Doxxy – “This may take a while…”
  • Marcus – “Questions on sexual orientations.”
  • Dylan – “I am the most bisexual. I have all the bisexual points. All of them.”
  • Brooke – “Trans woman+furry fandom?”
  • Aves – “A little problem I face.”
  • Doxxy – “Shoutout: Brainwashed by furcast”
  • Tyler – “Fucking bees”
Videos (in no particular order): FC-89 Fart Particles - Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here's an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good 'ole emails.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-89 Fart Particles - Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here's an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good 'ole emails.

FurCast - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 22:59

Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here’s an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good ‘ole emails.

Download MP3

Watch Video News: Emails:
  • Doxxy – “This may take a while…”
  • Marcus – “Questions on sexual orientations.”
  • Dylan – “I am the most bisexual. I have all the bisexual points. All of them.”
  • Brooke – “Trans woman+furry fandom?”
  • Aves – “A little problem I face.”
  • Doxxy – “Shoutout: Brainwashed by furcast”
  • Tyler – “Fucking bees”
Videos (in no particular order): FC-89 Fart Particles - Thanks to everyone who had a good time with us at Anthrocon! See you next year. :3 In the mean time, here's an episode filled with stories, videos, and some good 'ole emails.
Categories: Podcasts

Is anyone with drawing talent willing to draw me a fursona?

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 21:11

So I need a fursona, and I can't draw for shit, and I would like someone to do it, because I would really like one. I could pay you in... hats? Anyway, yea, if you'd be willing to draw one, comment or message or whatever. I'd like it to be a kitsune or fennec or something of that sort, and I can get a pic of me too if you wanna do it that way.

submitted by StillDefective
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Categories: News

Christian, Gay, and Furry

Ask Papabear - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 18:42
Hello, Papabear,

I don't think I have any other way to say this, but . . . I think I might be gay. 

You see, whenever I see an attractive man I get turned on, but when I see a girl, I don't. I'm not really a feminine person, like some gay men are, but I guess I've always been kinda "weird." I have Asperger's, after all. I've never really had any crushes on another male, I just have a sexual attraction to them. 

But here is the problem - my family, especially on my dad's side, are very Christian. If I admit to being gay to my mom's side of the family, I'm guessing they will either accept it or tell me it's just a phase. But I'm afraid that my dad's side will disown me. 

I am a Christian myself, but I don't want to trash my beliefs just because I might be gay. God loves all of his children, no matter what. 



* * *

Dear Steve,

If you are sexually attracted to men and not to women, then you are gay. There is no “think” about it, hon, so start by admitting it to yourself. It doesn’t matter whether or not you have been in an actual relationship with a man, you are drawn to them, so there you go.

You note that you are not a “feminine person,” which indicates to Papabear you fell into the same trap he did: when I was young, I thought the definition of a gay man was not just that he was attracted to men, but also that he should be a girlie boy and talk with a lisp, be into cutesy clothes, and love decorating. Nonsense. My head was spun around when I found the bear community: masculine men who are gay. That was it for me. One look and I knew I had found what I needed in life.

PictureStill from the YouTube video "Being a Christian Furry" As for your “very Christian” family, especially on your dad’s side, I find that expression funny, as if someone can be “sort of Christian” or “extremely Christian” etc. What you really mean, of course, is that your dad’s family are highly conservative Christians. 

Papabear has always maintained that such folk are not true Christians because true Christians are tolerant of others. They accept all types (Jesus hung out with prostitutes and the destitute and was always kind to them). The core of Christianity is that you accept Jesus in your heart as the Son of God and that you try to emulate his life, which means being kind to others (you recognize this, I see--good!) If your father and his side of the family were true Christians, you would not be afraid of them at all.

Too many times Papabear has come across judgmental, hateful “Christians” who cause more darkness and hell in the world than Satan does, quite frankly (because they are two-faced). You, on the other hand, sound more like a true Christian. Therefore, here are a couple really neat sites just for you!

Papabear suggests you visit these websites and talk to the experts there on how to come out furry to your Christian family.

Bear Hugs from a Pagan,


Let's kick it up by Falvie

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 18:12
Categories: News

Does anyone have the original of this image? Artist is Tod Wills

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 15:30

I am looking for the original image of this icon. I know it's a long shot asking here, but I checked his live journal and everything, but could not find it.

submitted by BonKerZ
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Categories: News

Every time I get a note on FA.

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 14:56
Categories: News

Requests update...

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 14:06

So... I promised a bunch of you drawing requests... And i'm working on them, but my tablet randomly stopped working. I don't know if it's the computer or the tablet. It started last night so... I'll keep you updated but so far... :/ sad wolf pup

submitted by spikeage
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Categories: News

I Am A Furry

[adjective][species] - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 13:00

[edited from the original version posted at Kyell's blog]

I wrote a blog post recently about how we shouldn’t be afraid to tell our friends that we’re furries, and I got a thoughtful question on FA. Namely, why bother? It’s just a hobby, right? Do we “come out” as a stamp collector, or a Man United fan, or a Jane Austen fan?

