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Library director calls for fursuit-related policy review

Furry News Network - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 22:24
Author: GreenReaper Library director Janet Noeck of Portland, Connecticut had her work cut out explaining furries to board members tonight after calling a meeting to review the library’s behaviour policy, reportedly after fursuited visits to other local libraries raised fears of child enticement. The piece in the Hartford Courant highlighted concerns about those visiting in [...]
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Cheat Sheet for Perfect Shower

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 18:57
Categories: News

Two Player

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 18:26
Categories: News

I'm wondering if r/furry can help me...

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 18:21

I am going to write a cause-and-effect essay about Furries. I have already been pre-approved to write about them, however there are a few things that I'm still lacking.

I ask for any information and data from academic sources relating to Furries about what causes/attracts people to Furries and the Furry Fandom. I already have Dr. Gebrasi's essay, Furries from A to Z: Anthropomoprhism to Zoomorphism and The Sociology of Furry Fandom by David J. Rust [link], but cannot seem to find anything similar to these. Does anyone happen to know of more psycologists, sociologists, or professors that have done research and/or studies in America or any other country?

I know that there have been several "What makes a Furry?" and similar posts on this subreddit, however I would like to ask similar questions to help me develope my essay.

1) What is the definition of a Furry to you, personally?

2) Which general definition would you use to define Furries to another person (non-fur)?

3) Must Furries have some sort of artistic talent to be a part of the Fandom? If not, what can Furries or non-furries do to participate in the Fandom?

4) How did you come across Furries and what made you want to become one? When did you yourself "offically" became a Furry?

5) How do handle being a Furry amongst your friends, family, co-workers, and et cetera? Do you tell them or do they find out?

6) What is your personal opinion on what brings people to Furries.

7) What would you consider "good" aspects of Furries and what would you consider "bad" aspects?

This is all I have for now, I will update/make another post for any other questions that I come up with later to help me with my essay.

I thank you for your time. - Altark aka Ali_Teigar.

submitted by Altark
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Categories: News

Raising money for a friend

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 17:01
Categories: News

Second Life meet and greet

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 16:29

For all of you surfing Linden Lab's digital waves, I say hello. Feel free to say hi, share a little about yourself, and swap info of you like! :D

Myself: Atticus Zessinthal I work with Symbiotic, the avatar mod shop and am a decently skilled scripter. You'll commonly see me hanging about in various locations, a couple clubs and sand boxes. Feel free to say hi and hit me up sometime. I'm always open to chatting and helping people out. :3

submitted by AtticusVulpes
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Categories: News

Extreme Fursuitting - Skydiving

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 15:00
Categories: News

Portland Library Board To Discuss Behavior Policy - Possible Visits By 'Furries' Sparks Debate

Furries In The Media - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 14:35
Here's a rather curious article in the Hartford Courant, written by Katherine Ogden and dated September 13:,0,571510.story

Apparently furries (fursuiters, in particular) have been visiting public libraries recently, which has prompted Janet Nocek (director of the Portland Library in Portland, Connecticut) to ask the board of directors to review its behavior policy. In particular, to make sure board members and staff were aware of library rules which prohibit visits from people in disguise, or with head coverings other than religious.

Portland Library Board To Discuss Behavior Policy
Possible Visits By 'Furries' Sparks Debate

By KATHERINE OGDEN, Special to the Courant The Hartford Courant

10:57 a.m. EDT, September 13, 2012

People who cover their faces for religious reasons are welcome to enjoy the Portland Library, but folks who might want to visit dressed up as an otter, bear or other furry animal might run afoul of the rules.

So says library Director Janet Nocek, who is asking the board of directors to review its behavior policy in light of recent visits to other libraries by "furries" — people who dress up in costumes and visit public places.

"Face coverings at the library are not permitted except for religious reasons," Nocek said.

Furries, as they are nicknamed, are people who like to don fur suits or other costumes and otherwise remake themselves into an animals that have human characteristics. Devotees enjoy a thriving community both on online and in the real world – annual conventions are now held in Pittsburgh, Pa., after outgrowing the venue in Albany, N.Y.

The trend may be gaining ground after members of Taylor Swift's band dressed up as furry mascots when they performed at the MTV Video Music Awards earlier this month. Such mascots have also appeared in Swift's videos.

"I had never heard of it," Nocek said. "I looked it up on the Internet."

So far, furries have not visited the Portland library, but Nocek said she decided to make board members and staff aware of library rules after the issue came up elsewhere. She said library policy prohibits visits from people in disguise, or with head coverings other than religious.

Nocek said she wants to head off any potential problems before they arise, such as a person hanging around in the children's room looking cute. A child or family at the library might mistakenly think a person dressed in a costume was part of a library program.

"They might look enticing to children," Nocek said. "I just thought we best discuss it, before anyone gets surprised, to make sure we are on the same page. "

The meeting is tonight at 7 at Portland Library, 20 Freestone Ave.
Categories: News

Why do some furries think being furry is equivalent to being gay?

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 14:30

I saw some of the posts here. And they sound like they're afraid of "coming out" to being furry. Or people wonder what they should do with their tails and collars? Or like it's their life?

