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LDR Mate Threatens to Kill Himself If the Relationship Ends

Ask Papabear - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 12:33
Dear Papabear,

I'm in a relationship with a very nice and sweet guy, but his childish and stubborn sides are getting a little much for me. We're a long distance couple, and have met once in person. He's only a year younger than me, but he acts like a middle schooler sometimes.
80% of the time he's nice and sweet and treats me like a princess but whenever I bring up things that bother me he just secludes himself from me and posts really dark and triggering art, like pictures of his pony, I'm sorry readers if this next part upsets you, pulling his own intestines out. He went almost a week posting art like that and completely ignoring me out of nowhere because I called someone an angel for offering to send me a free bathbomb with something I ordered. He's gone 3 whole days without drinking anything because his mom didn't buy him his expensive tea.

The fight we just got in, which is what pushed me to seek advice, was over jobs and paychecks. I have a job interview tomorrow, and explained that 1/3 was going into savings, 1/3 to self care and luxuries, and 1/3 to bills and helping my family with grocery money. He replied with he was putting every penny into a plane ticket. And, no, that wasn't some romantic like, he literally wants to do that. He's obsessed with me, I'm his universe, and honestly that's the least attractive thing for me.

I have been working so hard to live for myself and to love myself after finally getting out of a slew of abusive relationships and away from abusive relatives. All I want is to date someone who loves themselves and lives for them self, but chooses to share their life with me.... At this point I feel like he's unhealthy obsessed with me, like I'm his only lifeline and that's the only reason to date me.

It's draining.

He's made threats that if I ever left him he would kill himself, and he tried to the last time a girl broke up with him. He's super popular on Tumblr too, and I'm afraid I'd get so much harassment and hate if I broke it off. Today I was having a mental break down, and it was lifted when I got something in a mail. A purchase I made that was a huge milestone for me and that should have been a sweet and perfect experience, but now it's soiled. And I feel like he did it on purpose. Every time I look at it it just reminds me of this fight and it's heart breaking. Every time I get the courage almost up to break it off I think about the times he treats me well and re-think it. I feel like I'm in an abusive relationship again.

Maybe I'm selfish for wanting to date someone who is independent from me, maybe I'm in the wrong, but all I know is I'm unhappy and lost as to what to do. What do you think papa? Is this something I was wrong about, is it something I should wait for him to grow out of, or is it really as toxic as it makes me feel? I don't think even if I should break up with him I could. I dread to hear him beg and cry for me back, to see all those nasty pictures and posts he'll post, and most of all I'm afraid to have his death on my hands....


* * *

Hey, Fishy,

Thanks for writing. You’re gut instinct is correct: this is an unhealthy relationship to the extreme. Anyone who posts violent images after having a serious discussion with you or who threatens suicide upon a breakup is emotionally unstable and needs to seek psychiatric care posthaste!

It is unhealthy for you to be in this relationship, and you definitely should break it off for your own sake. You are currently staying in the relationship for totally wrong reasons: 1) you’re afraid that because he is popular he will post things online and people will be mad at you, and 2) you think he will kill himself. Let me put this as clearly as possible: you are not responsible for his actions. He owns them, not you. (Also, I seriously doubt he would actually go through with it; he's a drama queen; the people you have to watch out for are the troubled ones who don't say they will kill themselves).

And, yes, you are in an abusive relationship again. Putting aside the fact that LDRs are not real relationships in my book, you need to explore why you keep selecting bad relationships. Unlike this current misbehavior on the part of your boyfriend, you are responsible for the kinds of people you choose to have in your life. Not knowing you at all, I couldn’t begin to assess why this is, but you should probably explore your relationship with your parents to discover why this is. Usually, people who feel rejected somehow in childhood feel unworthy of decent relationships, and so they glomp on to the first person who shows them any bit of kindness. Then, when that person turns out to be a lemon, the insecure person believes that they are somehow to blame. Sound familiar?

The guy you’re seeing is emotionally stunted and psychologically damaged. He needs some help, no doubt, but it is not your responsibility to help him. Suggest he seek some counseling and then, if you are wise, run away from this guy as fast as you can.

This might sound cruel, but, trust me, if you stay with him he will ruin your life; he will make you utterly miserable, and, worse, make you feel that somehow you are to blame. And, if he posts nasty things about you online after you break up, feel free to link people to my column so they can get the full story.

After a number of bad relationships, it sounds as if it is finally dawning on you what you really need: as you put it, someone who is independent and strong but wants to share his life with you. THAT would be a great mate to find!

I know it's easier said than done, but try to find someone like that, hon.


I did it again. Yay suckage!

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 10:44
Categories: News

Dragons be like...

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 10:38
Categories: News

Are there artists who could help with fursona character design?

