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Awards Eligibility Post for 2019
With awards season upon us, we wanted to make a quick and easy reference list of all of our stories from 2019 that are eligible for awards.
Cat of Thunder by John Taloni (3,700 words)
Bibelots and Baubles by Shauna Roberts (700 words)
New Hire at the Final Library by Laurence Raphael Brothers (900 words)
The Move by Kristi Brooks (1000 words)
¡Viva Piñata! by L.D. Nguyen (300 words)
Clyde and the Pickle Jar by Steve Carr (1,400 words)
A Warm, Dark Place in the Earth by Mackenzie Kincaid (4,100 words)
Sealskin by L Chan (700 words)
Good, Better, Best by Rachel Rodman (3,400 words)
Dragons Are Made by Searska GreyRaven (2,600 words)
Spider, Dreaming by Michelle Muenzler (300 words)
The Carnivore Queen by Alexandra Faye Carcich (1,700 words))
The Cosmic Woes of Finnigan Turtle by Hannah Montine (5,000 words)
The Farmer and the Potter by Amy Hammack Turner (2,000 words)
Saga of the Knapaleith by Allison Thai (16,400 words)
Leafless Crossing by Voss Foster (5,600 words)
The Stone Mask and the Frogs by Mark Mills (1,100 words)
‘Twas Brillig by Michael H. Payne (4,800 words)
Go On, Lick Me by Luna Corbden (800 words)
Nine Ways to Then by Diana A. Hart (2,800 words)
She Returns To Help The Dragons
In the past we talked about Katie O’ Neill, and we briefly mentioned her award-winning graphic novel The Tea Dragon Society. Well now she’s back with a brand new sequel, The Tea Dragon Festival, that’s available now in hardcover from Oni Press. “Rinn has grown up with the Tea Dragons that inhabit their village, but stumbling across a real dragon turns out to be a different matter entirely! Aedhan is a young dragon who was appointed to protect the village, but fell asleep in the forest eighty years ago. With the aid of Rinn’s adventuring uncle Erik and his partner Hesekiel, they investigate the mystery of his enchanted sleep… but Rinn’s real challenge is to help Aedhan come to terms with feeling that he cannot get back the time he has lost.”
FurTimes X 夢幻獸攝 擷取「毛」好時光
跟一般不太一樣,一般可能是先進獸圈才有獸裝,我是先有獸裝才進獸圈 (?
Hindsight is 2020 — Top 20 furry news stories of last year (Part 2)
Yesterday was Part 1 of a list for articles at Dogpatch Press. These stories aren’t just from 2019. There’s some older ones that had revived or ongoing interest in the year. They’re not ordered by most viewed on top (some of them are deeper dives into brief/specific stories) — but these were the top 20 listed in a way that makes a snapshot of a subculture.
11. Mainstream crossover. Margaret Cho barks about furries, pride, and costuming on The Masked Singer.
This is right on the line drawn by queer/weird power that keeps furry fandom independent. Here’s one of the bigger names in mainstream entertainment who has openly mingled with furries. She takes pride in supporting misfits, was Grand Marshall of a pride parade, and was in The Masked Singer as a singing robot poodle. This article with her drew mainstream news to ask for furry opinions of the show. Expect more because the Australian edition has costumes built by furry makers, and the UK edition had fursuits in a sponsor’s ad.
12. Roots and influence. A furry pilgrimage to the Adult Swim Festival and the Prancing Skiltaire house.
Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim puts weird animation on TV at night and features furries on rare occasions. Their Los Angeles festival was a blast where I was the only fursuiter among thousands there for heavy metal, standup comedy, screenings and rides. Nearby was the oldest furry fan house (in California or maybe anywhere) where the founders of the first fur con show how a few fans can start something much bigger.
13. Fighting hate. The “New Paws” Hoax: How alt-right trolls piled on a disabled man to boost their failing careers.
This was THE most viewed article of the year, but furries didn’t do that (and drama doesn’t deserve #1 on the list.) The malicious hoax came from chan boards and was spread by big troll accounts. Outsiders kept googling and linking to the article, and it helped debunk fake news so it wasn’t worse. It shows how internal fandom power can be weaker than you know externally, and the same old malice keeps going since the media was mocking furries many years ago. Could there be any better argument for why there should be furry news?