Really? I just see it as a hobby.

submitted by VentKazemaru
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Categories: News

Furry Feels Pressured to Have Sex with Girlfriend

Ask Papabear - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 11:47
I...just need help figuring out what to do. I have just started the 16th year of my life and I have gotten myself into a relationship with a girl. My problem with this is that she wants to have sex and do other things...I am all for doing this with her but at the same time my moral code doesn't let me do this. I just need advice on what I should do to satisfy her needs without breaking my morals (my morals are the standard morals of most religions).


* * *

Dear Nicky,

I’m not sure what the “other things” are, so let’s just talk about the sex. Papabear is certain that your 16-year-old body is “all for doing this.” Hormones are dictating your desire to have sex. On the other hand, your sense of morals is holding you back. Many people feel it is not moral to have sex at such an early age and before marriage, and Papabear respects that. Your girlfriend should to.

It is not right for your girlfriend to pressure you to have sex any more than it is for you to pressure her. You need to explain to her that your sense of morals makes you very uncomfortable with the idea of having intercourse right now.  I’m not sure by your letter whether you are in love with this person or just dating. If you are just dating and don’t even know whether you love her, all the more reason not to have sex. If you love her, tell her so, but also say that you would like to wait before you take it to that level.

If she loves you, she will respect that and wait. If she just wants sex, she’ll probably dump you. If that’s the case, you’re better off. Go find a girlfriend who loves you for you and doesn’t see you as just a walking penis.



Leaveing for awhile...

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 10:47

I started talking to my mom about being a furry and she knows about the Darker parts, and she wants me to stay out of those parts. She's only trying to keep me safe so I'll accept your goodbyes and then I'm gonna duck my head outta here. She's threatening to delete my reddit account if I don't leave. (She knows my password, because I left "remember me" on...)

submitted by eagleis25
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Categories: News

Online communities (Y'know... other than here :) )

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 10:11

Just wondering if anyone on this subreddit is a part of any other online communities?

I've been on a place called FurryMUCK since 1997 (My name on there is Sarnath if anyone knows me). I've frequented Second Life occasionally also.

How about everyone else? :)

submitted by jasonmm1979
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Categories: News

Can anyone in r/furry help me with a art commission? (or at least point me in the right direction), and I also have a question on fursuits.

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 09:21

Recently I have decided to get a fursuit and I need a reference sheet so I can get it made accurately. I was wondering if anyone on here could help me out with that? If you can just put a link in the comments to FA, DA, or whatever else your on so I can see your art and message you about the commission. Also I don't mind to pay for the commission but if you do them for free that would be great.

Next question. I am planing to get my fursuit from Made Fur You, and I plan on getting a full fursuit, but I also want a partial suit as well. Is it possible that they could make a separate set of arms and leggings along with the full suit if I ask them?

submitted by Nappa007
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Categories: News

Free metal album give-away [Metal - Septic Flesh - The Great Mass]

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 09:10

I bought the vinyl album today, and it came with a digital download card which lets you download the album in mp3 and flac.

Since I already bought it online before, I won't be needing it, so I'm giving it away to one lucky metalfur!

Just explain in a comment why you want it, it's that easy!

After 24 hours I will go trough all the comments, select the top 20 best reasons, and the a random lucky fur gets it.

Double posting to increase your chances means no card, commenting on others is allowed.

Good luck!



Album details:


“The Great Mass” is a new symphonic masterpiece that constitutes a quantum leap in the art of amalgamating orchestral music with Heavy Metal. SEPTICFLESH’s new songs are the audible evidence of guitarist Christos Antoniou finishing his studies of classical composition with academic honours and distinction. The Greeks take the next logical step in following the course they highly successfully set on their celebrated comeback-album “Communion” (2008).

“The Great Mass” shows this band at the peak of their evolution over seven full-length releases since SEPTICFLESH’s founding in 1990, in which the band combines massive deadly guitars at the edge of blackness with haunting gothic melodies and cinematic symphonic arrangements. The orchestral parts were recorded with the FILMharmonic Orchestra Prague including full choir and boy soprano. Renowned producer Peter Tägtgren (DIMMU BORGIR, IMMORTAL) created the massive sound of “The Great Mass”.

submitted by NoctisIgnem
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Categories: News

Looking for a "Furry Fandom" for dummies!

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 08:36


I work in the mental health industry. I have a client that has become interested in Furry Fandom and is using it in an unhealthy way. They want to stop (I am not forcing them to stop, it is their choice). I'm just looking for some insight into this community.

What do you get out of the community? Maybe some of the "lingo" within the community. Is it mainly a sexual thing? Or is this only a small element? Please don't misconstrue what I'm here for. I'm not judging or saying that this is a mental illness.

I appreciate your help and explaining your hobby/lifestyle to me!! Thanks!!

submitted by jessm
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Categories: News

Unsheathed #91 - Episode 91--not 90

Unsheathed - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 04:00
An episode from March in the Mountain Bunker that we thought was 90 but is actually 91. Unsheathed #91 - Episode 91--not 90
Categories: Podcasts

Another picture of Seal.

Furry Reddit - Thu 13 Sep 2012 - 00:39
Categories: News