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A Dragon for Your Sign

Furry News Network - Fri 18 Oct 2013 - 02:05
Author: rodney Sixth Leaf Clover (also known as the artist Christina Yen) has made quite a name for herself with her paintings of fantastically-colored dragons. She’s even written a book about her coloring techniques. Her latest project is a calendar for 2014 — full color of course, featuring a new and different dragon design for […]
Categories: News

Debating on whether to rejoin this fandom again

Furry Reddit - Fri 18 Oct 2013 - 01:11

I've considered myself to be a furry for awhile now, but last year is when I got fed up with the fandom and left. I got more annoyed as time went on. I've yet to meet a casual fur who doesn't act like a child or is completley obsessed with the sexual side of the fandom. I really do love this fandom but at the same time I really hate it. I want to be apart of it again but I can't help but get pissed off by most furs.

submitted by lavendersquid
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Categories: News

Learning to Fight Fairly Is Important in Any Relationship

Ask Papabear - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 23:47
Hello Papabear. 

I've asked you questions before and I want to thank you so much for the advice you've given me. It's really been helpful, but today I've got another question for you. I've been friends with a guy for a few years now, and I'll be the first to admit that I'm not always an easy guy to get along with. I also used to have a problem with lying. Little things just to see if I could get people to believe me. Well, this friend is someone that I lied to. I'm ashamed of it and I begged him to forgive me because his friendship is important to me. When he finally forgave me, I promised not to lie to him ever again, and for about a year now I've been true to my word and been completely honest with him. 

But every now and then we argue and he always throws that past mistake and a few others in my face. It's emotionally draining and we have been fighting more and more recently. I still value his friendship, but it’s starting to wear down on me. Should I just stop talking to him, or keep taking this to preserve out friendship? Is it even worth it for me to work at our friendship anymore? I don't want to hurt him or make him mad, but Ii just don't think I can handle him opening up old wounds. What should I do?


* * *

Hi, Nite,

One of the most challenging aspects of being in a committed relationship has to do with learning how to fight. Whenever two or more people are involved in any kind of relationship, you’re going to have disagreements. That’s inevitable, and that leads to fighting. It’s okay to fight; that’s how we resolve differences (unless you’re the U.S. Congress). But successful couples learn how to fight fairly. Your mate has violated one of the rules of fighting fairly: don’t bring up the past.

This is not fair because it undermines the factor of forgiveness. When your mate said he forgave you for lying to him in the past, and then he brings it up in a current fight, that says that he has not, in fact, forgiven you. So, if he HAS forgiven you, then he should not be throwing the past in your face again. By being honest with him for a year—and likely more if you keep your commitment—you have shown him that you have changed and that should be enough to move on.

There are other rules of fighting fairly, including:

1. No name calling. Calling someone you supposedly love nasty names is particularly hurtful. It doesn’t resolve the fight, but just makes it worse. It makes your mate think you really don’t love him.

2. No yelling. You can have an argument without raising your voice. This is rather difficult, I know, because when we’re frustrated we tend to do it, but if you and your mate just start shouting louder and louder what happens, ironically, is you can no longer hear what the other person is saying; you’re too busy trying to be heard.

3. No—and I mean ABSOLUTELY NO—hitting or other physical attacks of any kind. 

4. No blaming. Don’t blame the other person for a problem that is likely caused by both of you miscommunicating. Saying “It’s all your fault” is not at all constructive and will put your mate on the defensive.

5. Stay on topic. If you’re arguing about, say, who is supposed to pay the electric bill this month, don’t bring up an unrelated subject like, “you’re so disorganized you can’t keep anything straight,” or “and I hate when you clip your toenails on the kitchen table.” If you want to solve a problem, you have to focus.

6. Don’t use something minor to start an argument that is really about something major underneath. I’ve been guilty of this one myself. Yelling at your mate for not washing the dishes when what’s really troubling you is that he got himself fired from work by smoking weed is not going to solve the real problem. Extreme example, but you get the idea.

7. No kidney punches. That is, no taking aim at another person’s vulnerability in order to win an argument. Say you’re arguing about who does more to clean around the house. Telling your mate “well you’re just too fat and lazy to use a broom” when you know he is self-conscious about his weight is a low-blow.

8. Don’t manipulate. The most manipulative thing is turning on the tear ducts to get your way. It’s okay to have honest tears, but there are a lot of people who can make themselves cry because they know their partner will back down.

9. Give each other equal time in the argument. One way to do this is to have an object that you agree that whoever is holding it is allowed to talk (wow, awkward sentence!) The other person cannot talk while the object is being held. To lighten the mood, you might make it a silly object, such as a clown Pez dispenser or your favorite toy from Bad Dragon.