14. Beating hate. Story of a Former Alt-Furry: Clouded by Clout.
Fake news and trolling is the toxic waste of social media corps. They profit from cutting out the cost of human moderation, and dump it on the public like a coal factory spewing smoke. It has a human side. Here’s how one person was caught in the haze, but gained clearer vision.
15. Problems high up. The Zaush Issue – leaked private messages make a public discussion.
Not all of the worst things in fandom come from outside. People keep searching to learn what’s wrong, and they find this article. If some of the most popular content in the fandom is borderline-illegal, creatively-empty Disney parody for profit… demand better.
16. Con security. “Confederate fursuiter” Magnus Diridian arrested at Midwest Furfest – what’s the story?
The “Confederate fursuiter” keeps coming up as a meme. Trolling isn’t just a social media problem, it’s a real life problem. It kept getting notice with threats to MFF 2019 from Milo, who turned out to be a paper tiger. That led to my story about Milo that was written by request of mainstream site LGBTQnation: The furry community is very LGBTQ-inclusive & doesn’t tolerate haters like Milo. Then at the end of 2019, Anthrocon’s long time security partners the Dorsai Irregulars announced parting ways with the con. The reason I was told was high rate of volunteer burnout. I think that’s an issue across the fandom.
17. The worst story to ever hit the fandom. Evidence of a furry crime ring emerges: Legal docs and news tie Cupid, more to zoosadism.
THE worst. With tech-enabled secrecy, an urban-legend level animal snuff porn ring reached worse excesses of human evil than could even be imagined. Failure to do anything about it was a black eye about certain parts of the fandom, from Kero defenders to con staff blowing it off. It’s not just for the cops when it comes from an exponential rise of reports way beyond their power, as reported by the NY Times in 2019. The full extent of the story isn’t out yet. However, the ringleader was hit with dozens of felony charges at the end of 2019 and faces 16 or more years in jail.
18. Corporate complicity. Youtube’s popular Reptile Channel has a history of banned animal abuse by JonahVore.
An earlier and now weaker by comparison story of animal cruelty for fetishes, views and profit. Youtube still doesn’t regulate it even when the channel is evading bans. Reptile fans who oppose cruelty cited the 2017 story for new videos in 2019.
19. Justice and safety. Arrest of Growly brings feeling of vindication for furries with safety concerns.
Long going protests about sex offenders focused on one person, but didn’t even scratch the surface of rings or profit operations. More is in the above 2 stories or this previous one: R.C. Fox arrested for child pornography, furries question fandom connections.
20. Reporting for justice. Arrest of Lee Miller (Foxler) brings a call for witnesses to come forward.
Foxler was a troll whose malice fed headlines in Rolling Stone and elsewhere in 2017. Reporting it in furry news led to a 2019 sex offense arrest. Reporting that led to the last story posted in 2019 — Furry Raiders sex crime case: Arrest for felon tied to witness tampering and Milo’s “troll school”.
These come from a margin between subculture and mainstream, where art and events thrive with excitement, misfits give and get support, abuse can hide, and ordinary people do what they can to stop it with only occasional outside help. Of course most people are just here for art, so you might not see the deep stuff unless you get furry news.
See the amount of bad stories? There’s 2 good stories shared for every negative one here, but ones that get notice are evidence that The Medium Is The Message.
For a long time i have maintained posts on a rough ratio of 2 nice/positive/informative posts to one sad/drama one. If one kind gets traffic, that has to do with what social media sorts and how users choose to boost. Make a choice to consciously counter the nasty stuff.
— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) December 29, 2019
COMING UP: Crossover with the mainstream keeps making some of the most interesting stories — and commercializing will keep being a topic complicated by stories like above. While there was uproar in 2019 about Converse sponsoring a con in Brazil, and worry about corporate takeover, I think that story was mostly a nothingburger about a brief flirtation. There was little risk to furry-made shoe business or a shoe company having a native furry userbase, and ordinary widget-selling companies can worry about backfire from mingling with a subculture, but it’s not like companies never used animal mascots before.
I think the greater risks come from within. Furries have what I would call inherent deficits of open-source fandom. It has to do with gaps in security, moderation and policing itself. It’s not going to get better by relying on for-profit platforms made for advertising and driven by conflict for views, and superficially calling things out. When that’s confined to a bubble like Twitter, it feeds the corporate monster. Real life organizing and in-depth reporting makes a difference.
