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Furry Is Nervous about Adult Life without a Safety Net

Furry News Network - Mon 3 Nov 2014 - 07:57
Author: Hello Papabear, I’ve written to you before about my boyfriend and him not getting a job and helping me out. Firstly, I wanted to say, that he’s doing a bit better :3 He has a job now and even though he’s not that great starting out, I feel like he’ll do fine (I hope […]
Categories: News

Furry activities

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Nov 2014 - 04:42
Categories: News

Do You Want To Meet A Snowman?

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 3 Nov 2014 - 01:53

Roger Langridge has made quite a name for himself with various anthropomorphic comics at Boom! Studios, including The Muppet Show, Snarked, and the recent Musical Monsters of Turkey Hollow. Well now he’s back with another creator-owned miniseries, Abigail and the Snowman. According to an article over at Comic Book Resources, this new series “…focuses on a girl moving to a new town and befriending a yeti named Claude. Unfortunately for the new friends, Claude happens to be an escapee from a nearby facility that wants him back. To keep her new pal safe, Abigail and Claude go on a journey to find his home. ” Look for the first full-color issue to hit stores in the middle of December.

image c. 2014 Boom! Studios

image c. 2014 Boom! Studios

Categories: News

Haven't written anything in a while and would like suggestions.

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Nov 2014 - 00:24

I'm pretty new tO identifying with the fandom, and I thought "Why not doa shoe story?" So yeah. If you guys(who are all beautiful/adorable btw) have suggestions, I'd love a writing prompt.

submitted by heughcumber
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Categories: News

Looking for fursuit commissioner, anyone help lead me in the right direction?

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Nov 2014 - 00:20

I am in the market for a partial ranging between $300-400, and by partial I mean head, tail, and paws. Does anybody know a reputable commissioner that would be open for commissions within this month? Thanks so much fuzzbutts. :)

submitted by MisterGayUnicorn
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Categories: News

14, New, And Lots of Questions.

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 23:18

(Beware, lots of exposition ahead. Questions are below ginormous paragraph)

Technically I'm not very new to the fandom, I have been lurking for some time now. Listening to podcasts, wandering FurAffinity, that sort of thing. In the past 2 months I have finally admitted to myself that I am a furry. Not that its a bad thing, its probably one of the better decisions I've made. Unfortunately, I cant talk about stuff like this to my friends/family. I'm not ready for that confrontation yet. I feel that just typing how I feel will help a bit, and get some questions answered.

I'm new to the community in the sense that I'm not very active in it. I tried drawing a character, and given the fact that I have not drawn at all in my life, it went about as well as you would expect. I soon found that writing is in more my taste because I don't have to cover it to go to sleep.

The problem is, I'm still very new to all of this. I'm not very sure what my fursona is yet. I was thinking about a grey fox, but I feel like I should be a little more unique.

I want to meet with other furries, but I don't know where to start. Mix social anxiety and a whole new fandom I know little about mean one very confused teen. I don't have Skype, Facebook, Instagram, ect... so I'm obviously not a very social person, but its still nice to talk from time to time.

And finally (this should really be first but whatever) Hello! I'm very happy to finally post something and cant wait to read responses. I'm going to go to bed soon so I will not be able to respond until tomorrow, but I will try and get back to you!

(tl;dr) S*** happens and I'm a furry, now what?


1: How did you choose your fursona, any tips?

2: Any tips for furry writing and where to post it?

3: How do I meet other furries? (Besides going to cons, not enough funds for that.)

4: Any other random tips/suggestions you find appropriate.


submitted by CruzClan
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Categories: News

What if not just you, but every furry woke up one day as their fursona?

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 23:09

The question has been asked here before, but in a way that only you'd wake up as your 'sona. What would happen is every furry, whether they know they're a furry or not, just woke up one day as a real life furry. The way I picture it is that everyone doesn't look 100% like the real animal, but with regards to the uncanny valley everyone looks human enough to be seen as cute and not disturbing. Would we be hunted, or accepted? Would we make colonies in the woods?

For the sake of simplicity assume that:

  • We can all still talk normally
  • Walking is fairly easy, but some practice will likely be needed, even with those that walk in a digitigrade fashion
  • Any wings are the appropriate size to achieve flight
  • If your fursona has fingers and thumbs they still work with touch screens and anything along those lines
  • Your tail is very much fluffy (unless scaley)

This has been on my mind recently, and I wanted to see what others think would happen if the would suddenly had millions of actual furries.

submitted by Who-dis-asshole
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Categories: News

Has anyone here had a suit made, or at least heard of Noble Wolf? Is he a reliable suit maker?

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 22:58

Hi there /r/Furry. I have recently decided to have a full suit made by Noble Wolf and have chosen him because he offers what I want for a good price. I also have been talking to him over Skype for a while and seems like he can get the job done. I just really need to know if he is fully reliable or not. I've had some issues with another suit maker in the past with problems that are still not fully resolved, so I'm a bit skeptical at this point. I really could use some help here.

Here is a link to his FA page:

submitted by AntiDal
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Categories: News

Back from Furpocalypse. It was...intense...overwhelming. I need a furry support group.

