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A Modern Fable: Pirates and Furries Converge

Furries In The Media - Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 13:52

I was in Pittsburgh over the Fourth of July weekend, walking along Penn Avenue in what is now called the “cultural district” of downtown. Having grown up in Pittsburgh in the 1970s, I was struck by two sights. First, an unusually large number of people wearing Pirates gear. The Pirates haven’t had a winning season since 1992, which happens to be the year after the team traded Barry Bonds. It seems like a lot longer since I’ve seen so many adults in Pirates jerseys and caps on the streets of Pittsburgh.

But amid the black and gold, I noticed a statistically significant number of people in full animal costumes. I’d see somebody dressed as a kind of space wolf on one street corner, then a minute later a woman with kitten ears and paws would pass by. I could only assume that they were part of a promotion at the Pirates game. Then I saw this lean, barfly-looking guy with a mildly disgusted look on his face, dressed all in black and threading his way through a throng of Pirates fans in front of a bar. I assumed he was going to get a beer, but he passed right by the pub. He was wearing a huge skunk tail that hung down to his ankles.

I saw another guy having a cigarette outside the convention center. He had fox ears, a matching tail and big fur boots, and I asked him what was going on. He told me he was in town for Anthrocon — a convention for fans of anthropomorphism, commonly known as furries.

It was a perfect alignment of misunderstood subcultures: Pirates fans and furries. The furries’ ascendancy seems the more assured of the two. Although the Pirates had the best record in baseball the weekend I was in Pittsburgh — which hasn’t happened this late in the summer since I can’t remember — Anthrocon was having its strongest convention ever, having grown to more than 5,000 furries since it started in Albany for a few hundred like-minded anthropomorphs in the late ’90s. This year, The Post-Gazette estimated, Anthrocon would bring an estimated $6.2 million to the city. The attendees would also try for the world record for the largest parade of people in fur suits.

I will admit to knowing little about the furries, though when I was there they seemed to be in a better collective mood than the Pirates fans. The Bucs, it must be noted, dropped two of three to the Phillies last weekend.

Categories: News

Watching You At Night

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 11:25

Smaller Totems is an on-line full-color graphic story created by Roby Duncan (writer) and Lewis Lain (illustrator). The concept is straightforward: What if the plushie animals we keep with us actually housed powerful spirits? And what if those spirits were tasked with protecting us from evil forces that try to bring us nightmares every night? Besides the main story, the creators also encourage readers to send in pictures of their favorite plushies and any stories associated with them — you might just get them put into the comic’s storyline. Check it out on-line at their web site.

image c. 2013

Categories: News

At what point is a good time to get into fursuiting?

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 11:24

Hello fuzzies!

I have a question for y'all. Basically, I am in love with fursuits, fursuiters, etc, etc, and I really want to get into it. The "problem" (and thus point of this post) is that I have only just recently found the fandom within the last couple months or so. Basically, I have heard some of the members, who have been involved longer in our local fur group, talk about new furs wanting suits as some kind of joke, something like "oh, you've been here for 2 months and you want a suit? ha, good luck with that."

I'm torn because I know what the answer should be. I shouldn't care what they think and do what I want to do with it. I know I'll love it, I love the performing, and the smiles it brings to people, and I want to do that.

What's holding me back is that I don't want people to look down on my character because they have some stigma about me getting into it too early. I want people to love my character...

So what do you all think? Am I over-analyzing this (probably)? Has anyone else encountered this kind of thing?

submitted by fursuitsRkewl
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Categories: News

Fancy badge - Gallen by bhavfox

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 07:53
Categories: News

Thinking about making an image with 3D models but don't know what program to use...advice?

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 02:37

I was thinking of trying G-mod but I don't have the slightest idea of how to use it...but I've seen some good stuff made with it.

There is also people who make furry models in Second life but that's not really what Im going for...

Does anyone know a good program that I can use?

submitted by the_bi_lizard
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Categories: News

Looking for an artist

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 02:14

I posted a little challenge on fchan a while ago, sadly my comment was accidentally deleted. I was wondering if anybody knew who the artist of the response I got might be.

The response I got back: (NSFW)

submitted by Qaz81
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Categories: News

I draw too much free art

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 01:59
Categories: News

Is anyone interested in a furry minecraft server?

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 01:18

I have a server I set up a while ago for the UKFur forum, but I never really got much of a response. I'm desperately looking for players :)

The server is totally vanilla, no plugins or anything (but there is an hourly backup)

Rules are fairly lax, pretty much no hate speak and no greifing.

I do host the server myself, and I'm in the UK so for you non-UK furs it might be a tiny bit laggy, but you're still welcome to come on and try the server!

If you do want to play, just send me a message with your Minecraft Username and I'll whitelist you and give you the server address!


submitted by beboshoulddie
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Categories: News

Need some Help...

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Jul 2013 - 00:05

I'm really interested in creating a fursona for myself, but I'm not very good at drawing. Does anyone know a furry creator game or a Deviant Artist who takes requests?

submitted by captaintaco2345
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Categories: News

Foxes (Photo)

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Jul 2013 - 22:33
Categories: News

How did you accept yourself as a furry?

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Jul 2013 - 20:42


Recently I have been questioning many very deep concerns in my life (as a highschooler) and was wondering, How did you accept yourself as a furry?

Right now I feel conflicted as to if i should categorize myself as one or not.

I've not really made that many major decisions in my life but this question has troubled my immensely for the past while. I know this may not be the best place to post it but its the only place I can think of.

Thank you for just reading this and more Thanks if you reply (sorry one of first posts on Reddit)

submitted by markhamgoalie
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Categories: News

My friend is selling tails!

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Jul 2013 - 19:40

Hello! A close friend of mine has started selling handmade tails figured you might be interested in! She is selling them at And it would mean the world to her if she could get some exposure and sales.

If this is against the subreddits rules i'm sorry just let me know.

submitted by Jondoe1791
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Categories: News

How do you store a tail?

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Jul 2013 - 19:31

OK. I recently purchased a tail at AC (my first) and I am having a little bit of a conundrum. Where the heck do I store the thing. Idealy I would like to hang it up in my closet so it doesn't get matted or anything, but I am trying to find out how others store theirs so they don't get damaged.

submitted by Namrepus221
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Categories: News