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What do dogs read?

Furry Reddit - Tue 16 Dec 2014 - 14:27
Categories: News

Looking for other furs who like non-sexual RPs

Furry Reddit - Tue 16 Dec 2014 - 13:10

I've tried /r/roleplay with little luck and /r/furryrp is just smut. F-list is also just smut and it's really annoying to find any furry related RPers that don't just do smut.

submitted by MezzaCorux
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Categories: News

A TeamSpeak Server for Furries

Furry Reddit - Tue 16 Dec 2014 - 11:43

Hello Furries!

I was thinking about hosting a TeamSpeak server for Furries, what do you think? It'll have features like a chit-chit lobby, a few gaming channels and an anti-bullying centre! It'll be different from others as it'll be primarily English speaking.

Take this chance to voice your opinion! Also, if I go ahead with this I'll need a development/admin/moderator team!

Regards, MrSecurity1

submitted by MrSecurity1
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Categories: News

13 Year Old Is Bi and Furry and Wishes to Come Out Slowly

Ask Papabear - Tue 16 Dec 2014 - 11:31
Hello, Papa Bear! 

I wanna start by saying thanks so much for taking the time to read and reply, even though this'll be a short one.

I've been a furry for just over a year now. I have some trouble with friends. I used to go to a Catholic School before I began homeschooling, so most of my friends are religious and/or homophobic. I'd love so start coming out to my friends slowly that I'm a furry, and that I'm bisexual. 

I don't have many close friends, but I have one who probably wouldn't mind much. I just don't know how to get to him, or to get it to him in that matter, as he lives on the other side of Canada.

Anyway, the question is, how would I slowly but surely tell friends who don't like furries all that much that I'm furry?

Thanks again,
Philly (age 13; Canada)

* * * 

Dear Philly,

As you might imagine, Papabear has answered questions about coming out furry many times on this site, yet I still get letters like yours that add a little spin to the issue and make it worth readdressing the topic.

I’d like to congratulate you, first, on figuring out at such a young age that you are bisexual (and furry). That gives you a lot of time to adjust and grow into yourself, so to speak. You would be surprised how many are in denial about who they are or don’t realize it until much later in life.

That said, I will caution you about the obvious: coming out gay or bi in a conservative, religious, homophobic community is like walking into a small room where there has been a gas leak while carrying a lit candle. You are asking for trouble.

I appreciate the desire to be allowed to be oneself in public, as well as in private. In an ideal world, those who deviate from “acceptable behavior” wouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable around friends, peers, and family. But we don’t live in an ideal world, do we, Philly? Being a furry might or might not be more or less incendiary than announcing one is bisexual, but in either case, you’re looking for trouble.

You recognized this, though, and came up with the solution of “coming out slowly” as a furry. Human society doesn’t function like that, however. Rumors, gossip, and juicy facts about people have a way of spreading like wildfire. Say you come out to this friend you trust pretty well. (He’s on the other side of the country, so how well do you really know him?) Even if he is pretty trustworthy, he could unintentionally let this news slip past his lips, and before you can shout “Jumpin’ Jehosaphat!” a bunch of your friends will know what you confessed. (This is especially true now in the electronic communication age.)

The solution is not to come out to your current, homophobic friends, but, rather, to surround yourself with new friends who can accept you for who you are. You say you’re homeschooled now and no longer attend the Catholic school. That’s fine. That makes it easier, actually, not to tell them about either your furriness or your bisexuality.

Next, find a new community of people who are either like you or who are accepting of you. You can then easily tell them your real identity and it will be no sweat.

If friends hate you for what you are, you can do one of the following: convince them they are wrong about their views, or find new friends, or hide who you really are and pretend to be someone your current friends can accept. It is, quite frankly, extremely difficult to convince a lot of people they are wrong about their beliefs; even if you can “convert” a couple, most will still not accept you, and the result is you will be shunned. And hiding who you really are will just make you miserable. The best solution is to change your environment. Take me, for instance. I lived in Homophobe Central (Michigan), so I moved to Palm Springs, where half the population is literally gay. Much happier.

You don’t say where you are in Canada, but there are definitely furries out there (for example, Ontario Furries and the Canadian Furries group on Facebook There are cons in Canada, too, such as What the Fur! in Quebec and Fur-Eh! in Edmonton. Check some of these out and start making furiends! You might have been having trouble making friends before because you couldn’t fully relate to your religious schoolmates. I suggest that you will run into a lot of interesting people with much more open minds among the furries.

I don’t want to be a bummer, but I have decades more experience than you in these matters. Trust Papabear and listen to me when I say that there is no slow and gradual way to come out to conservative and closed-minded people. If you do, you will end up getting hurt. 

Also, think of the other side of the coin: if you tell someone about being furry and/or being bi but then insist that they not tell anyone, you are imposing a burden of secrecy upon them that they might not want or appreciate.

Instead, take the next few years to learn more about furries, about your sexuality, and about being an adult in a world that can be, sadly, very harsh and judgmental. There are many good, kind people out there, but there are just as many who will attack you for being different and will do anything they can to make your life miserable. And, at 13, you are not really of an age to be able to defend yourself very well.

That’s probably not what you wanted to hear, but I hope you will listen.

