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Dragonkin gets hungry...for there moms jewelry.(xpost tumblrinaction and NO name for u to raid)
Hey! Artists out there! I need to commission a full-body piece of my fursona. [NSFW]
I'm looking to commission an artist to do a full-body colored & shaded piece of my character which is located here! [NSFW]. I'm sorry if this is not the place to find this, but I've only commissioned once so it's a new thing to me. I don't know many artists so I figured this strategy of just throwing myself out there might work. Thanks!
submitted by MrNobody95[link] [5 comments]
Video Art Installation Requiring Volunteers/Submissions
Gutentag Luvs,
My name is Jo, it is. Pleasure to meet you all. I've been drawing transformation art and some furry pieces under the name wrenzephyr2 on deviantart (wrenzephyr2.deviantart.com)
I'm certainly nothing special or fancy, but recently I've been given an opportunity to work on a project for my video art class. This will start out as a Final Project, but there is a possibility that with enough participation this could evolve into something more. However, before I can get into that I should jump right into what this is.
Being a mild part of the internet's specialized fetishes community, I wanted to do a piece that sort of sheds a light on the normal backgrounds and variety of people within the community. What I need is a series of videos showing just an uncut 8-10 min of the online communities' work space. This could be where you work, draw, write, roleplay, or network in general. The less you change or set up in the room the better, showing the genuine diversity between the videos and individuals. Though I want the space unchanged, I would very much like there to be one item, a token or icon representing your place in the community. Examples of this would be a furry costume piece, a piece of art, picture, or even your computer with something on the screen. Beyond that, I'd like you to have freedom of this project to give an unfiltered view of who you all are.
Right now the idea is very free form and I want to be completely anonymous for now until I see how interested people are in this.
Currently, the project is due in two weeks but I need as many volunteers as possible so please, speak up if you're interested or if anyone has questions I'll be stalking this page all weekend. I hope to hear from you all soon.
I look forward to working with you all, or at least doing work for the community.
-Jo <3
submitted by Joshartm[link] [comment]
Free Art Raffle!
Here is the deets on how to put your name down; I only ask that you put your refs down in the comment section of FA so as to not jump around too much before putting the names in the hat, so to speak. I want to see how this turns out; once a name has been chosen,
I'll let folks know, and maybe I can try to set it up that I do this again.
EDIT: Fauxhammer has been chosen! The generator has spoken! Good luck!
submitted by ICanTasteTheSin[link] [1 comment]
Furry Teamspeak?
Hey! I just wanted to ask if there is a teamspeak for furs to chat and hang out? Would be awesome to talk to some of you guys~
submitted by Afasso[link] [2 comments]
Why are you a furry? [Serious]
Be completely honest with your answer. If you like the expressing yourself, say so. If you like the porn, say so.
Edit: everybody who leaves a genuine response gets an up vote from me.
submitted by forever_a10ne[link] [108 comments]
Sharing art, is hosting art really the best way?
I admit, while I'm 'consuming' art and browsing I love things being imgur links. It makes browsing fast and I don't have to worry about too many ads, bad sites or having to make accounts. That said, I want to know from actual artists, are you ok with it? For instance, I want to link a ton of work I have found from the various artists I watch, mostly on FA. Since some of them make this their actual job and others really do rely on commissions I feel bad for hosting the image even if I link their FA page in the comments. Is it wrong to want to just link straight to the submission page for the art in question? Admittedly it's more a problem with some of the nsfw furry subreddits, but I want artists to get the recognition and traffic they deserve.
But as I said, some of the subreddits actually only allow linking via imgur and won't let you link DA/FA/Inkbunny/Weasyl/Sofurry or any other site. I just can't put art there because I feel bad for the artists. That said, if artists are more than fine with me uploading their art to imgur and sharing their art with a link to their website of choice in the comments, I will probably upload some albums.
I know this can also be a personal thing, but I feel it would be rude to approach every artist I watch and ask them to share their art. I think most would be ok, but some people are very possessive of their art. I can fully understand and respect that. I just want people to see art I think is worth sharing with the community and I don't know what the best and ethical way would be.
submitted by Ralanost[link] [comment]
Convention location?
Is there a con going on in Rosemont, IL right now? Was driving through and saw some people. Got a bit curious
submitted by Sunbeamed[link] [7 comments]
Decembers Theme: Winter Holidays (or) Apocalypse.
Last Months Theme: November's Theme: The Roaring Twenties (1920's)
This months theme will be Winter / Holidays or Apocalypse theme. I will put two different sections for art.
Links to HOLIDAY art will be posted below here
- - /u/FXscreamer's art: Reddit
Links to HOLIDAY Stories will be posted below here
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Links to HOLIDAY Fursuit Photos will be posted below here
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I will create a post for you all to vote for January's theme at the end of this month - maybe someone can help us out with a decent polling system this time, since reddit's is a bit odd.
Links to APOCALYPSE art will be posted below here
- /u/lolanthe's art: Deviant Art
- /u/peppermintbytthole's art: Imgur
Links to APOCALYPSE Stories will be posted below here
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Links to APOCALYPSE Fursuit Photos will be posted below here
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[link] [29 comments]