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Furry Youtuber Skype Group!
Hia! Im Starting a Furry Skype Group ONLY to Furries who upload videos to Youtube. You don't have to upload videos often, just have to have a somewhat active channel. (What is this skype group geared twards?) Well the skype group is to try and make a small community of connected furry youtubers that can help each other out, collaborate with one another, or pitch around ideas. (Can i advertise my channel/Videos?) Well i don't want to create a spam group so until someone asks to see a certain link "Video/Channel/Other" don't post one. (How do i get your skype ID you didnt post it!?!) PM me and ill give you my ID or you could give me yours :). (Oh mai gosh, are you the incredibly swaggy MLG purple and white Omegle Dog i saw on here a week or two back!?!?!) yes... yes i am :3
submitted by VMPDANDraws[link] [comment]
Furries, I need your help!
Hello, I am an 8th grade student who recently found out about this fandom. I heard some negative and positive things said about you guys, and i need answers. I am doing a research paper on furries, and I need some people to interview. If someone (or a couple) could help and star in an interview for my project, that would be amazing! I will need to create a transcript of the interview, so anything you say will be written down, or recorded.
I will also need some statements from people below about what this fandom is about, what you do being a part of the fandom, and other things like that. I need to find primary/secondary sources for a written part of this project, so any information you can give in the comments about the fandom will be appreciated. Thank you for reading.
EDIT: /u/The_Ninja_Nero suggested for a Google doc, so here it is! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11633afMrX8PjAiBUcJuOJUsfKUrokxfpiyLkfAGDsbg/viewform?usp=send_form
EDIT2: Wow! I never expected so many responses! I will try and reach out to everyone that I can that responded for an interview.
TL;DR: I need people for an interview about furries, and give info about furries below.
submitted by spicy_memes[link] [16 comments]
Wanna come play some Minecraft?
So there was a thread from /u/nsyse earlier this week about playing minecraft, and we just migrated his hamachi-based server so anybody can access it without the use of a 3rd party program! It has the same map, so if you were playing before all your stuff should still be there.
Interested in joining? The address is:
redditfur.arkazex.comThe server has automatic backups, and will automatically restart if something goes wrong, so for as long as the lesser demon living in my secondary hard drive is okay with it, the server should run without an issue.
EDIT: I fixed the bug with players being stuck in adventure mode, if you join now everything should be OK :)
submitted by Arkazex[link] [18 comments]
hey everyone I'm new to gay furry or fur in general and was hoping to make some new friends.
I recently got into furry and I'm not really sure where to start looking for friends and art aside from here. So I guess I'm just looking for friends who will show me more of this kind of stuff.
submitted by lazyblastoise[link] [11 comments]
Figured I would share my favorite web comic to some people that would enjoy it. (I hope it hasn't been submitted before)
Would anyone be interested in a wiki a friend and I created, based around fictional species and a star system?
And before you ask, yes, they are based on furries. I had the idea in my head for over three years before I finally decided to tell my friend and he agreed to help create the wiki. It's nowhere near completion, we're still tweaking and fixing things. Some things are still silly and derpy, and we hope to make them as serious as is possible. The whole thing is based around nonfictional aspects being applied to create a convincing alien set of worlds. We have run math and thought over concepts, so we are most definitely serious. This is really the only sort of "contribution" I've made to the fandom I suppose. The link is here: http://rexsnarian-global-aggregate.wikia.com/wiki/Rexsnarian_Global_Aggregate_Wiki Very much W.I.P.
submitted by LegendaryCactus[link] [6 comments]