An interesting comment came in at the end of the year from a mainstream journalist. Remember 2016 news about a triple murder with furries in Fullerton CA, where the full story never came out? There was a conviction right before the start of 2019.
“This isn’t old news at all – in fact, i’m working actively on this story as we speak, and I know a lot lot more than I did then, thanks to the trial in part.” – Sanjiv B, December 2019.
I’m looking forward to a good read from a fandom ally. It has to do with reporting problems for learning and improvement. That needs good media, and much more than just social media. But that’s one of those deficits of fandom that just has handfuls of hobbyists writing about it for the love of it.
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon. Want to get involved? Share news on these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for anything — or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here (it pays.)
TigerTails Radio Season 12 Episode 17
Hindsight is 2020 — Top 20 furry news stories of last year (Part 1)
My chihuahua was amazed when I sneezed and fireworks exploded over the city. She stopped shaking and did a head tilt, like “did you do that?”
It was New Year’s Eve, and catching a plague kept me from going out. But pets like attention when there’s scary noise, and it made time to write.
This list is for articles at Dogpatch Press. That’s not the only way to get furry news, but how easy is it to get? Trust 1132 published articles here. It takes tons of work that few will do. Or ask those who start new sites, because great intentions often only last a few weeks. (RIP Good Fur News, Jan-Feb 2019).
This site has 6 years in service because it’s about DIY power, like a little sneeze really has power to make fireworks. It starts with one fan, but it needs everyone who sends tips, support, or guest writing, and makes art and events. That’s why 2020’s plans include supporting Moonraiser’s furry blog, a regular guest roundup of furry comics, and too many projects to ever finish (the site has hundreds on file).
These stories aren’t just from 2019. There’s some older ones that had revived or ongoing interest in the year. They’re not ordered by most viewed on top (some of them are deeper dives into brief/specific stories) — but these were the top 20 listed in a way that makes a snapshot of a subculture.
1. Art business and careers. Furry artists among top highest-paid Patreon creators, but face threats to their livelihood.
This 2018 article brings traffic every week. It has evergreen topics for hungry artists, like adult art business, insecurity about rules and art theft.
2. Deep wallets and love for creators. A look at furry business with a $17,017 record fursuit auction price, July 2018.
The fursuit auction record stands unbroken since 2018, and it more than doubled in 5 years. Where do sales happen now? After the end of auction site Furbid (1999-2015), Furbuy went down in 2019, leaving only The Dealer’s Den to serve the fandom until it returns.
3. Hearts bigger than their wallets. The impact of Dogbomb on the furry fandom and charity to cure ALS.
The story of Dogbomb’s life ended in April, but his afterlife goes on. It’s not just a news story, but a movement on social media, a big chunk of all fandom charity donations, and a rare level of mainstream crossover with charity events in many locations.
4. Antidote to negativity. Meet Emma the Tiger – A Showcase of Fandom Love from BLFC 2018.
This story of bullying and positive response gets steady views from some Youtube videos citing it.
5. Fierce independence. How furries resist a commercialized fandom (Parts 1-3)
It’s a deeper dive into a story that briefly hit mainstream news — When furries attack: Zweitesich criticized for marketing fursuits as expensive luxuries. A fursuit maker had a marketing misfire and got dogpiled like an invasive outsider. It connected business and bullying, with the highest ideals of independent creators and the worst excess of social media negativity. The deep dive looks at why it happened, with complicated conclusions because both DIY power and Disney-type fandom are furry roots.
6. Shared lore. Original species of furry fandom: an overview.
Rune’s guest article talks about furries creating their own worlds and species, like Dutch Angel Dragons, Sergals, or Protogens.
7. Events with style. Galactic Camp: a furry con takes flight on the USS Hornet, Feb 23, 2019.
There was a furry con on an aircraft carrier. I called it the cutting edge of turning swords to plowshares. The cool/weird factor got high notice on Reddit with Galactic Camp sets record with 742 furries, a San Francisco Bay warship and a Soviet time traveler.
8. How to get inside. A Newcomer’s Guide To Furry Terms and Customs.
The secret is there is no secret. Being a fan means doing it organically because you love it. The story is an Onion-style shitpost/prank (the site is zine style with occasional entertainment like that). It was made to satirize boring “Furry 101” news that used to be the only kind outsiders saw. This one keeps getting mistaken for the real thing.
