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Streaming requests again!

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 12:38

Edit: surprise guests arrived home, have to put stream on hold :/

Won't resume today :c



Gonna stream requests again (no shit).

I'm going to try Picarto for once since a few peeps told me they had trouble with furstream.


As usual, gonna do that until 18 EST, get in if you want in, previous weeks for more details and stuff.

Ask if you want me to turn on the mike to hear an excessively sexy canadian voice.

Also ask if I should STFU.

submitted by Nsyse
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Categories: News

om nom nom :3

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 11:53
Categories: News

Is there anyone who knows (or can draw) a Dr. Who furry for my friend?

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 11:35

He is a furry and in love with that show.

submitted by theREALtozsy111
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 10:31
Categories: News

5 free headshots (also, I am looking for some friends)

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 06:54

I need something to practice on. It's kinda first come first serve. But don't worry I'll make round 2 (and 3,4...). Some examples:

submitted by ShaiaTheWolf
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 04:52
Categories: News

Am I doing this right?

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 03:45
Categories: News

Extracting Ink - by Arphalia

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 02:00
Categories: News

Was feeling great until now...

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 01:43

Today I was feeling pretty good. I was happy, enjoying myself and wandering around on reddit as I spoke to lots of different people.

But just a few minutes ago I... I tried to draw. I just don't get how everyone can draw Anything they pretty much want and i can't make a stupid line. Every time I feel like I mess up I get frustrated and it just gets worse until I'm just sitting here crying to myself. I want to draw what I see in my head everyday so bad just like so many of you do. And every failure is just another harsh reminder that I can't do it. Everytime I keep hearing that voice saying "you can't do it!" "why bother trying?" "Just give up!"

The only skill I have ANY confidence in is in the words I write. That's all I can do... But I want to express myself so much more. And its like I can't...

EDIT: Thank you all for the support. I can get emotional a lot. Now I'm crying because I have you all here with me. What I wouldn't give to just hang out with all of you and laugh together. Again, thank you all so much.

submitted by SamuraiDDD
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Categories: News

It's hard being a furry and also liking women

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 01:36

Everybody who looks at the community from outside only sees flamboyancy and homosexuality. I, and many others are neither homosexual, nor flamboyant. I don't think it's fair that some "normal" people have to be clumped in that group. Sure, bring on the down votes, but I just wanted to throw this out there.

submitted by falseshepard13
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Categories: News

How did you find your fursona?

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Mar 2015 - 00:33

I honestly went through twenty of them before I was comfortable with the one I have now. And then the one that I do have... I honestly made him as a joke and then I loved him too much, and now he's my fursona.

submitted by TeethandHorns
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Categories: News