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I'll Draw Your OCs!

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Dec 2013 - 01:37

Hi there! I was wondering if anyone wanted a drawing of their OC for $5. I would really appreciate it and I also need the practice.

Here are some examples of my furry art:

I could also draw them in this chibi style if you prefer it (sorry, no furry examples at the moment):

submitted by picklesarecool
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Categories: News

Skype? (Again sorry)

Furry Reddit - Sun 29 Dec 2013 - 01:17

Hey guys, so i've been pretty active here lately and as you might know, when I first started posting here, I had asked some of you for your skype usernames, well we had created a group and have about 26 people there now, but from time to time it gets out of hand, so im asking again if anyone wants to chat, ill only start another small group chat of about 3-5 people but I would like to be able to talk to some furs occasionally just to get to know more of you. So leave your usernames and ill get to adding you guys tonight and whenever! I'm fairly active usually except for when im in my classes but when im not doing anything im down to talk. Sorry for the text wall, and sorry if im annoying you guys with my posts. 3^

tl;dr : leave your skype and ill chat with ya.

submitted by Blu35tr1k3
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Categories: News

FC-150X A Game To Remember - Another unlisted Season X special episode. This is our second board game night for the EXTRA LIFE CAMPAIGN, which was a blast, only this time we actually hit the record button! So here it is for your enjoyment.

FurCast - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 23:59

Another unlisted Season X special episode. This is our second board game night for the Extra Life Campaign, which was a blast, only this time we actually hit the record button! So here it is for your enjoyment. Of course, this isn’t a normal show. No noise gates, no schedule, or hefty production effort. Just some board games and some money raising for charity! Special thanks to Twilord for sending us the holiday gifts, and special thanks to all those who donated, helping us raise over $1,000!

Check out our Extra Life Campaign.

Download MP3

FC-150X A Game To Remember - Another unlisted Season X special episode. This is our second board game night for the EXTRA LIFE CAMPAIGN, which was a blast, only this time we actually hit the record button! So here it is for your enjoyment.
Categories: Podcasts

How do I tell my anti-furry friends that I'm a furry?

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 21:54

So, my friends are blatantly anti-furry. They seem to all agree that furries are perverts that like to have sex with animals except for one that doesn't even know what we are. When one asked me if I was one, I lied and said no around him and the others, in fear of rejection. How do I break it to them that I am furry? Should I just not bother at all and keep it to myself?

submitted by burnedbagel
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Categories: News

The Hippo From Hell

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 21:20

Not many independent animation studios have a large staffs; fewer still are a one-person operation. But such is the case with Zandoria Studios — also known as animator William Sutton, working out of his home in Tennessee. While still working a day job, Mr. Sutton has found time to create CGI sequences for various independent films. Meanwhile, he’s been working on his own personal project: TAR of Zandoria, created using the popular Animation Master software. TAR, you see, is a barbarian hippopotamus, who spends his time wandering the wasteland in search of adventure, dancing girls, and fruit punch — but who must instead busy himself dispatching armies of hyenas and other evil-doers. A Kickstarter campaign to  finance the first episode of TAR was unfortunately not successful, and so Mr. Sutton is seeking out other ways to bring his idea to life — and the screen. Check out the official TAR web site to find out the latest and see lots of background sketches — both computer-generated and traditional art.

image c. 2013 by William Sutton

Categories: News

Dragon in a latex suit~

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 19:44
Categories: News

2 Free sketches

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 14:23

FuraFume: Done

Second spot is taken, trying to manage this across 2 sites is fun :D

lilfoxxie(from tumblr): Done

submitted by VideoHusky
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Categories: News

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 14:17
Categories: News

This is a weird question, but, how does one commission? ; ;

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 13:36

I've used most furry sites EXCEPT FA, oddly enough. I always found it slow, clunky and just not very user-friendly. But I'm willing to get back into it. SO now that I have some extra money to burn from the holidays, I'm looking to get my first commission done, and I realized I have absolutely no idea where to start. ;~; I don't really know many artists that would be a good place to start, or if they're open to commission or what, I'm just lost

submitted by Thecoltonfactor
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Categories: News

Toastcoyote rockin' out

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 12:09
Categories: News

Papabear Gets a Merry Christmas Letter

Ask Papabear - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 11:59
Dear Readers:

Today I received the letter below. When I first read it, it really hurt. Even though I have received tremendous support from the furry community (and even some who read this column and are not furs), it still is painful to read such harsh words from a reader.

