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Gathering an audience

Furry Reddit - Thu 4 Apr 2013 - 19:34

So, I've been on FA for about two years now, doing random freebies and commissions etc. etc. You know.

Anyway, after seeing artists who have been around about the same time as me/shorter time than me and having more watchers, I'm getting worried that I'm doing something incredibly wrong here. So what I'm asking is, what can I do to get more watchers? Like, not even commissions, I'm not fussed about making money too much right now, I just feel that I'm not doing something I should be doing.

The only thing I can think of is Networking which I'm... OK at I suppose, but I don't really know where to begin with it.

So... What do? D:

submitted by Dark512
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Categories: News

Anthro Leopard Huntress

Furry Reddit - Thu 4 Apr 2013 - 16:33
Categories: News

For the german furries: A good report at Taff

Furry Reddit - Thu 4 Apr 2013 - 15:32

Episode from the 4. April. It starts at about 29:45.

EDIT: Forgot the Youtube-Link: thanks to FakerXXL

submitted by LoLMikey
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Categories: News

The Return of Foxy

Ask Papabear - Thu 4 Apr 2013 - 10:23
[Dear Readers: the reference in the below letter is to a previous letter published here]

Dear Papa Bear,

Hello! It's me, Foxy!

First off. Thank you for the advice you gave me and let's just say... I show them the perks of being non-norms and make others wish that they are non-norms.

The post-script in your last letter to me gave me a thought and have a go for it. Although, it took me a good three hours before my fingers stop going numb and dialed his number. I didn't expect him to be so... worried. He sound so worried that he thinks I completely ignored or forgotten his existence.

Here's the story... He told me to meet up at the lawn after sports practice. We meet and then... he hugged me. A hug that I felt it wasn't friendship hug. Luckily no one was around after sports practice so yeah. After that we hang out more. I noticed he hangs out with me more than he hangs out with his friends. I believe they knew I was gay and my friend didn't know. They might haze me but knowing that their "leader" has a close connection, they didn't bother and probably forgot about it. But I have a feeling he knew but he's not showing it.

When we hang out his more... closer so to say. We share meals together, go to movies, see the carnival, play some games at the arcade and share one can of soda... yeah it happened with straws... He's more caring after the episode where I avoid him. I think he's making it up to me. He believes that friends stick together and he thinks the reason why I avoided him because he's paying more attention to his new friends rather than his best friend, me.

One night the school have a party and he have drinks. I didn't join, wild parties is not my cup of tea. I decided to go to bed early but I receive a text, drunk text. He needed help, I went to the party entrance and I saw him wobble-walking down the path. He was so drunk he couldn't keep his balance. I helped him along the way. His dorm is quite far from the party venue and my dorm is closer. Plus he smelled like beer for the whole night. As we prepare for bed... I didn't expect him to strip off his clothes until he was only wearing briefs. He lay on the spare bed like he owned it and slept like a baby... Just by looking at him makes me... aroused? His body was so hot its like he's teasing me, its like he's telling me [i]"C'mon touch them muscles, grope them, worship them, I know you wanted to."[/i]. I resisted and tried as much as i can to keep my hands behaved.

All those time hanging out and that one night... What is he telling me? Does he like me or just toying me? I can't tell! Papa Bear, help!

Foxy the Blessed... and the Confused

P.S. Drinking age in my place is 18. I think in America its 21. Correct me if I'm wrong.

* * *

Dear Foxy the Blessed,

I’m glad you changed your name, and hope you are feeling better about yourself in other ways. I’m glad, too, that you have been seeing this guy who clearly has an interest in you, as well. I think, though, that you are being very guarded in your interpretation of his feelings for you. I mean, if I were just friends with a guy, I would not share a can of soda with two straws. Gosh, that’s kinda romantic, ya know? Kinda “Lady and the Tramp.”

I do not believe his redoubled interest in you is just out of some feeling of trying to make it up to you because he was paying too much attention to other friends. And then what happens when he gets drunk and needs some help? Whom does he call? You!

Also, you know, when people get drunk, their inhibitions often slip away, much like your boyfriend’s clothing in your bed. Was he sending you signals? Does Donald Trump have a bad comb over? It’s epic, baby.

In your previous letter to Papabear, you called this guy “normal,” meaning straight. I think this guy is seriously hiding his romantic and possibly sexual feelings for you. You have shown some great restraint in not taking advantage of him when he was drunk. That’s a good thing, and I am proud of you for doing that. Now, when he is sober and clear-headed, I think you would do well to push the envelope with him.

Tell him you really like him, and when he says, “I like you, too,” add: “No, I mean I really REALLY like you, if you know what I mean? I’m not sure how you feel about me, but if you feel the same way I want you to know my door is open for you.” I think he’ll get the message.

Then don’t do anything else. Let him take the next step. This is something he has to do himself, as someone who is probably struggling with these emotions, but he needs to know first that you are willing to give him that big first kiss if he takes the lead.

Wishing you luck and love,


(Yes, drinking age is 21 in the USA)

Let's all Participate in the Redditgifts Plushie Exchange!

Furry Reddit - Thu 4 Apr 2013 - 10:08

Hey everyone, Redditgifts is having a plushie exchange and it sounds like exactly the kind of exchange for us. Reddit has given us a place to grow our little community(Which is rapidly becoming a big community:P), and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has made good friends here. Let's give back by sending a bunch of random Redditors sweet plushies!

