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He's Gay; She's Demisexual; Can It Work?

Ask Papabear - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 19:33
Dear Papabear,

I'm a male furry in a relationship with a non-fur and it has been going great. She accepts me for who I am, furry and all. This sounds like a great thing but here's the problem: I'm gay. I came to terms with it about a year ago and we've been together for three years. What do I do? She knows I'm more gay than straight, but I really don't think I'm straight at all. I still really like her but I don't know if I will ever feel sexually attracted to her, or love her more than I'd love a close friend. To make matters worse, she's been talking about marriage and it is making me uncomfortable... I really don't want to end it, but it just seems wrong being with a female...

Also I have this friend that I AM attracted to, and he apparently reciprocates my feelings, but neither of us will do anything about it because I'm already in a relationship.

I want my girlfriend to be happy and she's always saying how happy she is that we're together and she's demisexual so she may never find someone else that she loves this way... This makes it harder for me to even think about an end to the relationship because she's such a great person and I really don't want her to be alone for the rest of her life...

I'm sort of at a loss and any help would be appreciated... Thanks.

Kye Fox

* * *

Dear Kye Fox,

You don’t need to “end it” in terms of friendship, but you sure as heck need to stop letting her think that this is going to lead to marriage. Can you imagine what would happen if you let it get that far? All the way through the expensive ceremony? the honeymoon? ... but no kids because you don’t like her in that way. So, not only would you be deceiving her about what you could do for her as a husband, but if she ever wanted children you would be depriving her of that, as well.

Stop this charade. You are not doing her any favors by pretending this is any more than what it actually is. And don’t undervalue friendship. A good, real, binding friendship can be just as precious as a marriage in many ways.

Furthermore, if you went through with marriage with your girlfriend, you could potentially be depriving your male friend of what could actually be a romantic matehood—so that would be two people whose lives you would be wrongfully affecting because you’re afraid you’d hurt your girlfriend’s feelings.

As for her being demisexual (for readers who aren’t familiar with the word, it refers to people who can only be sexually aroused by those with whom they are emotionally bonded), you might be thinking of yourself as a little too indispensable. There are a lot of people out there who would appreciate a woman like her. So, your count is now up to three other human beings who could be hurt by this: your potential boyfriend, your girlfriend, and the guy who could be her real mate if you admit to her that the two of you getting married is a bad idea.

By now you should see where Papabear’s going with this. You might think you’re doing her a favor by hiding the truth, but you’re really not. Time to ‘fess up, hon.



Sending ALL the art to Africa: Expanding Horizons

FurStarter - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 19:10

Half the artists go on a creative quest to Botswana…a multimedia journey and collaborative story


Expanding Horizons

Kickstarter ending 3/7/15

CreativesojurnmapBefore I get much further, I’m going to say what we must all be thinking: I would love to be on that boat.

Eleven talented artists, storytellers, researchers, travelling to Africa, to a place that in many ways symbolizes the wildness that is (or we wish was) the animal part of our hearts.