Initially, this post had a survey at the bottom asking if I should continue the column. I have taken that survey down because I received an overwhelming "Yes! Continue!" response, and only one person saying I should take this site down, and I can pretty easily guess who posted that.

The title of this post was meant to be sardonic, given the nature of the letter. However, it has now become literal because so many of you have said so many kind things that I am once again a happy bear. Thank you!

If you haven't already done so, read the letter, and I am now going to reply to it.

* * *

Hey "Papa Bear." 

This isn't a question for your advice column. In fact, I wouldn't want to be associated with your column at all.

You see, the "advice" you give is often illogical at best and downright harmful at worst. You have a huge ego and seem more like you want to build yourself up as a popufur instead of giving a damn about the people who write to you.

Your solutions are simplistic and something anyone with two minutes to think about the issue could give. 

Not to mention that when anyone dare question you, you slap them down publicly in a way to humiliate them and serve as a warning to anyone who dares doubt the great Papa Bear (really original name by the way.)

Just want to say you're pretty horrible. Since you love the ego stroking, I doubt you'll stop the column or give it to someone more qualified. I just wanted you to know that the whole world doesn't revolve around you, and not all furries are lining up to fellate you.


* * *

Dear "Anonymous,"

(Original name, by the way) Thanks for your letter. Initially, I was upset by your words, but everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, and so I have posted your opinion on my website. The overwhelmingly positive comments I have received made me feel better. At any rate, I would like to respond as objectively as I can to your remarks.

Please do note that I have a disclaimer on this website stating that I am not a licensed professional (few advice columnists are, really, such as Dear Abby) and I also point out that this is a site for entertainment purposes, strictly speaking.

I started this column because a lot of young furries were asking me questions one on one, and it seemed to me there was a need for a column like this in the furry community. I don't do this for money. I accept advertising and you can buy an "Ask Papabear" T-shirt, but, frankly, no one has yet, and I only do it to try to make up for some of my costs.

I do not do this for my ego. However, I can see why it might seem I have a large ego when I write the column. But then, as Critter, below, noted, you kind of have to have at least some ego to be an advice columnist. I mean, wouldn't you rather have a response to a letter like this: "I understand what you're saying and, based on my experience, here is what I think you should do," rather than, "Oh, gosh, you have quite a problem there but I'm not the person to ask because I'm just a little furry and I can't help you at all!" Kind of defeats the purpose of an advice column.

As for my responses when someone "dares to question" me: I always try to give a fair and reasoned reply to what people say. I have been known, in fact, to change my opinion based on a letter, but if I see no reason to change my opinion, or if I feel the writer is misinformed or just plain wrong, I am not afraid to say so. That's called having the courage to stand by one's convictions. No one has to take my advice. It's free. Take it or leave it.

Finally, it might startle you to know I do not feel the world revolves around me. In this mind-boggling universe, I am quite aware I am a tiny spec on a tiny planet. I am also not expecting furries to stand in line to "fellate" me. But if you know of some, please send me their contact information (kidding, but it makes me laugh).

I am sorry you find me to be a horrible person. I'm not sure what inspired your hatred, but there is nothing I can do about it. It does sound, though, that you might have some serious anger issues (a comment below suggested that, and I agree) and you might want to look into that.

The world has plenty of hatred in it. I'm just trying to add a little love and caring and sympathy. And if anyone else would like to write an advice column to help furries--or anyone else--I would applaud and encourage them to do so.

As for ending this column. It ain't gonna happen. As long as furries write to me and ask for a little guidance, I am happy to try my best to help.

Thanks to all of you who commented and wrote to me and reminded me why I write the "Ask Papabear" column.

Happy New Year!

Får kick av å kle seg ut som dyr (Getting a kick out of dressing up like animals)

Furry News Network - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 09:39
Author: Badly translated article ahead lol. Sarah (24) lives in Trondheim dressed like a fox. She is part of the furry community in Norway. - I'm a 1.80 meters high rev. Brown, black and white, with big fluffy tail, long pink tongue and sharp teeth. But I tend not to bite, says Sarah (24). She […]
Categories: News

Signs Indicate This Love Triangle Will Not Work

Furry News Network - Sat 28 Dec 2013 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear, I’d like to first thank you for running this lovely site and this lovely column. I’ve browsed through your letters and responses now and then, always admiring the unbiased approach you take and the useful advice you give. In a world where so much seems changing it’s reassuring to know that there […]
Categories: News