Just go to and sign up and when the time comes, send them an awesome plushie to keep them company.

submitted by Nurbs
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Categories: News

Review: ‘The Goldenlea’, by Rose LaCroix

Furry News Network - Thu 4 Apr 2013 - 08:24
Author: Fred Faol Carric[k] was born to rule, inheriting the dukedom upon the passing of his father. Immediately tested by the conspiracy of the usurper Virgil Dol, Faol will need to prove his worth as a leader, a fighter, and a strategist if he is to survive—much less regain his place as the rightful ruler [...]
Categories: News

Review: ‘Hank the Cowdog and the Case of the Dinosaur Birds’, by John R. Erickson

Furry News Network - Thu 4 Apr 2013 - 06:24
Author: crossaffliction Hank the Cowdog and the Case of the Dinosaur Birds is number 54 in John R. Erickson’s long running series of short novels for children featuring the misadventures of Hank the Cowdog, Head of Ranch Security. The books are published by Erickson’s own Maverick Books, based out of his hometown of Perryton, Texas. [...]
Categories: News

Episode 64 — The Fandom and You - Has furry changed you? Where the changes positive or negative? Does this intro sound like an annoying survey? Well, we asked our cast these same questions and you can hear how we felt the fandom changed us. You'll want to

WagzTail - Thu 4 Apr 2013 - 06:00

Has furry changed you? Where the changes positive or negative? Does this intro sound like an annoying survey? Well, we asked our cast these same questions and you can hear how we felt the fandom changed us. You’ll want to listen to this one, then comment below or by leaving a voice mail at 1-888-858-8853.

Metadata and Credits

WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 64
Runtime: 30m
Cast: Crimson X, Faolan, JWingy, Kail, Wolfin
Editor: Levi
Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3
Copyright: © 2013 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Podcast image belongs to kkitsos, used with permission.

Episode 64 — The Fandom and You - Has furry changed you? Where the changes positive or negative? Does this intro sound like an annoying survey? Well, we asked our cast these same questions and you can hear how we felt the fandom changed us. You'll want to listen to this one,
Categories: Podcasts

Upcoming furry comics for May 2013 (Previews and Marvel Previews)

Furry News Network - Thu 4 Apr 2013 - 04:25
Author: crossaffliction Previews for May featured an interview with Stan Sakai; he’s finishing up 47 Ronin soon and looking forward to getting back to Usagi Yojimbo. Before that, though, he mentions that he wants to do a non-canonical mini-series featuring the ronin rabbit versus the Martians from The War of the Worlds. So that’s something [...]
Categories: News

Anyone going to Biggest Little Furcon?

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Apr 2013 - 22:18

Im tempted but not quite sure yet

submitted by Ragingsquism
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Categories: News

(Mostly) furry alcohol mascots.

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Apr 2013 - 19:19
Categories: News

Looking for some good rp sites.

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Apr 2013 - 18:49

Well my rp life is a bit stale. I used to inhabit sofurry but over the years it has lost its splender for me due to any real rp action. Now while I do like a good yiff rp but I love a good plot driven rp. Now does anyone know of any other good sites that have a good rp base?

submitted by loki_the_sergal
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Categories: News

Commission - Polo Jackal by bhavfox

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Apr 2013 - 16:41
Categories: News

Friendly Furry Wants to Help Depressed Teenager

Ask Papabear - Wed 3 Apr 2013 - 11:23

First of all, I really like giving advice and helping others just like you. There are a few things that leave me at a dead end though and this is why I decided to visit your column for advice on how to approach this troublesome boy I know.

I've known this teenager (16 or 17) for a year now and for sure I can safely say that he is of the destructive sort. In the short span I've known him and met his mom, he has ran away at least twice, flunked a whole year of college, wrecked a lot of friendships he had and would escape problems when faced by them.

He rarely talks about his problems and when he does, he always thinks negatively, like "I'll never be good at anything..." or "I'm fated to be alone..."

He's constantly depressed and often, he channels his angst and depression out of him with sexual reliefs and favors from random strangers. I've heard that during his flunked year, he has had at least 20+ partners at a young age..

I'm worried for this boy, Papabear. I really DO want to help. I really pity his mom. But he just won't crack nor accept help from anyone.


* * *

Greetings, Serov,

In my travels I have met a lot of very depressed and negative people like this acquaintance of yours. Unless they suffer from an unhappy medical condition that causes depression (severe hormonal imbalances, brain defects) then it is likely the depression is caused by early life experiences. You mention only his mom, so I’m wondering what happened to his dad? This bear suspects his depression and self-doubt may be linked to something that happened with his father.

It’s great that you want to help, but this kid sounds very troubled and, if possible, would benefit from some professional counseling and perhaps group therapy. If you don’t know what you’re doing, there is a risk you can cause more harm than good.

In the meantime, you can be supportive. Without lecturing to him or talking to him about serious stuff, do things that will help prove him wrong about his assertions. Spend time with him and help him discover things he is good at, and when he indulges in them, praise him for what he has done. Reinforce him with praise when he shows a positive attitude about something (anything), but do not reinforce self-deprecating behavior, even with sympathy or criticism. You see, often we say bad things about ourselves as a way to get attention, even bad attention, because we feel ignored and rejected (again, am suspecting he is having abandonment issues about his father, but I don’t know that). This explains his sexual promiscuity because by giving his body to people he is being validated by others, recognized that he exists, even if they screw him and then leave—which is why he finds a lot of partners. Of course, when you are an easy lay, people don’t respect you as much, which then contributes to his problem of not attracting someone who loves him.

Try to get him to socialize and be with decent people who won’t take advantage of his fragile state. He needs to develop a cadre of good furiends who will help him find his way toward doing something positive in his life like a group of soldiers making their way through the enemy lines of depression. He needs to feel like he is a worthwhile person.

This letter is a good complement to the column I wrote yesterday about supporting someone through actions and not words. Hopefully it will help this furiend of yours. Let me know how it works out.



Yes of course one of them is a fox!

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Apr 2013 - 11:15
Categories: News