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 10:33

I have a friend who asked me about this, but I really don't know! Does anyone know of artists out there that have some experience in designing new characters? My friend has a few characteristics in mind, but might want to go with a little artistic freedom on other parts that he's either unsure about or not wanting anything specific. At this point even the species is up for debate :D

I know some people like to offer those "adoptables", but those are more like designs already completed, I think he wants to make an actual new character design; something a little more personal I guess.

Most artists I work with want the details up front, and I don't know of one that could also help design the character.

submitted by Jaycatt
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Categories: News

Funnybooks: The Improbable Glories of the Best American Comic Books – review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 10:05
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Funnybooks: The Improbable Glories of the Best American Comic Books, by Michael Barrier. Illustrated. Oakland, CA, University of California Press, November 2014, hardcover $60.00 (xxi + 407 pages), trade paperback $34.95, Kindle $19.49. “Way back when the idea of a ‘comics scholar’ sounded like the punch […]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 08:58
Categories: News

Good morning...?

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 08:54
Categories: News

commissioning a fursona for the first time on FA

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 05:26

I am looking to get my fursona done for the first time, i know what species ,colour, markings and general design I want so can anyone suggest a good artist that is reliable, good price and who is good at designing a first time fursona.

submitted by exFBuser
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Categories: News

Fursuiting in an airplane

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 04:43
Categories: News

YEEP! by DrFelici on DeviantArt

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 04:40
Categories: News

I got to hug Dr. Cat this evening. >^.^<

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 04:15

As in, Dr. Cat the inventor of Furcadia. Some (non-furry) friends and I were on the way home from GDC, and he saw us all in our obvious conference attire in the BART station and came up to chat, about making game and origami dragons and bicycling and whatever else. We had no idea who he was; just another friendly game developer.

Later, on the train, he casually mentioned furries, I said "aha, you said the magic 'f' word!" and gave him my costume shop card, and we talked about suiting and cat things and his escapades with Spotticus Cheetah and Pride Parade stuff, and then he went "so do you know Furcadia? I made that." I dropped my card wallet and asked him for a hug, right there in the middle of the train, just so I could brag that I hugged the guy who invented Furcadia. He happily obliged.

So, yeah, conferences and conventions are magical places, and not just the furry ones! You never know who you're going to run into. Also AHAHHAHAAHA squee!! >^.^< I haven't played in years, but I'm going to make a new character first thing tomorrow because now I'm all excited. Yay!~

submitted by Navi1101
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Categories: News

Golden Trevor (FNAF3 Fanart)

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 03:44
Categories: News

What was your initial exposure to furries? When did you realize you like furry/anthro stuff? Any stories?

Furry Reddit - Wed 4 Mar 2015 - 03:39
At first, I was on the revulsed/ugh view that seems prevalent across the internet. Then, as my curiosity about wolves grew, I remembered a tidbit about "furries". Visited the furry Wikipedia page twice over some months. Reddit also helped. Finally, when I found twokinds through reddit, I grew to love the fandom.

That, and I remembered my true first exposure: I randomly joined a modded TF2 trade server with yiff mounted on all of the walls. Not an entirely unwelcome surprise. Thanks, TF2!

What's your story?

submitted by Wahots
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Categories: News

Not a furry, but interested in making furry art

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Mar 2015 - 23:45

Hello, I'm an artist in the traditional arts that is not a furry, but I'm interested in taking on a persona to make furry art. Is this accepted in the fandom? I'm currently doing a lot more work with the human figure in my studies, and I am interested in furry art as a way of exploring that. I'm hesitant to post on furaffinity or furry art subs because I don't know many furs and am unsure how accepted it is.

submitted by makitten
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Categories: News

Tablet's broken, boyfriend's outta town. Who wants some pencil and ink headshots?

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Mar 2015 - 23:38

Since all the cool kids are doin' it and I'm bored and lonely, who wants some headshots?

They'll probably look about like this, assuming the migraine meds don't make me too doofy. (Disclaimer: I am already kind of doofy.) So don't be expectin' color!

I will do the fiiiirst... five, let's say? If I'm still awake when I get those done I may do more! WHO KNOWS.

Gimme yo refs! And/or a reasonably detailed description of your character's head-area. Plus an emotion or two you want me to convey! (If your response is "I dunno, draw them however" my response will be sombreros.)

EDIT: Okay so I was probably a bit too... Eye of the Tiger when I thought "YEAH it's 11:00PM on a work night and I can totally do five drawings before passing out!" I got to 3 of y'all, and /u/HonorInDefeat and /u/pretzelbagel will get drawings after I have had some sleep! Any additional drawings will depend on how slow my work day is tomorrow. ;P

submitted by stupid_pony
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Categories: News

Colored my fursona, Ellie!

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Mar 2015 - 22:58

Sorry you have to click twoce to see it. Self posts look neater.

Anyway, here she is!

I'm not the greatest at shading but I feel like I did a good job.

Edit: After all this time.. I just looked at the hair/right ear ( her left). hmm

submitted by HunterWolfie97
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Categories: News