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TigerTails Radio Season 12 Episode 08
Meet Magferret, artist for October’s site banner.
(Patch:) Hi Mag. Very nice art and it’s a pleasure to host it. The site is commissioning regular new banners and featuring the artists, with a goal to give attention to ones outside the US. The last one was Alf Doggo from Chile. Can you give a little intro about yourself, where you live, and where to find you on social media?
Hi! My name is Mag, I’m from England and I draw cartoons and make music! I’m most active on Twitter where I post a bunch of my art!
- https://twitter.com/magferret – Art Twitter
- https://skooshed.bandcamp.com/ – Music (Also on Spotify)
- https://www.skooshed.net/ – Merch Store
Do you mostly do art in furry fandom, or somewhere else like for non furries? Do you do it for a living or just sometimes for money or for fun?
I’ve been taking commissions for over 10 years now, but went full-time with my art around 2 years ago. I’ve done some art for indie game projects, but the majority of my art is commissioned from within from the fandom which has honestly been such a pleasure! The fandom has some of the kindest, most supportive people ever and I’m really lucky to have such an amazing community of followers to interact with, I’m nothing without those guys!
Can you say more about your art? I notice it all looks SFW and wholesome, and it’s multi talented even involving music. For the art you did for the site, my favorite part is the zombie possum, who might just be playing dead because that’s what possums do. And why are you so good at toony ferrets?
I mostly draw toony animals, the cuter and squisher the better! As for being good at drawing toony ferrets, I think that just comes with how long I’ve been drawing for! I started drawing back in 2003 roughly, mostly drawing video game characters I liked. I wasn’t very good at it, but I enjoyed drawing and kept at it. I started taking my art more seriously in 2007 and began posting my stuff online / drawing a lot more. It’s surprising how quickly you can improve at something if you really dedicate yourself to it!
I also make music under the name Skooshed. I released an album called “Anxious Dreamer” earlier this year. It’s a personal, downtempo / chill album. You can find it on Spotify or Bandcamp (https://skooshed.bandcamp.com/).
How did you find furry, and what’s the fandom like where you live? Do you spend time with other furries in real life?
I don’t really remember the exact moment I found the fandom. I’ve always been into toons since I was super young and spent pretty much all my free time watching Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon, so naturally when I got on the internet I made friends with a few people on forums who were into toons and it kinda went from there.
There’s quite a few furries in the UK and I attend a bunch of cons around Europe too. I’ll have a table at Confuzzled in May 2020, so if you’re there, come say hi!
Do you have any favorite furry characters, whether in game or movies or tv — or favorite artists people should check out?
Oh man, I have way too many fav characters to list! Bonkers and Sylvester are a few of my favs. As for artists you should check out, go follow @gatorblits on Twitter – their stuff is always amazing!
Do you have one more favorite piece of art you drew that you want shared?
I’ve been playing the Links Awakening remake recently, so here some art of Mag dressed as Link!
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Infurnity 2019 in numbers
Episode 445 - Tornado Watch - This week~There's a convention fire that got put out quickly, Gender Reveal (GONE WRONG), Jeffrey Epstein didn't commit suicide, Florida Principal, and Shiva got to see Bingeing With Babish live. Patreon
This week~There's a convention fire that got put out quickly, Gender Reveal (GONE WRONG), Jeffrey Epstein didn't commit suicide, Florida Principal, and Shiva got to see Bingeing With Babish live.
Ponies in the Woods
Well, now that My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic has reached it’s conclusion… *sniff* Excuse us, we need a moment… *Ahem* Well, now that it’s done, it’s nice to know that the IDW comic tie-ins will continue into the future. Including, now, another brand-new mini-series, My Little Pony: Spirit of the Forest. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders are back! When Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle take a trip into the woods, they find a forest filled with trash! Just what could be causing this mess?! Looks like it’s another mystery for our favorite fillies to solve — and one where not everything is as it seems…” Written by Ted Anderson and illustrated by Brenda Hickey, the full series is available now.
由此看來,百步蛇比起雲豹,與原住民族間的關係應更為強烈。但近年來,台灣雲豹(Neofelis nebulosa brachyura, N. n, brachyura)在我國曾因其是否滅絕而多次躍上各家媒體版面。然而,在探討雲豹是否滅絕前,更根本的問題是:台灣雲豹(N. n, brachyura)這個雲豹亞種是否真的存在?