Okay, a case could also be made for Yellowstone’s wolf park, but they have lions. And hyenas, meerkats, zebra, African wild dogs…it may not be The Lion King, but it is both Animals are Beautiful People and The Gods Must Be CrazyAnd I do love both of those films, but they’re another place, and really, another time, inaccessible, except through stories, film, and art. About that last word…art.  If there’s one thing that binds the fandom together–besides a pathological love of foxes and the way every furry I know has that one doormat–it’s art. We’re a community that builds conversations through art. It’s the world our animal sides live in between conventions. And artists–illustrators, reporters, cartoonists, journalists, and bloggers (represent, yo)–bring that world to life, and in the right circumstances, can bring that world to us.  “Expanding Horizons” began with one artist’s love of Africa. You may know her work–there’s a non-zero chance you’re wearing a piece right now. Foxfeather Zenkova believes passionately that travel and experience feeds art. Not a new idea, but a very true one. And over years, she has gone on ever more complicated trips with larger groups of companions, steering away from fancy hotels and more toward local food and day-to-day life.  “Travel is so important to an artist or writer…what we share is bred from our imagination, fed from our experiences.” In proud defiance of an artist’s lack of vacation time or living wages, Foxfeather and a collection of several other people who live somewhere near the heart of our fandom brought together the money, time, and inspiration to pursue the slightly crazy dream of a backroad trip through Botswana, a land that’s almost half wildlife reserve, a trip five years in the making.  CreativesojurnbookspreadAll of that is pretty neat, but the part where they share the journey with the fandom, as it happens–is where it turns from “pretty neat” to “this might be magic.” Enough furry and fur-friendly artists and creatives to fill a very small but exciting convention will set out this April across Botswana, sharing their stories, observations, illustrations, side quests, and the sort of lifetime stories and misadventures you get by throwing a bunch of very different people into an unfamiliar, challenging environment. Lensed through the sidewise words of Ursula Vernon, the luminous art of Balaa, the passion of Utunu and Kikivuli. Lensed through our friends. Part old-school, turn-of-the-last-century travelogue, part blog, part nature journalism, and perhaps just a bit of buddy-flick, “Expanding Horizons” is a journey into the natural world, and, hopefully, a return (although this is the first Kickstarter I’ve seen with “may be eaten by lions” in the “Risks and Challenges” section, so…who knows…)  “Travel power-levels us. It fills us to the brim with exciting new things and we rocket back to our studios TO MAKE THINGS with flames bursting from our hands.” I’m going to close this with a look at the people and/or creatures who are taking this mad visionquest, but first a brief look at the Kickstarter itself. The core product here is the book, “A Creative Sojourn”, loaded with sketches, ramblings, stories…Jackal hair? That’s probably a misprint…and the joy of the journey. Each person making a gift of any real size, $5, gets access to the group’s travel blog on Tumblr. After that, there’s a number of customized rewards–art by Foxfeather, Laura Garabedian, Vantid, given the crew a number of personalized touches would almost have to be on the itinerary. All solid offerings and at pretty reasonable prices, considering the context. Everything here is solid–while this is at heart a “fund the dream” sort of project, the goal is actually quite reasonable for a book of this scope, and the price points are about what you’d expect from talented artists.  The goal of the kickstarter is modest, only $3,500–the single biggest expense of all this–the travel–is already bought and paid for. For the most part, the funds of the kickstarter are dedicated to the production cost of the book, with any overage going to reduce the burden of cost on the artists. Now, who’s on that boat…I do know how to count to 11, but Foxfeather is keeping a few guests as surprises. CreativesojurnFoxfeather Foxfeather R. Zenkova lives, graphically speaking, at Foxloft Studios, with more art on FA, and her tagua pendants are pretty much a required part of the furry uniform (I keep coming back to those, but I really like them!). Her travel agenda: surviving scuba diving with sharks, and looking for EVERY BIRD. Creativesojurnlaurag Laura Garabedian, of FairyTaleswithTails (or on FA), is a watercolor artist out of Colorado. She’ll be livening the book up with sketches and paintings and more than a little storytelling. Creativesojurnmbala Roman Zenka posts an ongoing series of comical whimsy as “Mbala” on FA. According to Foxfeather, he has a bit of a zebra obsession, so is clearly going to the right place. He will be contributing comics, photographs, and Czech. Creativesojurnursula Ursula Vernon is a talented fantasist and writer, cartoonist and illustrator. You can have much of the Ursula experience at Red Wombat Studio, although you may enjoy being weirded out by her quirky bite-sized podcast, “The Hidden Almanac,” or the epic webcomic, Digger. The “Expanding Horizons” project will keep her mostly journaling and keyboarding, but…we’ll see. Creativesojurnbalaa Balaa’s glowing art is just impossible to describe–rich, luminous fantasies. And so many cats.Check her gallery, I can’t do her justice here. You can get a teaser for her long-term graphic novel here, and the “Horizons” trip should be powerful inspiration for her art. CreativesojurnvantidVantid, check her art on FA or AmberHillArt, is a specialist in amazingly realistic wildlife fantasy illustration, with a strong grounding in animal painting and anatomy. Expect to see her filling the role of naturalist, with anatomical studies, movement, bird sketches–and lots and lots of notes on the local food.Creativesojurnherrell

 It is distinctly possible that Edwin and Jenine Herrell, alias Utunu and Kikivuli, are the most +favorited couple in the fandom. Both are talented writers, and will be sharing their words, photography, and passion for African wildlife–including their own personal quest to photograph the elusive African wild dog–the four-legged kind, though we may see the couple in their natural habitat. Utunu has also promised to bring me back a hyena, if he can fit one in his luggage, and I’m holding him to this one.
Categories: News

Sleepy Novashi

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 18:28
Categories: News

Furries and Social Networking

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 17:57

What's up, everyone? I've been surfing the web and searching for social sites that cater to us. I'm curious: Are there any Furry social sites you guys can recommend?

submitted by BlazingDarkAngel
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Categories: News

What are some of the diffrent sub groups in the furry community?

