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Anyone ever been to anthrocon?

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 14:00

I have always wanted to go and want to save up. How much does it cost? What are you experiences?

submitted by whovianmage
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Categories: News

Are the flairs broken?

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 13:52

I'm just getting a bunch of little rectangles next to my name in the flairs menu, I was wondering if it was like that for anyone else.

Edit: Never mind, it's because I was in nightmode.

submitted by Xeonneo
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Categories: News

New ref sheet! Opinions?

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 13:31
Categories: News

Surrealism of Conventions

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 11:56

RainFurrest is tonight. Right now I'm sitting at my desk, surrounded by monitors and keyboards with endless spreadsheets, databases, and more acronyms than the human mind should be reasonably expected to comprehend. In 6 hours I'm going to be in a hotel only a few short miles away with a tail pinned to my butt, surrounded by a veritable hurricane of color, fursuits, and friendly smiling faces. The taboos and social complications of everyday life are going to be turned head over heels as I completely succumb to what feels like a whole other universe for the next 4 days. Sometimes... it's really indescribable. I don't have any question for you all, just sharing my musings on the crazy dichotomous life I lead.

submitted by regular-wolf
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Categories: News

Flowbee and Poo-Pourri

Furry.Today - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 11:30

I guess they can say poop!

Categories: Videos

Alfy By KristKC

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 11:18
Categories: News

Yarn Tail advice needed!

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 10:19

I've really been wanting to get my own yarn tails. I would need two, but a lot of the places I could buy them from seem so expensive. Since I'm in college, there's little cash for me to buy whatever I want. Of course, my first thought was to find tutorials on how to make them. Two methods that seemed the most common were to crochet a tube, stuff it, and then knot more yarn into the tube before brushing that out until it's fluffy and fur-like. The other one was to braid a yarn core and either sew the "fur" to it and brush that out, or (again) thread it through to make a knot and brush it out. I have 0 experience with crocheting or sewing, so I don't know if the first option would be a good idea. My question is this. What do you recommend I do? What's the best/easiest/cheapest way I can make a yarn tail? There isn't too much of a rush, since I don't plan on wearing them until MFF in December, but I really want to have them by then.

submitted by dragon567
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Categories: News

"Yo dude, do you have a Tumblr?"

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 09:30
Categories: News

The Barking Dead (TaniDaReal)

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 09:06
Categories: News

Member Spotlight: Elijah Lapso

Furry Writers' Guild - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 07:26
1. Tell us about your most recent project (written or published). What inspired it?

My most recent publication was the pair of poems featured in the anthology Will of the Alpha. They were sort of an on-the-fly kind of pair but I think they came out nicely.

Current projects include a piece that I am going to submit for Heat that I’m hopeful about. I’ve had it proofread by a friend who adored the piece. Inspiration for that actually came from a role-playing game of all places but definitely took on a mind of its own after I began.

I’ve also got a set of novels I’m brainstorming about right now. One of them I’ve started and restarted probably seventeen times now. I just start getting into it and then hating all of it. Hopefully that will rectify itself soon though.

The theme behind it is acceptance. It’s going to have a lot of self-doubt for the main character to work through and the environment itself will help set the stage for key events in the plotline. Without giving too much away now I will say it’s about a woman named Rachel, otter, and her relationship with a mysterious woman whose name I haven’t nailed down yet. She’s a possum. The working title for the project is “Storm Warning” so take that how you will.

2. What’s your writing process like? Are you a “pantser,” an outliner, or something in between?

A lot of getting frustrated and starting over. Random fits of creativity where I actually produce something halfway decent and planning that just sits around until I remember it exists.

3. What’s your favorite kind of story to write?

Poetry, by far, is one of my favorite things to write. I love dark romance as well. Something about tapping into the darker aspects of human nature that people deny themselves is just exciting. Looking into the primal, the brutal, the things that make you really empathize with the main character.

Not to be all doom and gloom I do quite enjoy writing lighthearted pieces. While not my best written piece my favourite tale to date is “Fitting Roles.” It’s silly but nice.

4. Which character from your work do you most identify with, and why? Can I point out the stories involving my own sona? Those aside, however, I do relate to a few characters. I’d rather not say who though and let others figure it out for themselves. 5. Which authors or books have most influenced your work?

Watership Down was a big one for me. The way Richard Adams conveyed the supernatural aspect while maintaining this world where you genuinely want the main characters to survive was fantastic.  I have looked at books like Silverwing as well. Oh, and the novel Blood and Chocolate is one of my favourite sources when dealing with the idea of shapeshifters.

