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Metalhead Furs!

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 23:35

Dunno if this has been made before, but screw it. :p Any other metalhead furs here? Been curious, if so, tell me what bands or subgenres you like! Personally, more a progressive metal fan. Meshuggah, Dream Theater, Opeth, Periphery, etc... But Tech. Death and Med. Death like Necrophagist, CoB, Can. Corpse etc... Can't say I'm a huge fan of metalcore, but I have no problem with it ^ What bands do you all like?

submitted by Thecoltonfactor
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Categories: News

How should I come out to my friends about being a furry?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 22:42

I feel guilty hiding it from my close friends, but I'm worried about the negative stigmata about furries that A lot of people tend to have. Also, it's not an "expected" coming out, like coming out as gay/bi/etc, it's not really what you expect when someone says they want to come out of the closet to you.

I don't want to hide it any longer, and my friends need to know, because trying to hide making a fursuit and heading to a convention seems really hard and not worth it.

submitted by throwaway_dragon
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Categories: News

Help for a damsel in distress!

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 21:56

Sin. over on FA has hit a bit of a rough patch as her windshield has cracked all of the way across. She's doing art for donations and could definitely use your help!

Here's the journal with the details:

I'm throwing what little pull I have behind this as well. If you donate something I'll draw for you. As long as it's not one of the bodily fluid fetishes I'll make it so!

Here's a link to my FA:

If you can off any help at all everyone, especially her, will really appreciate it! <3<3<3

submitted by Strongburr
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Categories: News

Can't think of a title. (Possible NSFW)

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 21:49

So I'm going to be unable to read anything posted on this thread for up to 2 days (most likely one but whatever).

I want you, the citizens of /r/furry to post anything and everything you can think of so when I get back I will either be terrified or laugh my ass off!

I figure I'll tag this NSFW just incase. Don't wannafry your brains on accident :D

Side note: The reason I will be unable to view this is my hard drive decided to die yesterday and have to use my moms laptop for access to the internet. I should be purchasing a new hard drive tomorrow but I'm unsure as to when I can actually get on.

Extra side note thingy: This is done because I'm going to be bored over the next few days and would love a good laugh when I get back!

submitted by VideoHusky
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Categories: News

Moonlit cuddles?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 19:06
Categories: News

/r/furry Let's Play a Game: Suggest the Partial

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 17:57

Okay, stupid title, but I am really, really curious what answers I get. So I am going to describe myself, both physical, what I do etc, and I want suggestions for a partial to match me. I have my main fursona, plus my ferret, but both are very much full suits and I want to have a partial in my arsenal. While both my ferret (Taabu) and Mindaja have a great deal of significance to me (Mindaja being my first and only fursona, and he came around in 1992 and Taabu being my big goofy idiot that I can be stupid in and it would be totally expected because...ferrets) any partials don't have to be significant to me (Any character I end up creating has some significance to me, but again this is just meant as something to wear that doesn't cause me to sweat my genatalia off)

So, let's see (Oh, and I will do both metric and imperial for measurements):

6'1" (1.8542 meters) 130 lb (58.967 kg)

Let's see: Software engineer, writer (Or I hope to be a writer...or rather I write but no one reads it), tech lover, also horse lover and rider.

Own a cat, like dogs though (Mostly Daschunds just because the stupid is cute, and Welsh Corgies). Large animals: Horses of course, big cats, gorillas (Donate to a couple of charities to help save them).

Let's see, oh, Furry since 1992 (I was 12 at the time), huge TLK fan (Including Shenzi, loved her character).

Common dress: Jeans and t-shirts or sweatshirts, usually covered by hoodies (Force of habit from San Francisco where if you didn't have at least 5 layers to add/remove, you were screwed).