9. Constant Queerdness. 5 STAR VISIT: Furry gets Airbnb room in San Francisco, finds furry yiff art on the wall.
It’s goofy entertainment but not a prank. An encounter with furry yiff art “in the wild” showed the queer/weird side of fandom that helps make it thrive. You could also call it loveable Furry Trash (like fun trash movies, which isn’t an insult.)
10. Classic Queerdness. Q&A with Biohazard, artist of the infamous “Too Hot for PBS” auction video.
More of the queer/weird side of fandom that makes it thrive. Your eyes could pop out to see this artist putting gay yiff art on public TV in the 1980’s before there were furry cons. Truly part of the roots, and that’s why this keeps getting views for years.
Tomorrow: stories 11-20.
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon. Want to get involved? Share news on these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for anything — or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here (it pays.)
commission n., 委託
payment n., 款項
fursona n., 獸設
transfer v., 轉帳
receive v., 接收、收到
Hi, my name is XXX. I want to ask you if you can take commission now. I want a style like this, and here is my fursona. Please let me know if you’re taking commission now, how much is it and how should I give you the money, thank you.
Hi, my name is XXX. May I ask you if you’re open for commission now? I want a style like this, and here is my fursona. Please let me know if you’re open for commission now, and if yes, how much would it cost? Also, please let me know how you would like to receive the payment. Thank you.
wolf n., 狼
fox n., 狐狸
dragon n., 龍(西方龍)
mammal n., 哺乳類
reptile n., 爬蟲類
feline n., 貓科動物
當然,圈內也有許多獸的設定是結合了兩種甚至三種以上的物種,那麼我們該如何用英文來表示這些物種呢?通常,外國人在遇到這樣的混和物種(hybrid specie)時,常會把那些物種的單字混合成一個單字。舉例來說:獅虎(liger或tigon)的英文單字就是由獅子(lion)跟老虎(tiger)的英文單字所組合而成的。
folf n., 狐狼(或wolx, pholph, wox, wolfox, fwox等)
wolger n., 虎狼
pattern n., 圖騰、圖案
scar n., 傷疤
accessory n., 配件
[Live] Knot Intimate
Well this ended up being a bit of a long one, but we had fun. :3
This episode is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout.
Link Roundup:- Telegram updates, verifiable builds, send when online, new theme editor…
- Furaffinity Updates
- Folsom Street Fair video clip
- Cool X-Ray Twitter account run by furs
- Singular ‘they’ crowned word of the decade by US linguists
- Into the Dark: Midnight Kiss – Trailer (Official) • A Hulu Original
- Cats movie will be a big loss
- Meet a ‘furry’ costume designer who sells full-body fur suits for over $1,000 in their spare time
- Ninji gets mentioned in a Tom Scott video
- ABC27: Capital City Fur Con
- Dr Phil House
- Porn Rewires Brain?
- Suicide Dog Bridge
- Woman Tried to Pass Dog Urine as Own
- CarJacker Steals Person and Goat
- Florida Man New Years Sign
- Texas Boy sets Yard on Fire
- Neth Azhti – “making meaningful connections through kinky art”
Golden State Fur Con 2019 / Pt. 1 (EP: 109)
Bandit and Byrdz take a trip to the debut of Golden State Fur Con! SEE MORE AT: http://www.TheRaccoonsDen.com FACEBOOK: http://www.Facebook.com/TheRaccoonsDen TWITTER: http://www.Twitter.com/TheRaccoonsDen FURAFFINITY: http://www.FurAffinity.net/user/TheRaccoonsDen INSTAGRAM: http://www.Instagram.com/TheRaccoonsDen #TRDs8 #GSFC19 #GSFurCon
Back The Rainbow
This last summer brought as a brand new Care Bares series on Boomerang, Care Bears: Unlock The Magic — and to go with it, a brand new tie-in comic book series from IDW. “Welcome to the Silver Lining, a mystical realm full of mirth and magic! The Care Bears, along with their pals the Whiffles, protect this realm from the negative influence of the mischievous Bluster and his Bad Crowd! With engaging, unique characters and an irreverent and heartwarming sense of humor, this new series is perfect for anyone looking for more magic in their lives!” Featuring art by Agnes Garbowska of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fame. All three issues of the comic mini-series are available now.