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 21:06

Posted this on the first day, and I just got home. Yesterday, my wife left in the morning and my (non-furry but very open) friend got there. We started out by going to the "I'm Not the Only One" panel discussion, where a bunch of people told their furry "origin" stories. I was thinking about what I might say when the guy running it saw me looking a bit freaked out and decided to pick on me to talk next. heh.

So, I talked about how it started for me...a loooong time ago, and was pretty open about parts of it that I was not sure would get a good reaction. It went much better than I would have guessed. Not the least part being that I was actually able to express coherent thoughts - a big improvement from the day before. It also just felt really good to share my furry history.

After that, went through the dealer's room with my friend and she was immediately interacting and playing with the fursuiters and totally getting spontaneous hugs which was pretty amazing because, well, first of all I was just really impressed with how easy it was for her and second of all after she got a hug I could kinda meekly go, "Oh, can I have one too," and get some pretty sweet second-hand (pardon me - second-paw) hugs out of the deal. Which was awesome.

And then the fursuit parade, more adorable fursuits, more handshakes, scritches, hugs and general interaction.

At one point I was talking about how seeing a good fursuiter completely overwhelms me, how I can't really sort out what feelings I'm having or why. It's like I've been blown backwards by a shotgun blast of little cartoon hearts. It's a whole-body overload of want: Want to have, want to be, want to interact, want to be close, to touch...but oddly non-sexual. I think. I mean, it's a very odd sensation to feel such intense and multi-faceted desire without sex being in there somewhere...but I don't think it is, despite the fact that I am most certainly not a NSFW-only kind of furry.

So, anyway, the afternoon goes on and we go to various events, have dinner and hang around for dancing to start, where I'm hoping I can get out of my own way enough to actually dance a bit instead of just watching like the night before. My friend, of course, is immediately dancing like a crazy person and I slowwwly start moving, getting closer to the speakers where the music is louder and more enveloping, and where the fursuiters are dancing. For a long while, I'm just dancing by myself, doing my own thing, slipping in and out of self-consciousness but sticking around and trying to let go. Generally enjoying myself.

After a while, a song comes on that's not really doing it for me and I'm super thirsty so I go to get some water and my friend says she's ok to go whenever. I almost said ok, but then told her I wasn't quite ready.

After a few moment's rest, I went back out on the floor, right up there and ended up right next to this orange dog and made what I think was eye contact; Never quite know when you can't see eyes. But anyway, I reached out and he took my hand and looks at me and god damn I wish I could remember his exact words, but it was something like, "You're almost there! You can totally do it!" and in a moment of shock I pulled him into me and we wrapped our arms around each other and danced, and I spun him a couple times, and we put our arms around each other's shoulders, both facing the stage, and I reached out to a fox on the other side of me who came over too and now we were dancing back and forth all together, and holy crap, I...I just think I don't have to vocabulary to name the feeling of it. I wish I did, because then maybe I could make a bit more sense of it.

The next day, my friend had to leave early before I woke up and, with mixed feelings, I went back to the con with plans to do a sewing thing. I went back to the dealer's room and bought a couple hats for my nieces, and then happened across an artist doing $1 quick badges and got the first drawing I've ever commissioned: I purple bear that I think I may have finally settled on as my fursona. And...he did a great job and it's pretty awesome and magical to see what "I" look like.

I went up to the room for the sewing class, but it didn't have a very good vibe and I decided not to stay. Feeling like it was getting to be time to go, I took one more wander around and bumped into my orange dog from the night before. I was happy that he recognized me when I said hi and, "Thank you for dancing with me last night. It was really nice."

He said, "You're welcome! Yeah it was," and we kinda gave each other a quick pet on the arm. It stirred my heart.

Feeling kind of sad that I hadn't really met anyone over the weekend to say goodbye to or exchange contact info with, I wandered slowly to my car, took off my ears and my tail, and took a long time driving out of the parking lot.

submitted by allthingsfuzzy
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Categories: News

November's Theme: The Roaring Twenties (1920's)

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 20:54

This months theme: Roaring Twenties

Last months theme can be found here

It seems that Roaring Twenties and Apocalyptic theme were both about equal on the poll so I will be picking Roaring Twenties for November and Decembers theme will be Apocalyptic Theme (end of the year!) I think both of these themes are a blast and I hope to see a lot more then just art (fursuits, group shots?) coming out from you guys this time around! Especially for next months theme! :)

I am also extremely happy to be able to keep the themes going. Hopefully everyone participates and has fun with the themes! I can't wait to see what you all think up. And I hope giving a month in advance on the next theme is more helpful for you all as well! :3

Here are some links for references.

Links to art will be posted below here * /u/Arcsec-the-Grey's art: Imgur

Links to Stories will be posted below here

Links to Music will be posted below here


Fursuit Photos Below



Edit: You can still link any art you want for as long as you want. I will always set the monthly posts to send messages to my inbox and I will update them. Even if it is next year.

submitted by iTo
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Categories: News

Cooking the afternoon catch.

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 20:45
Categories: News

Mina Roo avatar for secondlife!

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 20:22
Categories: News

I can't register on FA?

Furry Reddit - Sun 2 Nov 2014 - 19:09

Darn. And just as soon I was about to make one from this. Anyway, any ideas on how long this has been going on and when it will be resolved?

submitted by Infamous0823
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Categories: News