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Fellow furries let's spread some kindness around today shall we?

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Feb 2015 - 10:06

I have a mission for everyone of you here! And if you are so kind to accept it that would be awesome! It's simple and revolves around a chain effect. Please do something kind for someone today. It could be anyone! Someone you know, a random person at school or work etc. A simple kind gesture goes along way my friends and hopefully yours will start a chain reaction, encouraging people to help others with a simple hello! Or how are you doing? Or returning something a random stranger has misplaced in hopes they do the same for someone else. :P good luck on your mission and let's hope we can make the world a better place for everyone around us. ^_^

submitted by Foxes281
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Categories: News

Tennessee Furs?

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Feb 2015 - 10:05

So I'm just a 16 year old scrublord from Middle Tennessee. More often than not everyone I meet and befriend online lives in the Northeast and Northwestern U.S. I've tries the TNFurs forum but it seems like the only people who are nearby haven't touched their account in literal years or are far out of my age range. Even some active accounts have just straight ignored me. I'm into airsoft, PC gaming (arma 3, Wargame: Red Dragon) and that's basically it.

So anyone out there or am I just another lonely scrub? V:

EDIT: Before anyone suggests cons, I'm only 16 and have no desire to gather in large crowds, have zero friends who would accompany me, do have a job but am strapped for cash and while I CAN drive out of state I can't go a few hundred miles away alone. Not to mention only close RL friends of mine know I'm a fur and I really don't have the confidence to mention that to my family.

TL;DR cons are a no-go

submitted by BalticBird
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Categories: News

Cute border collie fursuit

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Feb 2015 - 09:18
Categories: News

Looking for fellow furries to play Minecraft with

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Feb 2015 - 08:44

Hey guys, yes it's me again, I just (finally) got sucked into Minecraft (XBox 360 Ed) and wanted to put my paw out there to see who else has it and wanna Minecraft it up sometime! My GT is Grunge Fox for anyone interested

submitted by GrungeFox22
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Categories: News

He’s Gay; She’s Demisexual; Can It Work?

Furry News Network - Mon 9 Feb 2015 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear, I’m a male furry in a relationship with a non-fur and it has been going great. She accepts me for who I am, furry and all. This sounds like a great thing but here’s the problem: I’m gay. I came to terms with it about a year ago and we’ve been together […]
Categories: News

The Simpsons meets E621.

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Feb 2015 - 05:36
Categories: News

Two Dogs and a Dead Rabbit

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 9 Feb 2015 - 02:57

Kade and Nicole are a pair of canine siblings — he likes to play video games, she likes to read. They both find plenty of opportunity to do both in a stately home known as Savestate… and, they also find a rather malevolent (if not very powerful) ghost rabbit. (Nicole names him Harvey, of course.) How are they to explain the undead presence to their reptilian friend Rick? That’s the start of things in Savestate, a new full-color on-line comic strip written and illustrated by Tim Weeks. Catch up with it over on his web site, or check out the Comic Chameleon app to download the comic to your mobile device.

image c. 2015 by Tim Weeks

image c. 2015 by Tim Weeks

Categories: News

Chipotle for me?

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Feb 2015 - 02:37
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 23:47
Categories: News

[Rant] I don't feel like it's worth being in the fandom if I'm not an artist.

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 23:18

Every furry I've ever encountered (including myself) has attempted some form or another of art. The problem is, I know more people who DO draw than don't, and everyone I know just seems so passionate about it, like everything is going perfectly for them and they're so talented. Why can't I do something like that and feel like I have a purpose in this fandom? It's like I'm a leech and all I do is pretend to be good at things even though I've never once contributed anything original to the furry fandom. Even making my character, almost every single piece of art of him was drawn out of the kindness of people's hearts just because they wanted to draw him. Fuck, I just want to feel like I belong here... That's all I've wanted for a few years now. I've lurked for even longer. Is there anyone else on this planet who's a furry but is not an artist?

submitted by SonderTheGriffon
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Categories: News

Thanks, everyone

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 23:07

I've been in kind of a bad place for a few months now. I'm always tired, stressed, and overworked. I go to bed mostly because I'm just fed up with dealing with everything, not because I'm physically tired. Along with that, my relationship is going downhill.

Anyway, I come on here and you guys make me feel Safe. At the very least, you give me a little happy break from everything. It wouldn't be near as nice if the community weren't so kind and accepting. Thank you for another small joy in my life.

submitted by Gshep1
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Categories: News

I need hugs right now

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 23:01

I need floofy internet hugs right now. I'm also looking to just chat with people. Hope I don't sound like a hugslut.

Edit: All of you people are amazing, thank you so much.

submitted by RGBrazberry
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Categories: News

Been lurking around this sub for a few days now. Just figured I'd come out of the woods and introduce myself~

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 22:31

Hello, everyone!

I'm your friendly, neighborhood, cybernetically augmented wolf. I am 23 years old and fresh out of college. I earned a BFA with a concentration in sculpture and ceramic art (I also do screen/relief printing and draw a bit, too).

Never really introduced myself in the furry community before. Been a bit timid and shy in the past, but I'd like to be a part of the community and maybe make some new friends along the way.

So again- Hello! waves frantically like an idiot


submitted by Paws-Wasab3
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Categories: News

Asimi the Kat (speedpaint).

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Feb 2015 - 21:26
Categories: News