#227 - New Years STREAM! w/ Draggor & Miko - for all things Dragget Show -- www.draggetshow.co…
for all things Dragget Show -- www.draggetshow.com support us on Patreon! -- www.patreon.com/thedraggetshow all of our audio podcasts at @the-dragget-show You can also find us on iTunes & wherever you find podcasts! Dragget Show telegram chat: telegram.me/draggetshow #227 - New Years STREAM! w/ Draggor & Miko - for all things Dragget Show -- www.draggetshow.co…
Along Comes ANOTHER Pony
We’re already finding out more and more about new animated TV series to be looking for as we go galloping into 2020. Series like… It’s Pony, premiering later this month on Nickelodeon. “The 20-episode series follows the comedic adventures of Annie and her best friend, who just so happens to be an enthusiastic, unpredictable, and carefree pony… The series stars Jessica DiCicco (Adventure Time) as Annie, an optimistic and determined farm girl living in the city with her family and best friend Pony; Josh Zuckerman (Strange Angel) as Pony, who is naïve and impulsive, but loves Annie more than anything; Abe Benrubi (E.R.) as Dad, who treats Pony as a nuisance, but recognizes the special bond he shares with Annie; and India de Beaufort (All Hail King Julien) as Mom, who loves Annie and Pony’s relationship and always has a new project in the works.” Animation Scoop has a preview video to check out. [And with that — we wish you a Happy, Safe, and Very Furry New Year!]
TigerTails Radio Season 12 Episode 16
Quartz Husky [29 Dec 2019] - South Afrifur Pawdcast
We chat to YouTuber and statistician Quartz Husky about their channel, the YouTube platform and social media. Find Quartz Husky on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmad2GY1CmBMCP0JxkOgEXA And on Twitter: https://twitter.com/QuartzHusky Find us on Twitter: @South-Afrifur, https://twitter.com/southafrifur, on Tumblr, http://south-afrifur.tumblr.com/, and on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/southafrifur Also, for more local news, check out the Zafur forums! http://forum.zafur.co.za/
But That Trick NEVER Works…
Where would Furry Fandom be without animation? For that matter, where would the Walt Disney Company be without animation? Strange as it may seem today, that very odd notion was on the table back in the 1980’s… and in his new book Pulling A Rabbit Out Of A Hat: The Making Of Roger Rabbit, author Ross Anderson takes a detailed look at what happened instead. “By the 1980s, animation seemed a dying art. Not even the Walt Disney Company, which had already won over thirty Academy Awards, could stop what appeared to be the end of an animation era. To revitalize popular interest in animation, Disney needed to reach outside its own studio and create the distinctive film that helped usher in a Disney Renaissance. That film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, though expensive and controversial, debuted in theaters to huge success at the box office in 1988. Unique in its conceit of cartoons living in the real world, Who Framed Roger Rabbit magically blended live action and animation, carrying with it a humor that still resonates with audiences. Author Ross Anderson interviewed over 140 artists to tell the story of how they created something truly magical.” The book is available now — and make sure to check out the author’s web site, dedicated to this film and other animation matters.
S8E21 – Super Sized Tails - Roo and Tugs are joined by Chrono this episode to discuss the subtle cues and interactions many don't realize are all centered around body size and weight. We also do a decade recap after the main topic, so check out the whole
Chrono, our guest.
The following people have decided this month’s Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!
Get Stickered Tier Supporters
Nuka goes here
Kit, Jake Fox, Nuka (Picture Pending), Ichi Okami, Taz
Fancy Supporter Tier
Rifka, the San Francisco Treat and Baldrik and Adilor
Deluxe Supporters Tier
Lokimutt and Guardian Lion and Dusky and Katchshi and August Otter
Plus Tier Supporters
Ausi Kat
Tomori Boba
Koru Colt (Yes, him)
McRib Tier Supporters
Opening Theme: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Fifty Sheds of Grey: Kevin MacLeod – Spy Glass. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0. Visit Incompetech for more.
Patreon - The Tudor Consort, Inflammatus, Creative Commons, 2010
Closing Theme: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Chill Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!) S8E21 – Super Sized Tails - Roo and Tugs are joined by Chrono this episode to discuss the subtle cues and interactions many don't realize are all centered around body size and weight. We also do a decade recap after the main topic, so check out the whole