So given all that, what do you see me as? I'm just /really/ curious. I gave my height/weight because realistically, a partial would have to match my weight in some way.

submitted by MindajaCat
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Categories: News

Taking requests

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 15:09

One of my friends is an aspiring amateur artist and is taking character requests. If you're interested, just drop a description or a reference image and the pose you'd like.

submitted by PlasticFern
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Categories: News

Treating Your Mate Like a Dog Can Be a Good Thing

Ask Papabear - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 11:33

I am not really sure where to begin. I need some advice on my relationship with my mate. I have been with him for around 2 years now and it seems that every time I want to go out with one of my best friends or do something else besides be with him he says I don't care or that we don't have the same spark that we used too. How do I explain to him that I still love him just as much as I did a few months back? We have had this conversation over and over again but nothing seems to get any better.


* * *

Dear Ryhan,

What you have on your paws is an insecure mate. Insecure people need constant validation and get nervous when they are not in control of the world around them, including people who are close to them. Papabear doesn’t know enough about him to understand why he is so unsure of himself, but there are still things you can do to alleviate this without knowing the cause: a one-two-three punch approach.

Punch 1: Pardon if the comparison is a little insulting, but just like a dog with separation anxiety issues that tears up the couch and claws the door whenever you leave the house, you need to wean your guy off the habit of being upset whenever you do something without him. The way to do this is to start small and work you way up. It would be impractical for him to manacle the two of you together so you were always by his side, so I assuming he is okay with your going out to run a brief errand. Start with this, making your errands a little longer and more complex (one store then graduating to a couple stores, the post office, etc.) Then, once he is more used to that, have one or two friends over to your place. Make sure he is comfortable with your friends. Next, the two of you go out with your friends, finishing off with the shopping approach where you go out briefly with your friends by yourself, then go on longer outings. Even though you’re doing this by yourself sometimes, make sure to mix it up with times that both you and he go out together. But make sure you have a “Me Day” once in a while.

Punch 2: Use positive reinforcement. Whenever he does not get upset when you go out by yourself, reward him with a small treat, whether that is some food, or spending a little quality time with him, or giving him a big smooch, make sure he is rewarded for good behavior. When he behaves badly, do not punish him, but neither should you reward him. Ignore his hissy fits. This is how positive reinforcement works.

Punch 3: Do what you can to beef up his self-esteem. Compliment him when he does something well, thank him profusely when he does something kind for you, encourage him when he strives to do something new. Be supportive of his personal and professional goals.

Yeah, I gotta chuckle a little in that this is a bit like training your dog, but the psychology is the same. Just don’t give him dog bones for rewards :-P

Another thing you can help him with is understanding that relationships change with time. This doesn’t mean they get worse; they just change and evolve. Yes, as he noted, the honeymoon period may be over, but if he wants to be in a relationship that lasts more than a year, he’s going to have to recognize that this is typical of any relationship. You can’t honeymoon your entire life; it’s impractical and, let’s face it, exhausting. But! you can grow together, evolve together, help each other become better people, which is something we should all strive to do. People change, but love endures.

If his poor behavior continues after all this, the problem might be a bit more serious than we realize, and it could be that something in his past really needs to be examined with help from a professional counselor.

Either way, with a bit of work on both your parts, you can certainly get through this :-)



Is Furaffinity Dying?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 11:02

Hey /r/furry! It seems that some artists have stopped posting on FA and post art solely on Tumblr or Twitter, or post there more often than they do on FA. Weasyl didn't seem to have any success, and I'm assuming it's for the same reason. Do you feel that dedicated art sites are dying in favor of blogging/microblogging sites? Why?

submitted by wolfenfluff
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Categories: News

Bunnies of War: Cross Hares

FurStarter - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 11:01

A grim march across a hostile land, but with bunnies.


CHTGBombCross Hares: Testing Ground

knew I’d seen Jesse Labbé‘s work before. I was in Half Price Books and found a strange, magical little book–a historical record perhaps, or maybe a tactical guide, or possibly a prequel for a deeply bizarre game of tiny, furry vole-things in their crazy weird-tech fantasy battle. It looked like a promo for a board game that NEEDED to be played. Apparently, lots of fans–and the artist–thought so too.