目前對於台灣雲豹最早的紀錄出現於Swinhoe在1862年發表於Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London上的文章。然而,自此之後,並沒有任何有關於台灣雲豹的科學材料出現。雖然許多未經證實的文字、口述紀錄曾經描述了對於台灣雲豹的觀察,但目前尚未有強而有力的證據來證明這個亞種確實存在。在2017年發表的《貓科分類學(A revised taxonomy of the Felidae)》(Kitchener, A. C, 2017)中,作者說明了目前對於台灣雲豹(N. n, brachyura)的證據尚不足以證實牠的存在,因此認定N. n, brachyura並不是一個正確的亞種分類。這意味著,台灣雲豹(N. n, brachyura)是個憑空捏造出來的物種。
但這不代表台灣並沒有雲豹的存在。或許台灣雲豹(N. n, brachyura)的亞種並不存在,但台灣確實可能曾經存在其他亞種的雲豹。就原住民的神話以及傳說來看,我國早期可能的確有著雲豹的存在,只是這些雲豹並不是我們認為的「台灣雲豹」,而是其他亞種的雲豹。至於存在於台灣島上的雲豹(無論他們的亞種為何)是否已經滅絕,這點仍有待進一步的科學研究來認定。唯一可以確定的是,台灣這座島嶼確實曾經有雲豹在上面生活著,並且被我國的原住民以各種形式記錄了下來。
李亦園,〈來義鄉排灣族中箕模人的探究〉收於《中央研究院民族學研究所集刊》第一期。 臺北:中央研究院民族學研究所,1956。
Kitchener, A. C, et al., A revised taxonomy of the Felidae: The final report of the Cat Classification Task Force of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group, CATnews Special Issue 11(2017, Switzerland), p.p. 64.
這個問題的答案或許比較有科學根據。我們都知道,臺灣原住民族(不管是平埔族或是高山族)的祖先都屬於南島語族,並且都屬於同一個南島語系(Austronesian Languages)。這使得臺灣原住民族的語言具有共通性,或甚至在早期的時候,不同族的族人能互相理解對方的語言。因此,當某一族的族人創造出了神話或傳說後,其他族的族人也可以透過與創造神話的族人們交流來得知這個神話。 而不一樣的是 ,其他族的族人可能會因為語言上的差異而誤解了故事的內容,或是因為本身生活環境、型態的差異而改變了故事的內容。
[Live] FurCats
Overrun with cats, we do a short roundup then get side tracked a lot.
Link Roundup:- Annual furry convention in Mesa mixes art, animal costumes and Zumba
- CBSN Documentary about Non-monogamy & Polyamory
- Migrating Russian eagles run up huge data roaming charges
- Awesome protogen feature
- Furpoclypse moves venues as Halloween convention’s hotel became ghastly
- Ferdinan Mythical Meteorologist Unicorn Calgary
- US Stops Using Floppy Disks to Control Nuclear Weapons
- Blue Bioluminescent Insects
- Plants Panic when it Rains
- Despite Their Spooky Reputation, Vampire Bats Keep Life-Long Friends
- Suspicious package turns out to be suspicious package reporting device
Infurnity 2019 : Atlantis
Con video for the Taiwan based Infurnity 2019 [1]! I just love seeing furry conventions spread across the globe. We gotta make the word fuzzy. [1] https://infurnity.com/en/
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Kids and Beasts Got Each Other’s Backs
Happy Halloween! Be safe, and watch the sugar. Recently we came across Beastlands, a new independent fantasy comic book series written by Curtis Clow and illustrated by Jo Mi-Gyeong. “Beastlands is an action adventure story set in a beautiful medieval fantasy world, where some people have companion beasts known as ‘Keepers’. In Beastlands you’ll go on an adventure with a group of 3 teenage friends, Mac, Ava and Ping. They’re on a journey to find out what Mac’s father, an explorer, was trying to discover before he disappeared. On this quest their friendships will be put to the test all while a tyrannical King looks to outlaw Keepers from the land.” The comic got quite a lot of chatter going when its Kickstarter campaign topped its original goal in just a matter of days. Check out the interview and preview video over at Comic Burst.
Happy Halloween
Here is a thesis film by Sonja von Marensdorff of the School of Visual Arts [1]/ as for the ecology of this world ... I have all the questions. [1] http://www.sva.edu/
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On hiatus with a house move
Furry news, reviews, interviews and more will be back after a while. The site has been active since 2014 with 1115 articles published. It will be nice to get going again with cool plans in the works, and more than 100 possible story projects kept on file. Check back later and thanks for reading. – Patch
Dammit! Chatah Spots makes me want to run out and get a fursuit and a cinema camera. (But that road leads to madness and VERY empty wallet ...) "Do Everything, Regret Nothing C'mon by Panic! At The Disco, Fun."
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TigerTails Radio Season 12 Episode 07
Best of Fur What It’s Worth – S8 EPISODE 2 – MOM! MOM! MOMMY! MOMMY! MUM! MUM! MAMA! MAMA! - Roo and Tugs have this week off. Instead, we present a re-airing of our fabulous episode with the Moms of Furries! - NOW LISTEN! - See the show notes right here!
See the show notes right here! Best of Fur What It’s Worth – S8 EPISODE 2 – MOM! MOM! MOMMY! MOMMY! MUM! MUM! MAMA! MAMA! - Roo and Tugs have this week off. Instead, we present a re-airing of our fabulous episode with the Moms of Furries! - NOW LISTEN! - See the show notes right here!