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Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 21:51
Categories: News

Subject 9 Furry Comic Book

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 21:06

I defiantly love this comic, does anybody else have this app? It's called "Subject 9" it comes in episodes and it looks like they are all available but I can't seem to purchase them. If you have this app, are you able to get the episodes?

submitted by TheLonelyGecko
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Categories: News

FNaF 2 New trailer!

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 20:23
Categories: News

National Novel Writing Month! (Looking for Buddies)

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 20:06

This year will be the first year I will be participating in NaNoWriMo, and I am wondering if there are any other furries out there who are writing novels in November. If so, look me up as "AC Fox" on the NanNoWriMo website and we can be added on there.

submitted by ACFox
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Categories: News

A quest to try a new art style (NSFW)

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 19:13

Hi there, name's Vogel~

I've been a furry artist, primarily on FA, since 2007. I've produced artwork occasionally, and this year, I've moved into commissions.

Recently, I've been feeling that my art has been growing a little stagnant. I feel like I need to freshen up my style a little bit... So! Here goes a quest to try something new!

I've been going for a slightly more cartoony look to my artwork, thicker linework, bolder colours, harder shading. I've been wanting to increase my speed and enhance the liveliness in my subjects' demeanour and general look. Over the next few weeks, I will draw all 12 of my characters (and maybe invent some new ones) in this new style, and see where it takes me after that! Possibly even post new links on this reddit as I go~

I'd love to know what you guys think. Any ideas? Any tips from fellow artists?

Also, I'd love to draw a comic one day, perhaps this style would be great for that :V

Thanks :D


submitted by vogelrove
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Categories: News

Wolf-Octo-Warrior (I guess)

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 18:45
Categories: News

My fursona ref sheet + commissions?

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 17:57
Categories: News

Just in time for Halloween!

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 17:56
Categories: News

I Am Weasyl

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 17:20
Categories: News

Just saw this commercial

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 13:49
Categories: News

Lactose Intolerance (Scrap: 27)

The Raccoon's Den - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 13:29
Lactose Intolerance (Scrap: 27)
Clockie and Flash are set in a race against time after Drake gives them poisonous cake. THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING!!! FACEBOOK: TWITTER: http://www. From: The Raccoon's Den Views: 2635 26 ratings Time: 01:14 More in Entertainment
Categories: Podcasts

"Writing Prompt" Wednesdays?

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 13:16

Title says it all.

What do you think of this?

submitted by serin113
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Categories: News

Just saw this commercial

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 12:46
Categories: News

Tranformation Commissions~

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 12:25

I'm streaming them right now:

And I've re-opened them again:

submitted by Sasukesis247
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Categories: News

My Furry Story

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 12:02

Hi! I made a furry writing prompt thread yesterday and I wanted to write my own story on it, so here it is :)


"Stupid alarm clock..."

I got up very groggily to turn it off, with my eyes still being shut because of the sunlight shining through the window.

As I got out of my bed, I realized that the regular frequent sound of cars and busy traffic was missing. It was a Thursday, there was always incredible traffic to get to work. I get up and turn off the alarm clock and take a look out the window of my apartment. Here I was, at 7:00 in the morning, with no cars or traffic to be seen. Down the road there looked to be several abandoned and crashed vehicles, as if people were trying to get out of their cars in a hurry. Not even the usual pedestrians or the early bird joggers. There was also a lot of trash, garbage, and clothes on the ground. What happened? Some sort of riot? I check my phone, and I have a text from my boss saying that I don't have to come in to work today, "because of what's happening". What's going on?

I get on my computer and go to Reddit as usual.


submitted 32 minutes ago by 720YesScope to /r/news

Holy shit, did some new ebola outbreak happen overnight?

All of the other titles on the front page were just a bunch of panicked induced typing.


submitted 41 minutes ago by IDislikeEthan to /r/AskReddit

I just woke up, what the fuck is going on?

submitted 35 minutes ago by SitesToGawk445 to /r/OutOfTheLoop

There were posts even on the subreddits that have nothing to do with news. There was even an AMA on /r/iama.

I am someone transformed by this incident, AMA

submitted 38 minutes ago by TransformThrowaway134 to /r/iama

"Transformed? What the fuck?", I thought.

Just as I clicked the top thread, I hear my doorbell ring. I open it up and it's my good friend Greg, and he's carrying bags of food and other survival supplies. He walks right in without saying a word. "Greg, what the fuck is going on? I just saw a bunch of panicking titles on Reddit as you were at the door. Why did you come over? The CDC said to stay indoors." As Greg was still unpacking all of his food and supplies, he explained it to me. "Everyone is transforming, dude. I saw it happen to some random guy on the street. Like a fucking werewolf". Shocked, but also intrigued, I reply "Transforming into what?" He looked at me, knowing I was clearly interested in this. "The guy I saw transformed into a wolf, like a furry, anthropomorphic wolf. I bet you're probably fucking excited about this, but we still don't know what's happening. It literally just started happening half an hour ago."

