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How finals ended

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Dec 2013 - 00:07
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Odie playing pool

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 23:01
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Anubis Chibi Style

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 22:58
Categories: News

I like the porn but I don't like the sexual furries. Anyone else here like that?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 21:42

Somewhat sensational title.

I like furry art and the art porn. I like G-rated fur stuff too, and I like hanging out with people who also enjoy furry things. But I think sexuality and porn should be more or less private, or in very controlled settings.

So when I go to a fur meet in a public area (such as a family-oriented arcade), I kind of expect it to be family friendly, you know? Yet every single meeting I've ever been to, furmeet or meeting that happened to have furries present, the furries act like sexually frustrated immature people with no concept or respect for personal space.

And then, the one time I fursuited at a furmeet, it was like whatever shoddy bubble of personal space I had completely popped, and people thought it was okay to come up to me randomly and assault/tickle me. And then not stop when I grabbed their hands and pushed them away from me.


I mean, I know there are good people out there who happen to be furries. I even know there's furries out there who don't like furry porn. But where the hell are they in real life? Do they just never go to furry shit irl because they know this happens?

Has anyone ever had a furmeet go smoothly, cleanly, and without assault on your personal space? I'm about ready to throw in the towel. I would've liked to go to a furry con but when I can't even enjoy a small meeting, it seems not worth the hassle/money.

edit: I would like to add that I have met a few non-sexual furries at the meets, but whatever happened between us is totally ruined by the sexual furries damaging the entire atmosphere of the meet.

edit2: The events I am mentioning here were not recent. I held off on posting this to avoid drama with the group. I have also moved to another area since this happened.

submitted by bornes
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Categories: News

Unusual tail request (Help?)

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 21:35

So Xmas/Hanukkah/Winter Solstice is coming up and I want to get my friend a present that would mean more to her than the world. Is there anywhere I can look to get a wearable possum tail, not a clothe one but like a rubber (or any material similar) tail?

submitted by MezzaCorux
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 20:56

I think that got my attention.

Weeellll I'm bored and have 3(ish) hours to do whatever so I'm willing to draw sketches for you all. tell me what to draw or post a ref image and i'll attempt it!

(first 2 guaranteed after that it depends)

Techwolfy: Done

Tarotvixen: in progress (will finish tomorrow, bed for now)

submitted by VideoHusky
[link] [17 comments]
Categories: News

Call of Duty: Ghosts Xbox One clan?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 19:27

Hey all, just wondering if there's a good furry clan on the Xbox One version of Ghosts.

submitted by RetroCorn
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 18:36
Categories: News

F-14 nose art [x-post r/aviation]

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 15:23
Categories: News

He Is Embarrassed to Admit to His Jehovah's Witness Father and to His Mother that He Is a Furry

Ask Papabear - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 15:13

I have been a furry for about a couple of months now and I have told some of my friends that I'm a furry, but not my mom or dad. I am kind of afraid to tell my mom or dad. One: My mom would probably think I'm weird and criticize me and two: my dad is a Jehovah’s Witness and might hate me for the rest of my life. My dad is extremely religious. I just want my mom or dad to know so that I don't have to "hide in the shadows," if you know what I mean. I have five furry shirts I wear to school and then I have to quickly change out of them for my mom cannot see. I just feel too embarrassed to reveal myself. Help. Thank you.

Feisty Ferret (age 16)

* * *

Dear Feisty,

Papabear has received quite a few letters like yours over the last year and a half, as you might imagine, and the last few I received about furries and their parents I simply wrote to them offline since my readers have seen these before.

When it comes to Christianity and furries, I have, in the past, referred furries to several Christian furry groups (cf., for example), but Jehovah’s Witnesses present a challenge because they are quite different from most other types of Christianity. They do not believe in the Holy Trinity, and their concept of Jesus is very different in that they do not see Him as an iteration of God, but, rather, as a being separate from God and also not strictly the Son of God, yet they still believe that salvation is found only through Jesus. So, referring you to other Christian groups might not be helpful in your case.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are strict in their lifestyle, very opposed to anything that might be misconstrued as idolatry and opposed to celebrations such as Christmas and national holidays, which they feel are paganist (actually, they are quite correct on that account).

Why do I bring all this up? Well, because, despite all this, I do not know of any reason for a Jehovah’s Witness to object to someone being a furry. As long as you make it clear that your furriness has nothing to do with paganism and is not a rejection of your faith (I’m assuming you are a Jehovah’s Witness, too? If not, that is an entirely different letter, so let’s just focus on the furry issue). There is certainly nothing in the Bible that says you can’t put on a fursuit or enjoy a Disney film like Bambi just because it has talking animals in it (especially since those things didn’t exist back in biblical days!)