Take Care, My Furry Friend,


Five 2015 Furry Features – by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 16 Dec 2014 - 10:34
Fred Patten, “Furry’s favorite historian”, submits: 27 theatrical animated features are coming in 2015, and most of them are furry, or at least anthropomorphic. Cartoon Brew covers them in an article by C. Edwards: “27 Animated Features To Look For In 2015”. My thanks to Edwards for telling us what to look for. Of course, not […]
Categories: News

Bird Box Chrismas Card

Furry.Today - Tue 16 Dec 2014 - 10:30

Here we have the single greatest Christmas card of all time by the animation house Bird Box Studio.

…And it’s furry!


Categories: Videos

So question about tails!

Furry Reddit - Tue 16 Dec 2014 - 08:55

Hey everyone my kitten and I have been getting more and more into this, but something I kept coming across is either you use a butt plug or attach it to a belt or something similar. .... For some obvious reasons the plug option is out and we like the thought of a belt but how do you keep it attached when nude? Any help please!

submitted by RebelSentry
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Categories: News

Tummy Rubs!

Furry Reddit - Tue 16 Dec 2014 - 06:58
Categories: News

On Furgonimics.

Furry Reddit - Tue 16 Dec 2014 - 01:08

(Furgonomics* Sorry)

This might seem like just a trivial detail to some. But I can't help find my self fascinated with this concept. Most Artists depict The world that furries live in as basically a Human world to which they've adapted to. Which is why I've always liked those who put a little extra thought into the concept and design the small aspects of the world with the inhabitants in mind. Those little Button-up gaps in the backs of pants for the tail that Jay Naylor always draws comes to mind. I realize that most artists don't deviate to far from what we're familiar with for the purposes of relateability and familiarity. But I find myself wondering. What would a world Truly built and maintained by anthropomorphic animals actually look like? How would design standards be implemented to suit a populace with such a diverse range of phenotypes? Would Cell phones even have buttons or touch sensors to account for people with claws? Would people who work in food preparation have to wear hair-nets over their entire bodies? And not to mention the nightmare that the clothing industries would have to deal with, having to take into account things like Tails, muzzles, big pointy ears, and digitigrade legs (if that is the type you're going with)? Have any artists or writers dealt with this concept to any degree? and if so could you show any examples? Anyway, I know I'm over thinking this. and its not meant to be a criticism in any way. I just think it's a fun thing to think about and I've always liked the concept of world-building, so I just really like seeing little details put into works. Thanks.

submitted by Vexthra
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Categories: News

Hardcore Drum and Bass Song c:

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 22:57

This is my first time really posting anything on this subreddit and I decided to actually try and publicize my music some. This is a remix I did of a friend's song that I would like to share. I don't wanna seem like I am selling out but if anyone there is interested check out my stuff. Thanks for reading this. hehe :j

The song link:

submitted by raigesteils
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Categories: News

Alot of new people seem to be curious about furries, if they are one and how they start so let's get a few things out of the way!

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 20:39

Welcome my fellow furries! I just made this thread to help out the new furs or curious humans that may stumble upon our fandom asking questions. Let's get started shall we?

Am I a furry? Well that depends... Do you consider yourself one? Maybe you really like furry art! Do you like going to cons or wearing/looking at fursuits? You might be a furry! Go for it!

What is a furry exactly? A furry is usually an anthromorphic animal, usually with a human anatomy/body. They show facial features and emotions! A furry can be pretty much any animal, for instance I'm a fox. Furries are represented in drawings or fursuits etc.

Furries? You mean that porn stuff on the Internet? Although they're pretty well known for that aspect it's usually what most non furries or people not really into researching the whole thing think of when it comes to furries. A large number of furries just enjoy hanging out, drawing, video games, talking and showing off our fursuits! You'll surely meet alot of cool and interesting people.

How do I get started? Easy! Try creating your fursona! Your fursona is basically who you are. What animal are you? What music do you enjoy? Do you like to draw? All sorts of things that make you who you are!

There arn't any rules to join right? No not at all! Doesn't matter who you are, what gender you like, where you live or any of that. You're always welcome here!

For more info read the sidebar! This was just an explanation of the general stuff you should know! Happy holidays!

submitted by Foxes281
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Categories: News

Hello Everyone! And I'm offering free requests.

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 20:34

Hi guys! I'm new to this community and wanted to make an entrance and properly introduce myself. I'm OPFlamingSharknado, but I also go by the name Pepper.

I want to be honest: I am not a furry. But I think that being a furry is still super cool. And I will be on winter vacation in a few days and I'd like to make some money taking commissions; I have been told that furry art is one of the most lucrative ways to go about this, and seeing as I'm not scared of the thought of furries and in general I enjoy their designs, I thought why not.

Buuuuuttttt......before I am able to actually sell art I do need some examples as well as a way to promote myself on here. Which means I am looking for OCs to draw to serve as practice!! :D I would like to see a variety of characters to sketch out so that I can get the hang of this more easily. This won't be a first-come-first-serve basis, and I will try to choose only a couple of OCs at random.

That's all. I look forward to interacting with you guys! :D

tl;dr: Yo dawg. I'm Pepper. I want to draw furry art to make money but also because the community seems genuinely awesome. I am more than happy to try drawing your OCs! :D

submitted by OPFlamingSharknado
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Categories: News

hey there ;) (festive version)

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 18:50
Categories: News

Pixel Chibi

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 18:42
Categories: News

Am I a furry?

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Dec 2014 - 18:28

Hello! I like looking at anthro yiff but I'm not into the whole fur suit and fursona thing. Am I a furry?

submitted by Mexicanpandabear
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Categories: News