6. What’s the last book you read that you really loved? That’s a tough one honestly. I’ve taken up reading a lot of creepypastas lately as well as several short stories. In terms of actual books I have recently been reading through Bewitching the Werewolf. I’ve also been rereading the Out of Position series by Kyell Gold. 7. Besides writing, how do you like to spend your free time?

I help run a werewolf game with friends and do other LARP games as well! It’s a great creative exercise.

8. Advice for other writers?

Keep writing. Write anything; even if you think it sucks. The more you write the better you get. You will write hundreds and hundreds of lackluster pieces before finally getting to the point where you start getting really good. Just keep working on it.

9. Where can readers find your work?

The easiest place is on FurAffinity under the username Lapso.

10. What’s your favorite thing about the furry fandom?

The diversity and ability to be whoever and whatever you want.


Check out Elijah Lapso’s member bio here!

Categories: News

Dressing for the Occasion? - What is suitable furry attire? By and large it is clothing-optional, but sometimes accessories work "just so" for characters. Meanwhile in the real world, a group of mangy mutts talks dressing up and looking good for various e

WagzTail - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 06:00

What is suitable furry attire? By and large it is clothing-optional, but sometimes accessories work “just so” for characters. Meanwhile in the real world, a group of mangy mutts talks dressing up and looking good for various events and discusses what makes the best wardrobe. All in all, it’s a scary episode.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 38

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Braniff, Levi, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2014 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

Podcast image belongs to Jeffery “Wolfin” Core. Used with permission. Dressing for the Occasion? - What is suitable furry attire? By and large it is clothing-optional, but sometimes accessories work "just so" for characters. Meanwhile in the real world, a group of mangy mutts talks dressing up and looking good for various events and discusses what m...

Categories: Podcasts

Dressing for the Occasion? - What is suitable furry attire? By and large it is clothing-optional, but sometimes accessories work "just so" for characters. Meanwhile in the real world, a group of mangy mutts talks dressing up and looking good for various e

WagzTail - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 06:00

What is suitable furry attire? By and large it is clothing-optional, but sometimes accessories work “just so” for characters. Meanwhile in the real world, a group of mangy mutts talks dressing up and looking good for various events and discusses what makes the best wardrobe. All in all, it’s a scary episode.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 38

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Braniff, Levi, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2014 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

Podcast image belongs to Jeffery “Wolfin” Core. Used with permission. Dressing for the Occasion? - What is suitable furry attire? By and large it is clothing-optional, but sometimes accessories work "just so" for characters. Meanwhile in the real world, a group of mangy mutts talks dressing up and looking good for various events and discusses what m...

Categories: Podcasts

duuuuude, hippiesona reporting

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 03:42
Categories: News

Any of you furs play on Molten-WoW?

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 01:59

For those of you that don't know. Molten-WoW is a World of Warcraft private server. It is free to play. (Unlike retail.)

Link for the lazy and or curious.

submitted by ItsNotImportant4
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Categories: News

FA Thumbnails not Generating

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 01:58

Apparently linking to FA images here on /r/furry currently results in no thumbnail. This is disappointing. This is something FA has to fix, right?

submitted by TobiasAmaranth
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Categories: News

The Monsters of Rock?

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 25 Sep 2014 - 01:25

Back in the 1960′s and 1970′s the late Jim Henson and his associate Jerry Juhl wrote many interesting screenplays for development as projects for The Muppets, and many of them were never produced. Among the latter was a story called The Musical Monsters of Turkey Hollow, which went like this: “Turkey Hollow is a picturesque town where hundreds of years ago, unbeknownst to the citizens, a meteorite landed nearby a small brook on the outskirts of town. One Thanksgiving, while young Timmy Henderson practices his guitar, he’s accompanied by strange, unearthly, musical sounds. That meteorite wasn’t a rock at all but an egg holding seven furry, goofy monsters, each with a unique musical sound. After the initial shock, Timmy befriends the lovable creatures following him all around Turkey Hollow. Not everyone takes a liking to the visitors though and it’s up to Timmy to protect his new friends and save Thanksgiving!” Now Archaia Comics have partnered once again with illustrator Roger Langridge (Snarked, The Muppet Show) to bring these Musical Monsters to life in a brand new full-color graphic novel coming in hardcover this October. What’s more, according to an article in USA Today, Lisa Henson (Jim’s daughter and CEO of Henson Company) has confirmed that the original script is being developed into a holiday TV special — possibly for release as early as this Thanksgiving!

image c. 2014 Archaia Comics

image c. 2014 Archaia Comics

Categories: News