What you need to make crystal clear to your father is that furry has nothing to do with paganism or perversion or anything that might be offensive to his JW sensibilities (again, I’m operating here under certain assumptions, such as that you are not taking furry to a spiritual level but merely to a hobbyist level). Surely your father would be okay with your having a fun hobby? Would he, for instance, object if you wanted to be a mascot for your football team and dress as a bulldog or tiger? Does he object to people who like science fiction or fantasy books? Explain furry in those terms. The fandom, after all, began with a bunch of sci-fi enthusiasts, not fursuiters.

As for your mother, approach her in a similar way: being furry is just a way to have fun and socialize. (Even Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that having fun is okay). As long as you aren’t doing anything shameful, there shouldn’t be anything to be ashamed about, right? Right. When you say that you fear your mom will think you are “weird and criticize me,” is that because you know her views about furries or are you putting words in her mouth based on your personal feelings of embarrassment?

The problem with many young furries is they are apparently being taught from the outset that furry is something to be ashamed of. This is a lesson I have had to unlearn myself, even recently, and it is something that is very difficult to fight. You and I, and all furries, need to not be embarrassed about ourselves. Because, you know what? Many times when we finally admit to friends and family we are furries, they are fine with it! I know, shocking, right? The people who are fine with it are those who either A) don’t know what furry is and so have no bad preconceptions about it, or B) have a rock-solid understanding of furry and realize that there is nothing wrong with it. It is only with the misinformed and partially informed that problems may arise, in which case it is up to the furry to educate and dispel the misconceptions. (Such people are easy to spot, such as one time when I was at a party and asked a guy if he knew what a furry was, and his reply was, “Oh, yeah, you’re one of those furverts.”)

At any rate, let’s go through the possible scenarios here: 1) you can keep doing what you’re doing and, eventually, when you move out of your parents’ house you can live life as you see fit, 2) you can tell your parents you are furry in a way that they can accept and everything will be all right, 3) you can tell your parents you like furry stuff, and if they reject that, you can say, okay, I didn’t realize it would offend you so much so I will stop (and then go back to option 1), or 4) you can tell your parents you are a furry, they decide to be jerks and hate you even though you are their flesh and blood, and you get thrown out of the house and have to fend for yourself (possibly what you are fearing most, no?) Obviously, avoid 4 at all costs.

There’s actually one more option similar to #1: what I call the “It’s No Big Deal” gambit. Don’t tell them you’re a furry, but don’t hide it, either. Don’t make it a big deal (that’s important). Go ahead and wear a furry T-shirt at home, but don’t comment on it. If they ask, just say something like, “Oh, just a fun shirt I thought was kinda cool, no biggie.” Don’t hide furry stuff on your computer (but DON’T have furporn on your computer). Watch movies like Kung Fu Panda and Open Season without hiding those, either, and go ahead and leave out comic books and graphic novels in the open, as long as they are not, again, porn.

This is actually the option I would recommend. If you are not afraid to be yourself, if you don’t behave in an embarrassed or ashamed manner, then your parents won’t pick up on the idea that this might be something to be ashamed of or hide, rather like if you were smoking weed, hiding it in a drawer, and then, after your mother stumbles on it, claiming it is potpourri. Parents aren’t stupid (well, most aren’t), so don’t treat them like they are and don’t treat them like the enemy.

Hope this helps. Good luck!


Recommended Artist wiki talk

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 14:43
Categories: News

Cool Cool promo for Roadside Rodeo

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 14:19
Categories: News

Stan Sakai’s Other Rabbit Warrior

Furry News Network - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 14:05
Author: rodney This coming March, fans of Usagi Yojimbo will once again be able to check out one of creator Stan Sakai’s other well-known funny animal creations, Nilson Groundthumper (and his assistant Hermy) in a new full-color hardcover collection from Dark Horse Press. “Experience the rabbit action epic that might have been! More than just […]
Categories: News

(NSFW) Sticky and Different: The Month in Offbeatr

FurStarter - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 13:28

It’s December, and if that very special and perhaps a little depraved someone in your life needs the gift of a big-breasted transgender lupine Choose Your Own Adventure, amply-endowed unguligrade gym bunnies, frolicking and buxom pony satire, or digimon with riding crops and possibly stiletto heels, Offbeatr has something for you. Also, your SO’s needs are very specific and couples-therapy may be in your future.

Just saying.

exgenderroundEx Gender: A Wolf in Stilettos
Project ending 12/30/13
Wish fulfillment fic with a bit of Mary Sue is totally okay as long as it’s cute. And Ex Gender, catering as it does primarily to a few specific interests–gender transformation and massive breasts chief among them, may not be everybody’s cup of tit. Tea. exgender4But the artist DracoJeff goes in for expressive characters, working the american manga style fluently with art that steps outside kink and could easily appeal to anyone with a love for manga style, cute wolf guys, and a little playful dominance/submission.

exgender2The project, which is funded to the tune of $8000 now, and trending higher, is an  interactive CD graphic novel, with a few plot variations, branching paths, music, and some clicking and scrolling to learn more about the characters (or scroll lovingly over a centerfold). It’s not quite a game, but Drayjay’s definitely letting his love of gaming peek through.


