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Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 23:39
Categories: News

Asking for help on deciding on my fursona

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 23:28

As a 5-year lurker furry, i'm finally making the transtition to becoming an active member of the fandom. The issue is that I can't decide on what species to make my fursona. I've tried taking personality quizzes for it too. I know time is the main thing here, and I shouldn't be so rushed to joining the fandom, but I just can't seem to find a direction with where I want to go. So I guess what I'm mostly asking for is how people discovered/chose your fursona, and hopefully that'll help me on

submitted by Macklerem
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Would like some advice from fellow furs

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 22:50

I am currently a Veterinary assistant in Texas who is working 7am to 6pm every day at an amazing $7.25 an hour with no hope of a raise. I am also a college student who is studying Information Security and Assurance, which is something i'm good at but is a career path known to make alcoholics. My job is a super high stress job that I don't get paid enough for, and I am sick of only seeing injured and sick animals and hate the fact that I am constantly putting animals to sleep.

I have decided to say "fuck it all" and plan on just leaving it all behind. I want to just hit the road and just start traveling. I am fine with just taking the necessities and am not too worried about getting rich. I am smart enough to know that it wont be easy and thats why i'm here now. I have several questions for fellow furries and anyone with experiance with living on the road. I got a Crown Vic thats in good condition, a new MacBook Pro, and $240 in my name.

  • Does anyone have any advice on managing finances to make every dollar last?

  • What about making money on the road? I am a decent artist/writer, but have plenty of room to improve. I do have personal experience with photoshop, sadly no professional experience. I have Microsoft certifications in Word 2007, Excel 2007, PowerPoint 2010, Access 2010, and Outlook 2010.

  • When I hit the road I plan on writing about my travels, does anyone recommend any blogging type sites that would be good for this?

  • Any other advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

submitted by jskipper16
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Categories: News

SFW alternative to /r/FurryKikPals?

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 22:13

It'd be nice to not have to filter through a bunch of horny-ass furs to find someone to actually talk to.

submitted by crookedear
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Categories: News

Howlo, "new" here, presentation and stuffs

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 21:34

I've lurked for a bit and decided it was time to say hello. I've been in the fandom for something like 7 or 8 years. My main sona is a black panther, altho i've been working on a new one recently, because reasons. I'm silly alot, and I like stuff.

I'm an "older" fur I guess, being in my early 30's. Have a hard time meeting furs with whom to share and discuss, guess I don't have so much in common with the younger crowd anymore, so it's getting lonely in my old age!

Anyhow, nice to meet yas, come say hello if you feel like it, I won't bite. Just might nibble a bit...

submitted by CatsnakePlissken
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 19:46

This is something I get asked a lot, so I made a video explaining my idea of what the fandom is, thought I'd share it here in the hopes it might be useful to someone.

submitted by BluTheDragon
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Categories: News

COMMISSIONS are open!!!

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 18:32

I will be doing commissions for anything you wish! Furry? Sure! Mlp? Awesome. Prices range due to request. FA:

submitted by Bronyclan
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Categories: News

Boise furries find acceptance and community within an over-welcoming fandom

Furries In The Media - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 18:31

Here is an article, dated February 26, in The Arbiter, the student newspaper of Boise State University:

On most days, Treasure Valley resident A.C. Arment spends his days like any other average human: working, eating and sleeping. On other days, he puts on a green fur suit and becomes Camochi, the anthropomorphic animal hybrid.

“On any given day, I could be hit by a bus or just eat a few slices of pepperoni pizza, just like anyone else,” Arment said. “Camochi is just a little part
of me.”

Arment is part of the ever-growing furry fandom, a group, mainly consisting of Internet and convention interaction, which shares a common love for the anthropomorphic, whether it be dance, graphic design or even prose.

When making a fur suit or any piece of artwork, furries often draw inspiration from their fursonas, idealized, anthropomorphized versions of themselves.

Camochi has a biohazard sign on his back. According to Arment, this represents several years of bullying from his childhood years.

“I thought I was a plague and that I’d be better off dead,” Arment said. “But then I met wonderful people at conventions and made Camochi.”

In an article entitled “Furries and the Limits of Species Identity Disorder,” Fiona Probyn-Rapsey of the University of Sydney cites a survey done at a furry convention, where researchers found that 46 percent of furry participants identified as less than 100 percent human.

Sophomore English major and member of the furry community Nicholas Walker found that, with many furries, identifying with animals is significantly easier than identifying with humans.

“It’s easier to communicate with animals that won’t talk back or scorn you,” Walker said.

Professor of psychology Matthew Genuchi stressed the importance of finding an accepting community of like-minded people when battling negative emotional effects.

“It can provide you with possible avenues to form deep and meaningful relationships based on those shared interests,” Genuchi said.

According to Walker, the furry fandom offers this community and often helps members battle feelings of exclusion or social anxiety.

But, because the community is so accepting of all possible preferences, Walker finds furries garnering disdain from many.

“There are highbrowed types that really get into the art, but there is also that one person that wants to see two dogs getting it on,” Walker said. “The latter brings out the stigma.”

Arment hopes that people can acknowledge the warm community fostered within the furry fandom instead of “those two dark eggs that ruin the whole bunch.”

He continued to describe the ridiculousness of engaging in fur-related sex.

“I don’t want anyone getting their bodily juices on my $1,000 suit,” Arment said.

Categories: News

Sleeeeeep! [by: WolfRocket]

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 17:59
Categories: News

STAR FOX the Movie - Official Trailer

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 17:57
Categories: News

A lovely lady I drew for a trade with Jyn ?

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 17:56
Categories: News

Progress On My Fursona

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 17:39
Categories: News

So this is an IG account

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 17:33
Categories: News

The Girl Who Gets Gifts From Birds :D

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 17:21
Categories: News

150103 by KuroBlood

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 17:13
Categories: News

My First furry sketches

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 17:02


I started practicing drawing fundamentals about a month ago. I'm starting to feel more comfortable with the basics so I decided to try a few headshots of anthro characters. They're just quick thumbnail sketches, so I'll have to go back and finish at least a couple of them but I thought I'd show them off anyway. I've still got a long ways to go, but hopefully by the end of this year I can start to contribute some art to this community!

submitted by maxajillion
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Categories: News

Green Dust

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 16:09
Categories: News