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 17:39

I've heard of kemono what other types are out there?

submitted by AliEffinNoble
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Categories: News

Scritt Streaming a few requests and stuff.

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 16:50

Come on in!

Warning: I may accept NSFW requests.

Also: The viewcounter is broken, so please do say Hi in the chat. No signup required.

submitted by PowerRaptor
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Categories: News

Sketch Livestream!

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 16:41
Categories: News

best artist in your opinion?

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 16:10

spazzy, i feel connected somehow when i see the art made by him

submitted by arexin
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Categories: News

Looking for someone who could do a ref sheet of my Orchid Mantis character for $30 or under

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 15:17

The character's name is Valentine so original! , and they would be a valentine's gift for my boyfriend. The ref would be NSFW, to match the dildo I'm purchasing for him.

The toy is the Euphoberia from Frisky Beast, and is going to have the Clearly Love colouration.

I'm not looking for an insanely detailed ref sheet, just an image of the character with the character's name.

Anyone who is interested in working with me on this please post examples of stuff you've done! Or if you know someone who would do the ref for $30 or under, link them please!

I forgot to say that I don't have a ref of the character itself, just a picture of the mantis I'd want it based on. So it's kind of an artistic liberty/freedom character, if any of you are into that!

submitted by AdmiralCheesecake
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Categories: News

Squeaky ear noms

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 14:14
Categories: News

Help equating descriptions of creatures with visual representations

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 13:58

Maybe it's obvious, but I can't see how anyone can tell how to describe a creature in an image, or picture what a creature might look like when described in words.

For example, this (hopefully the original poster doesn't mind me using this as an example). For whatever reason, I can't tell if that is a wolf, a fox, or what. Talk of "hybrids" confuses me even more.

So, my question is, basically, how do you know what these are supposed to be?

submitted by ctoan0
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Categories: News

Streaming ze requests again.

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 13:48

EDIT: Le done

Le last week

Le linkerino: (My stream is PG-13 I'd say. Basically dumb language and/or potentially offensive jokes are common. The rest of the website, being on the internet, has an expected amount of porn.)

As usual, streaming until 18 EST! (14-18)

Will update this post once done uploading the results.

EDIT: Results

Only 2 alas :c wasn't as fast and mostly, unlike last week, didn't start early.

Le Goodra

Some cute, 'flamboyant' deer

submitted by Nsyse
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Categories: News

Reindeer mixed with duck?

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 12:35

So I've been thinking recently (and watching darkwing duck :3) and meaning to have another fursona. (I.e:reindeer) doing some research I've I haven't seen a reindeer mixed with a duck? Or the other way? Maybe somebody can help me? That'd be appreciated.

submitted by ThatoneStalker25
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Categories: News

Looking to go to FWA this year but..

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 11:33

It would be nice to get someone/ a group of someones to share the room cost with and show me around the con.

A little about me. I'm 23 , male sergal. I currently live in Alabama and have never really been to a furry con before but could never work up the courage to go. I know a shy sergal, who ever heard of that?.

I get my 2 weeks vacation from work in march and want to save a couple of days for FWA as a way to get out of my usual comfort zone and meet new people and probably act a little crazy, I am the shy, quiet, not really crazy sort. And I figure something like this would help me break out of my shell a bit.

Well I'm not sure what else to out about me, fell free to ask questions if you wish. I am just tying to find someone to share the room cost with and if a fellow Alabama or Mississippi fur is willing a travel partner would be amazing due to me not wanting to fight Atlanta traffic lol. I'm not asking for a free ride, I will share all expenses.

submitted by loki_the_sergal
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Categories: News