I could hear the panic and fear in his voice. Even as a furry, I was still concerned about this. Do the transformations leave your mental state intact? How does is spread? Is it a virus? I start to panic. "Well, uh... okay... shit. Well I just opened up the article on Reddit about the CDC advising everyone to stay indoors, let's see what it says." Greg put down his large pack of supplies to come over and look at the article.

CDC Advises everyone to stay indoors because of transformation epidemic until further notice

The CDC has just released a statement saying that everybody should stay indoors because of this urgent transformation epidemic that has people physically transforming into animal-like creatures. They said that they still are unaware as to what is causing this, but they assume it is some sort of virus, and they said that it is urgent that you do not go outdoors until further notice. If you begin showing symptoms of transforming, remain calm. The spokesperson said that as far as they know it does not affect your memory or mental functions in any way. If you feel like something is going wrong while transforming or if you feel like you need to be voluntarily quarantined, please contact the CDC at this number.

The spokesperson said that they estimate about 25 percent of the world's population has already been transformed in some way already and it shows no sign of stopping. For more information about the transformation itself and what to do if it is happening to you, read the CDC's official list of symptoms and everything else related to the transformation.

"Holy shit, dude", I said as I leaned back in my chair after reading that. "So I guess we just stay here and see if it happens to us?", Greg asked me. "I guess so, man. There's not much else we can do." Greg grabbed another chair from the kitchen and sat down next to me on the computer. "Let's look at some of the other Reddit posts to see if there is any more information."

I go back to the front page of Reddit, and literally every single post on my front page is related to this incident. "Let's read the /r/OutOfTheLoop post", I said. "Somebody probably compiled all of the important information."

I click on the post, which already has about 10,000 comments on it.

I just woke up, what the fuck is going on?

I seriously just woke up, and I'm hearing about people transforming because of some sort of virus? What the fuck is going on?

11,541 comments share save hide give gold

astronautinplace 34,673 points 31 minutes ago*

First of all, congratulations on your post being the one that everyone is upvoting and discussing this on in the whole sea of these posts on /r/outoftheloop, enjoy your karma!

Anyways, onto what the fuck is going on. I'm honestly shaking right now, but I compiled all of the information from the CDC's official guide/release/whatever thing on this.

Basically, people are randomly transforming into animal-like creatures. Basically, furries/anthropomorphic animals (I bet furries are happy right now!). They do not how it spreads, or if it even spreads at all. The end result of the transformation can be any of these species of animals, there may be more but these are the recorded ones right now.

Fox, wolf, dog (of multiple breeds), cat (mostly leopards/lions), bears, pandas, reptiles (there's a whole variety of these transformations, but they are all very reptile like), bats, birds, raccoons, and there will probably be more by the time this is over. Nobody knows if you can transform back. My friend actually texted me, freaking out, saying he transformed into a wolf. He said it was he couldn't speak English or anything resembling human language at all, and he had a hard time texting with his new paw-like hands. I asked him what the transformation was like but it took him forever to type on his little phone screen and that he would tell me on a keyboard later. So far the fox, wolf, cat, and dog transformations are the most common.

There's not much information on what the transformation process is like, but if I transform I'll edit this post and tell you guys.

The CDC document as you all know said stay inside, don't come in direct contact with anyone, and to basically just wait till this whole thing blows over. They didn't say it was illegal to go outside or anything, so I'm sure you could go to the store to get food if you need too, or something.

That's pretty much it, there's not much information in it since this whole thing has only been happening for about 35 minutes. As I said, I'll edit with any new information.

EDIT: Guys, I just transformed into a fucking fox. I'm freaking out, I can't actually speak English, but it's not too hard to type so I'll do my best to describe it to you guys. The first thing I noticed was a sensation where my tail now is, like something pushing out. I knew what was happening right away. I looked down at my hands to see them literally smush into orange and white paws. It hurt a lot, but it wasn't overwhelming. I could feel the bones literally being transformed... sorry for using literally so much, I'm just kind of in shock since it just happened. The fur from my paws spread up my arms, and I was overwhelmed by the sensation. You know when your foot is asleep and it feels all tingly? That's what my whole body felt like. All of the pain was gone, but I could still feel things changing. The fur spread up to my neck and down to my feet. My tail was slowly emerging, and I could feel my head changing shape, and everything started to fade to black, I put my hand on my head and could feel my new foxy snout bursting out...