I said in the original post that I didn’t necessarily want to compare coming out as gay with coming out as furry. The first is a preference coded into us at birth which dictates many aspects of how we live if we choose to live with a partner. The second is a not-fully-understood aesthetic appreciation for animal-people that can range in degree from a guy who likes to talk about Looney Tunes cartoons with his friends to a woman who makes a living designing fursuits and wears her own every chance she gets. But it’s telling that when people talk about telling their friends and family that they’re furries, that the phrase coming out is more and more commonly used.

It’s understandable. It means “revealing a part of ourselves that was hidden,” and because gay people were the ones most commonly hiding important parts of their lives well into adulthood, it’s been associated with revealing one’s sexuality. I think that its use in talking about furry is not so much connected to the “hidden” part as it is to the “important” part.

For a lot of people, furry is more than just a hobby; it’s a home. Some people don’t have any other homes; some people are perfectly happy with their family in one setting, with their office “home” in another, with furry in their spare time. What I mean by “home” is a place where you feel safe, where you feel sad to be away from, where some of the closest people in your life reside.

When I was first getting into the furry fandom, I had a friend who came out to his parents and was kicked out of his family. To a lot of guys in their early 20s, that would be devastating, and he was pretty broken up about it. But he had a boyfriend, and he had the furry fandom, a great support network that made sure he always had a friend around and an ear to listen to his troubles. That’s what I mean by a home.

Right now, I have a family who aren’t furries. But most of my closest friends are furries, and when Kit and I got married, the furry stuff was pretty much all over our wedding (because our wedding planner, a non-furry, fell in love with it). I have a furry image of myself as the lock screen on my phone, a furry pic of me and Kit as my phone background, so literally a day doesn’t go by that I don’t see some furry art, and now that I’m making my living from writing – largely in the furry fandom – most days I end up talking to other furries or talking about furries.

If your life is like that, if you have a group of close furry friends, and yet you’re not sharing that part of your life with other people close to you, then you’re hiding something from them. You’re not sharing all of who you are. And that’s fine, honestly; if anything, people these days tend to overshare. But if you want to tell them, and are simply not telling them out of fear that they’ll jump to conclusions, then you’re doing them a disservice. More than that, you are hurting yourself. When you make choices in your life, such as to continue to be part of the furry fandom, and then hide those choices from other people who are important to you, you are telling yourself that you doubt your choices. You are telling yourself that those people would be right if they mocked you for being a furry. That’s not a healthy way to live.

(And yes, there is adult stuff in the fandom. You don’t have to talk about that. What do you do when you go to conventions? What do you talk about online with your furry friends? Are adult pictures and stories really the reason you continue to be part of this community? Or is it the people, the ones you feel you can really open up to, the ones who make you laugh and who talk video games, who have a costume like you or like the same movie/TV show/anime? That’s what you want to talk about. Everyone understands “a group of friends who like the same thing I like.” What you all like is also interesting, but secondary.)

That’s who my original post was aimed at, people who cited the primary reason for hiding their furriness as “I don’t want to be associated with those people in the news.” If you’re a casual furry, or if you’re distant from your family and non-furry friends, then sure, they don’t have to know. But if one of your family, your co-workers, or your friends is trying to get to know you better, and they ask “why’d you go to Pittsburgh?”… well, before you automatically say, “just to see friends” and change the subject, pause for a second and think. Maybe that’s a good time to “come out.” Maybe that’ll help you get closer to the other people in your life. You might have to take a little teasing, but take it with good humor, and it’ll be fine. As I said before, as K.M. and I have said on the podcast and many people have said in many venues over and over: if you act like it’s something to be ashamed of, people will pick up on that. If you act like it’s a cool thing, fun, and a positive part of your life, which I think for most of us it is, then that’s how your friends and family will view it. And isn’t that what we all want?

I'm new, so hi.

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 12:11

Yea. I just recently realized I am a furry and stuff. So, yea. Have any advice?

submitted by StillDefective
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Categories: News

026 - Anthrocon '12 IN REVIEW - We review all the crazy goings on at Pittsburgh this year, including Bumcon under the bridge, LSD...

The Dragget Show - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 10:58
We review all the crazy goings on at Pittsburgh this year, including Bumcon under the bridge, LSD, potatoes, crazy breakfasts, and elf banging. Also, check out and share highlights at our YouTube channel, updating it all the time! as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! 026 - Anthrocon '12 IN REVIEW - We review all the crazy goings on at Pittsburgh this year, including Bumcon under the bridge, LSD...
Categories: Podcasts

026 - Anthrocon '12 IN REVIEW - We review all the crazy goings on at Pittsburgh this year, including Bumcon under the bridge, LSD...

The Dragget Show - Sat 23 Jun 2012 - 10:58
We review all the crazy goings on at Pittsburgh this year, including Bumcon under the bridge, LSD, potatoes, crazy breakfasts, and elf banging. Also, check out and share highlights at our YouTube channel, updating it all the time! as always, you can leave your questions and comments on, we love hearing from you! 026 - Anthrocon '12 IN REVIEW - We review all the crazy goings on at Pittsburgh this year, including Bumcon under the bridge, LSD...
Categories: Podcasts