CHTGcharsCross Hares: Testing Ground is a board game about bunnies in battle. There’s a little magic and a little weird tech thrown in, but at heart, these bunnies are on a grim march through hostile terrain. “Traps, enemies, and the land itself are against you. Lose your way, and all is lost, but what lies at the end of the path is worth the risk.” You may want to have “Apocalypse Now” playing in the background, for that fresh “grueling death march” feel. Or “Watership Down“, which is, also, a bit of a death march.

Game play is what Labbé calls a “trail-based board game.” In particular, he mentions “Fireball Island” as a strong piece of inspiration from his childhood–characters walk a winding trail around a volcano to steal a jewel from temple at the heart of the island, with cards, special spaces, and hazards to keep things interesting (otherwise, it’s Candyland with more fireballs). Personally, I’m reminded of  ”Talisman.” Now there’s a game that ends friendships.

CHTGCosntanceAnyway, the structure–a long, winding journey to the final goal. You play one of six characters (at least until the expansion sets hit), each with their own set of special abilities and equipment–the scientist, ranger mercenary, dark sorcerer, grunt soldier, bard, sniper. They are, all, for the record, bunnies. As characters advance around the board, you’ll open up Stronghold Cards (generally beneficial resource cards) Event Cards that change the game for everyone, Testing Ground cards (negative effects for your character), and so on–including Adventure Cards that open up side quests, with their own minigame board and rules.

I am amazed and alarmed by the art for the “Sacrificial Diving” adventure card.

CHTGdeathMany of the cards change depending on who you are, where you play the card, who’s near you when you play it, particularly the Adventure Cards–there’s a “never the same game twice” element to keep the game fresh through multiple plays. Even the ending can change–you don’t always grab the magic crown or whatever, the final space may be one of a range of scenarios.

One REALLY nice touch–and I can see why the artist didn’t follow through with it–is that some of the cards that repeat themselves have a few different pieces of art. Since a big part of the charm of the game is its art and its long-suffering bunnies, that’s a real plus. Of course it’s time-consuming and expensive, so not all the repeating cards have a range of artwork, but still that’s a nice gesture to the players.

CHTGTankSo far as Kickstarter projects go, after only two days, the game’s about 20% to goal, though the goal seems a little low compared to other projects of this scope…if there are any, this is an expansive project! It seems like it’d be in the publisher’s best interests to keep the stretch goals simple (one or two new characters, a new adventure–the one they’ve mentioned is an “origins” novella. This is game company 1agames‘s second big in-house project, and it looks like one  that runs the risk of spiraling out of control and into Unmanageable Complexity Land if they cater too much to Kickstarters MOAR NAO! stretch goal culture. There’s an entire world in that box already!

Anyway, check it out–watch the video, look for the 3D printed bunny minis, and the full game board. Lots of art, lots of options, lots of rabbits!

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.


Categories: News

Non-Drug Therapies Can Help This Phoenix Suffering from Sleep-deprivation and Emotional Illnesses

Furry News Network - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 07:56
Author: Hello Papa Bear, Only recently have I found your advice page, and oddly I had been looking for one. Weird how that all works out…. Anyway, I’m a phoenix, but I suffer from a fairly ironic problem. I have problems getting to sleep at night. Mainly due to when nest down for the evening, I […]
Categories: News

What to do with a deceased friends fursuit?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Nov 2013 - 05:05

A good friend of mine died this last Saturday and he owned a fursuit.

I have talked to his mom about maybe obtaining it, but that leaves me with a slight problem. Is it wrong to wear it? Like in memory of him. Or is it more proper to retire it? I mean I guess there's no real guide to fursuits like this.

I'm pretty much on the fence about what to do with the suit. I just don't want it to get trashed or anything.

It's rough since I have no idea what he would have wanted.... His death was rather sudden.

I guess I just want to talk to other people about this and see what the general consensus is.

submitted by theflamecrow
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