I guess I passed out, because then I woke up on the ground, and everything was aching. I was confused for a moment, and when I got up I noticed something moving on my lower back. I feel it with my hand, and it's a tail. I just remember what happened. I rushed to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror, but it hurt to walk. I have digitigrade legs. I limp to the mirror and look at myself. I'm not looking at myself. I'm looking at a fucking anthropomorphic fox. But it's me. The new me. Having fur feels so weird... I spend a couple minutes getting used to my new body... it's so fucking weird man. I actually had to cut out holes in some pants and underwear for my tail. I spent a couple minutes getting used to my tail and just walking around, and then I came back here and here I am writing this. Anyways, I'm out guys, I'm going to go and think about some shit and get used to this new body.

I'm not gonna lie, reading that got me excited as a furry. Even Greg looked to have calmed down a bit.

"So what do you wanna do? Play Smash Bros?", I ask Greg. "Dude, who gives a shit about Smash Bros. We need to talk about what we are going to do when we inevitability transform".

"Celebrate! Why is it a bad thing? You gotta admit, being a badass anthropomorphic character is pretty cool. I mean it's happening to everyone else, so you wouldn't be looked at as a freak, just normal!"

"But I'm not a furry, dude. I don't want to change. I wanna be human, man. ...let's just play some Smash Bros and see what happens."

"That's something we can both agree on."

I get the Smash Bros disc and put it into the Wii U. We plugged our controllers in and were ready to play some Smash Bros together, and hopefully forget about this whole thing for a while, even though that was a hard thing for me.

"How about we put on the news on the other TV in case something major happens?", Greg suggested.

"Alright, I'll go get the other TV."

I brought in my other little TV and plugged it in close to our Smash Bros setup, and put it on the news.

"Alright, let's Smash. And you better not play Fox just to remind me of what's going on", he jokingly said.

"Haha, fine."

In the middle of our match, we notice something going on on the news on the other TV I brought down. We pause the game and look. The two hosts were of course discussing the whole transformation thing when one of the hosts stood up, out of his chair.

"I think it's happening to me now", he said. The other host got up, and you could hear her behind the camera saying to keep the camera focused on him.

The host who said he was transforming agreed. "It's good to document this", he said worryingly.

"I feel something coming out... I think it's a tail. It's pushing out", he started gritting his teeth, clearly in pain. He looked down at his hands which were slowly turning into gray paws. The fur started spreading up his arms, and he quickly ripped off his shirt. You could hear the crew behind the camera backing away.

His arms were now completely covered in gray fur, with fierce wolf-like paws, instead of hands. He wasn't saying anything, but he was sweating as it spread onto his chest and the rest of his body. His tail ripped through the back of his pants, and he started collapsing. His body was almost completely transformed as he was crouched on the ground, leaning on the desk. It started spreading up his neck, and he put his paws on his face as he felt a new snout sprouting out of his face. His hair was replaced with gray fur, and ears sprouted out the top of his head. It was over. He was a wolf. He stood up, shakily getting used to his new legs and tail. Someone throws him a shirt from behind the camera, and he puts it on. He realizes that he can't speak, and someone comes to gently take him off the set.

The other host comes back on set, looking very worried. "Well it's safe to say that Bill won't be joining us for the rest of this broadcast, but at least now you know what to expect when transforming. Stay tuned to get the most up to date news as this situation progresses", she says worriedly as the broadcast starts running commercials.

"Holy shit". Greg got up and started pacing around the room, deep in thought. "I'm just gonna go on Reddit", I told Greg. "Yeah, okay", he calls back from the other room, clearly not fully there.

I go over to my computer and type in the familar Reddit URL. What subreddit should I go to? How about /r/conspiracy? I'm sure they'll have some funny things to say about this whole thing.


submitted 14 minutes ago by IQuestionShiz

Heh. Oh shit, what about /r/furry? I haven't seen their reaction at all yet!


submitted 52 minutes ago by HottestCauldran332

Are people becoming their fursonas right now? Or is it just random?

submitted 27 minutes ago by ApertureMax

Next part

submitted by NewFurryIGuess
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Categories: News

Free art!:P

Furry Reddit - Tue 21 Oct 2014 - 11:44

Hey guys, need to practice and could use some suggestions. So if you want something drawn, let me know! Still sort of new at drawing furries, but here is a small sampling of my stuff. Sorry in advance for any rough lines, currently using a mouse.

EDIT Taking a bit of a break, I'll probably be back tomorrow, if not later tonight. Keep leaving requests though :D

submitted by CodenameCaboose
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Categories: News