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FC-123 12345 (European Time)
Not happy about this NatGeo trailer
Episode 16: We're broken
lights in tail
hello everyone i am looking for a do it yourself way to add lights to a tail. i already had the tail made so its not like im building it however i am trying to figure out a way to add some form of lighting to it i.e. l.e.d etc
submitted by cobracol[link] [8 comments]
I wrote a short story, thoughts/critiques?
Hi everyone! I recently wrote my first fiction short story in about a year and a half (and my first furry story ever) and posted it here. However, I thought I'd share it here to get a larger audience (think of this as a plug for r/furry_wordsmith as well). So, I'd love some feedback and I hope you enjoy it!
submitted by RandomPotato[link] [comment]
I would like to request/trade/commission a picture of my new character. Any help/offers would be very much appreciated.
Hey everyone, I'm kinda new in the fandom and would like to commission a piece for myself. My fursona is an Arctic fox, and I would like him to look a bit like loner, since he reflects the current me. I would be grateful if someone could help, I can't supply any money cause well I'm kinda broke :L, I know that most people will only take money so i don't expect many replies, I can offer what I can though for example I can offer a tf2 item/items and I can build houses that look rely good in minecraft I know I'ts not much of payment but its what I got. :) Hope you can help!
submitted by gerardbrady[link] [18 comments]