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Everyone’s Favorite Penguin — In Color
Before they were surfing, before they were singing and dancing, before they were even marching, penguins were… resting among the dandelions. Throughout the variations of Bloom County and all of its off-shoots, one constant has been the penguin known as Opus. Now creator Berkeley Breathed has brought together all of the Opus full-color Sunday strips from 2003 to 2008 in one hardcover collection, Opus: The Complete Sunday Strips (appropriate, huh?). Besides our shy, friendly, waddling friend, this “magnum opus” (sorry…) also features many well-known and well-loved characters from Mr. Breathed’s comics new and old, some of them making their final appearances. Amazon has the book available for pre-order, and IDW Publishing will have it out this December.

image c. 2012 IDW Publishing
Historic Japanese Paintings: Tanuki's putting their giant scrotums to good use. [kinda nsfw]
Results of my September Free Art Thread!
Furry CS:GO Server
Hey everyone! I recently got a dedicated server for cs:go. Mainly for casual games so feel free to join any time!
Address: furry.game.nfoservers.com:27015
Hope to see you soon!
submitted by StayFrostie[link] [3 comments]
Any Bellingham Furry's?
I am 27, and looking for more Furry lovers a little closer to home. Maybe some closer gatherings, meeting new people, maybe start a new friendship!
submitted by Karaoke_Kitten[link] [4 comments]
Music video: ‘Superfan Unknown’
Game video: ‘Naughty Bear’ sequel to be released in October
Thought r/furry might like this. Canada vs Russia summit series, 40 years ago today. Art by Aislin of the Montreal Gazette.
Opinion: We need more criticism in furry fandom
Controverisal SF rapper plans nightmarish gay goth animal S&M music video
Daily Show: September 28, 2012 - More games! Indie Royale has extended the time to get their game bundle. We're talking about more games, pricing, and more. You don't want to miss this Friday edition. - Mentioned in this show: Indieroyale Humblebundle
More games! Indie Royale has extended the time to get their game bundle. We’re talking about more games, pricing, and more. You don’t want to miss this Friday edition.
Mentioned in this show:
Hosts: Levi, JWingy, Tikaani, Toochaotic, Wolfin
Image by Michal Zacharzewski
The Stray
that stuff has gone into my headspace, fermented, and produced this)
-The Stray-
Since I was "between jobs", and had been for over a year, my savings
were almost gone. With little real prospect of finding any position