10. Clarify and reinforce. After you have argued and each has had his or her say, each partner should repeat what he/she believes was said and what the conclusion was so that you both agree to the results.

11. When you're done, give your partner a kiss and hug to reinforce that everything is okay. Or, if you want to go the extra mile, have make-up sex :-P

The above rules apply for any relationship, really, although I realize you're talking about a friendly relationship and not a romantic one, so in your case you would probably want to leave out #11 :-P

Anyway, long-winded way of saying that Papabear feels you should keep trying, keep working on your relationship. Relationships are never easy; they are not all peaches and cream, but if you want to have something really long-lasting then it is worth investing some time and effort into it.

Good luck!


A Dragon for Your Sign

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 23:28

Sixth Leaf Clover (also known as the artist Christina Yen) has made quite a name for herself with her paintings of fantastically-colored dragons. She’s even written a book about her coloring techniques. Her latest project is a calendar for 2014 — full color of course, featuring a new and different dragon design for each sign of the Western Zodiac. She’s taking pre-orders (and showing samples) at her web site right now.

image c. 2013 Christina Yen

Categories: News

Super Dingo vs Tomb Raider

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 23:12
Categories: News

Fur What It’s Worth LIVE! with Kyo! - Holy buckets have I let this go on too long without posting it! So, a couple of weeks back, Kyo went to Rainfurest where he hooked up with Tugs from Fur What It’s Worth and they did a live show. It was a bit of a scre

Fuzzy Logic - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 22:47

FWIW_Logo_Web_small copy
Holy buckets have I let this go on too long without posting it!

So, a couple of weeks back, Kyo went to Rainfurest where he hooked up with Tugs from Fur What It’s Worth and they did a live show. It was a bit of a scream. (See what I did there? Halloween is not too far off… scream… get it?)

We had been having some issues with our feed reaching iTunes so we wanted to make sure that was working properly again. From there… well… dragon procrastination.

Anyway, here it is! Hope you enjoy it!

Go give Tugs and Roo a listen!

Fur What It’s Worth LIVE! with Kyo! - Holy buckets have I let this go on too long without posting it! So, a couple of weeks back, Kyo went to Rainfurest where he hooked up with Tugs from Fur What It’s Worth and they did a live show. It was a bit of a screa[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Fursuits. Am I doing it rite?

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 21:06
Categories: News

New to r/furry. Just want to say something

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 19:49

(If this should go somewhere else tell me, thanks)
Hey there. Little nervous about making my first post here, but I guess I'll just put what I need to. Heard of the furries a while back when I was getting into wolves and wolf art, and it made me feel good to know there are people like me. Recently accepted myself as a modest fur, but just wanted to kind of state that I exist in this community, if thats okay. If there is anything I should know about being furry, sharing it with me is appreciated :)
Also, some Crappy Wolf Art I sketched. I Have some of an art background, but skills aren't so good, but I guess I will share it. Thanks guys for listening, I just wanted to say something.

For those that care

submitted by Asvald_The_Highborn
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Categories: News

Comics interview: Howard Hardiman on “The Lengths”

Fursday - Reading List - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 16:54

The premise of the comic is about the life and love life of a male escort, set in a world where all characters are dogs. It sounds like the kind of slice-of-reality mixed with down-to-earth humour that characterises many British works.

One interesting aspect that stood out, when asked about how much of a contentious issue it was getting a book about gay sex workers published: 

There wasn’t resistance particularly, but I think several places weren’t sure how to categorise it or market it when most of the comics about gay people’s sex lives are overtly pornographic and not character led (Steve McIsaac’sShirtlifter books being a lovely example of being both, mind you).
It’s fair to say a lot more people worried about offending people than there were people offended. Distributors feared publishers might not support a title like this, publishers feared retailers might not support it and some retailers feared an audience might not be there for it. In the end, I think that caution was a little excessive and there’s been a great audience and lots of support - right from the start when I had to beg for support though crowd-funding to pay for it.



Categories: News

The Romanian stray dog conundrum

Fursday - Reading List - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 16:29

This is a conundrum with no easy answers for everyone involved. Having that many stray dogs on the streets is neither good for the dogs nor for the safety of the public, yet from a practical stand point what is the solution that provides the best balance between being humane for the dog, being cost efficient and bringing reliable results? It seems where one solution excels at one criteria it is at the cost of the other.

Yet on top of that, if dogs are on a level similar to human infants in brain intellect…

via Flayrah’s twitter


Categories: News

Preparing Some Yummy Sushi

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 14:48
Categories: News

Müller Rice, Rice Baby

Fursday - Reading List - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 10:05

How quite I never saw this on tele 3 months ago I’m not sure. I would say it looks very much like animatronics rather than CGI.


Categories: News

This is art

Furry Reddit - Thu 17 Oct 2013 - 08:35
Categories: News