Nope, no biblical allusion here.

The plot–Phyco, young wolf, ready to pounce on the world, falls into–or walks into, or possibly embraces, he’s a changeable character–the strange experiments of Aphramars Industries, and finds himself in a female body not unlike Lady Death wearing a tight fur coat. With a cute little goatee. After that, internal conflict, personal growth, exploration, maybe even understanding, and probably a few steamy sex scenes.

Drayjay’s fan base blew through his high $5000 goal in, oh, about two days, and Drayjay’s plotting out new endings for higher goals. Take a look!

Playpony1Playpony: Issue #2
Project ending 12/31/2013
The thing I like most about this project–well, besides the overall high production value of the art, the managers of this one are really picking their art for clean and professional–is the theme. Basing their project on another well-known intellectual property, Playpony is a mix of profiles, articles, fiction–but, mostly, pinup ponies.

Playpony2Maybe not “pinup.” That sounds a little too innocent, and glancing over the preview of Issue #1 we’re several degrees higher on the pornometer than the Bit and Bridle calendar.

Playpony3Each issue features a stable (heh) of regular artists, with an artist interview to keep it classy. There’s also the mandatory clopfic (it’s a word…) so you can say you were reading the articles, a bit of steamy comic fiction, and pictorial profiles from the “Mane 6″, popular background characters (Vinyl Scratch gets a lot of issue 1 to herself), a centerfold, and a celebrity guest. I know I’ve already said it, but I really like a project that really sticks to its theme, and Playpony picks a well-established theme and gallops with it.

digiXXXiconDigiXXX Issue #1
Project ending 1/14/2014
I gotta say, after glancing over this project, which MUST be 100% canon material, I seriously misjudged Digimon, and may have to go back and buy the OAV set. I didn’t know just how many sex toys were involved in that series.

digixxx3Bright and cheerful and soaked in both a certain charming irony and Veemon spooge, DarthGlacier has lovingly illustrated what happens when all that reconfigurable digimon digital DNA gets just a little bit corrupt. I’m falling in love with how big-eyed and friendly Glacier’s characters are–really capturing the energy of the series!–while simultaneously brandishing a lurid green dildo. That…that’s panache. So far as orientation goes, DigiXXX should appeal to any digimonophile. [ed. note: at some point my spellchecker just gave up on this entry.]

digixxx2So far as the DigiXXX Offbeatr business plan goes, seems sound. Once the crowdfunding period’s wrapped up, Glacier’s moving over to Rabbit Valley publishing–lower fees and a good furry distribution channel! So a large portion of her crowdfunding proceeds will go toward an initial print run. Since DigiXXX is about to break $1000 with a month to go, seems like an achievable goal.

A quick tour through DarthGlacier’s FA gallery shows a thick layer of Rule 34 sauce spread over several fandoms, particularly (and not surprisingly) Pokemon. Gotta catch them all, before they frighten the kids.

horse1Horse Hung
Offbeatr Voting Pre-Launch Period
Horse Hung is the work-in-progress project of artist Panda Lover, who, you’ll be shocked to learn, really likes drawing buff, hard-working guys. He also promised to draw my scrawny spokesdog Corbeau before the FA Lockout of 12/2013…looking at the stars of Horse Hung, I’m not sure he can, those are some well-chiseled slabs of gym bunny!


From the sketch “storyboard” pages and dialogue–well, and the title–Horse Hung is solidly a work of gay furry porn, a no-nonsense sex comic. Which is not to say it’s plot-free. The main character, Dante, is dealing with getting his life in gear, out of school, and getting a late start on opening up to his changing sexual orientation. His closest friend Jenason, and the only on he trusts, might be able to help, but he’s straight. Add a predatory boar, and sad-puppy drama and steamy locker room sex ensues. At a goal of 100 pages, there’s probably room for plenty of story. Not sure there’s room for Jenason, though. Hello, title character.


I’m interested to see this one play out. PL’s goal is high compared to the other furry projects on Offbeatr, but as a print product, it’s going to take more costs to release, so it’s not an unreasonable goal and compares well to “similar” projects on Kickstarter. Also, it’s the first solidly gay project I’ve seen on Offbeatr in a few months, No Good Deed came close, but still tended toward general audiences. The only other purely gay project to succeed on Offbeatr this year (also furry) was “Hardblush Boystown” Good luck!

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

scaredcatsCredit where it’s due: “Scared Cats” image used for main page icon adapted from “Scared Cats” by Paul Vaarkamp. Thank you, Paul!

Categories: News

Finally drew a snow leopard I'm proud of.

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Dec 2013 - 12:59
Categories: News