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Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 12:17
Categories: News

Member Spotlight: Franklin Leo

Furry Writers' Guild - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 11:31
1. Tell us about your most recent project (written or published). What inspired it? ?My most recent project is an unpublished short-story about a hare and a weasel fighting against time to survive a utopian society. It’s a dark touch on science fiction involving time travel and manipulation, which I have never gotten the chance to write about before, so I was very excited to get a shot at it and finish up the rough draft. It started off with a line that I couldn’t get out of my head, and when I got the chance between work and classes, I had to write it down. I don’t know what I would have ended up with had I not written that sentence down and returned to it during the drafting phase. 2. What’s your writing process like? Are you a “pantser,” an outliner, or something in between?

I believe that I am a “pantser,” for I enjoy letting the characters I come up with take me along, show me interesting things, and eventually tell me how they corrupt, save, or destroy themselves without me controlling them. If I’m lucky, I’ll have an idea to go into, as my most recent piece has shown. If I’m unlucky, I start with a character in a situation and ask myself, “What is it that this character wants?” A lot of my fiction drives me with this, and I don’t feel accomplished if I don’t find myself ending with an answer for that character’s request. It takes a good character to do what it takes to get what they want, and I’m simply there to write about how they do it.

3. What’s your favorite kind of story to write?

My favorite kind of story is one that tests a character’s morality and what he or she believes is necessary to live.

4. Which character from your work do you most identify with, and why? I identify most with Dillon from one of my first stories, “Best of the Best,” published in Heat #10. He’s a guy who carries a lot on his shoulders and understands how important everything can ultimately be. His anxiety of the unknown is something that really sits with me, and I often find myself working through the same concerns he may have within his own life. 5. Which authors or books have most influenced your work? Stephen King, Robert Aspirin, and Tui T. Sutherland all in some way influence my interest in horror, fantasy, the paranormal, and characters not typically seen in protagonist roles, such as dragons or shape shifters. They have shown me that everyone—however odd, weird or different—has some sort of story to tell. 6. What’s the last book you read that you really loved?

The latest book that I read and couldn’t put down was Sutherland’s Wings of Fire: The Brightest Night. As part of a series made primarily for children, the book is simple in its structure, but the conflicts, questions, and dragon characters within all have as much validity as any other novel out there in the market, and I found myself rooting for these characters by the second chapter. Also, who doesn’t love dragons?

7. Besides writing, how do you like to spend your free time?

I spend most of my free time tutoring undergraduate students in writing or instructing part time alongside professors in the classroom. When not working, I’m usually replaying Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us or researching and reading.

8. Advice for other writers?

Start off at your level—admit where you’re at—and just write what you love until you can’t write anymore. Then, read what you love until you can’t read anymore, and when you’re finished, do the process over until you are ready to revise and love what you do. This is how we ultimately grow, yet so many young writers get stuck in that “I’m not good enough” phase. We need to get over our skill levels in order to simply write.

9. Where can readers find your work?

My work can be found in Heat #10 or in various convention guidebooks across North America. I’m also found chatting and discussing my progress on my twitter, @Fictionfelid, where I share upcoming projects and announce any publications available. I hope to have two stories out in a couple of anthologies by the end of this year.

10. What’s your favorite thing about the furry fandom?

The furry fandom is a place where artists and fans can grow together. No matter what one is into, there’s a place for that in the fandom, and fans continually push artists to do the next big thing while artists do much the same with each other. Without the fandom, I would not be writing what I love today and speaking about it with my students, tutees, and friends.

Check out Franklin Leo’s member bio here!
Categories: News

Streaming requests til I can't :>

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 11:28

Streaming @ Picarto until 18 EST (+-)

No waiting queue, I pick. However, you have priority if I started your drawing and didn't complete it in a previous stream :)

In exchange:

Pay what you want if you want, once I'm done. Basically, I take "just the tip" (provided you're not a dickha, puns! you are allowed to weep. ).


Remind me to check on my laundry every now and then; I have some valuable 3-wolf-moon shirts that I want to preserve.

Last Week for examples (Past couple weeks were slow because surprise guests kept showing up/phone ringing... Hopefully, people will be as asocial as I'd like today)

This post will be updated to show progress/finished stuff later tonight.

submitted by Nsyse
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Categories: News

So.... found a music artist named niic.... at first thought it was horrible... now I'm hooked...

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 11:24

So the thought of fur music sounds great... thought it was terribly done at first but then I was hooked... HALP!! Can't stop listening to this artist.... anyone else randomly get hooked on music that is not to your taste at first but then boom light switch on and can't stop??

submitted by fox125
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Categories: News

Had my first furry lucid dream!

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 10:32

So this might be the only post of its kind here, but I'm happy about it and wanted to share.

I tend to get spontaneous lucid dreams (dreams where I realize I'm dreaming) pretty often. Once you realize you're dreaming you become able to shape things around you or give yourself powers.

After designing my fursona I wanted to see if I could transform into it in a dream sometime. The idea stayed in the back of my head for a while, but nothing really happened. I'd have regular dreams or some lucid dreams but I never became my sona. Well, last night I ended up having a lucid dream and remembered what I wanted to do. After realizing I was dreaming I looked at my arms and imagined them turning into my sona's. It worked! Then I imagined getting her tail (I got one, but it wasn't really the same one) and wings. It was really hard to fly at first but someone helped me and eventually I could!

So that was good :3 Looking forward to when I can do it again!

Edit: A lot of you are interested in getting lucid dreams. The subreddit /r/luciddreaming has tips and techniques on how to get started.

submitted by Cherryfur
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Categories: News

/r/furry Growth

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 10:32

So i recently discovered this site: It basically lets you see cool stats about any subreddit such as growth total subs ect. So anyways, i decided to do some simple math to see how the sub is currently growing, so here they are:

  • Approximately 14.42 new subs a day

  • About 5263 new subs a year(based on growth from 2014 to 2015. The growth is mostly linear so it shouldn't differ too much from year to year.)

  • Currently we have 16,518 subs

  • In 2016 we should have about:20,399 subs

  • In 2020 (assuming current growth rate)we should have about:42,833 subs

  • And just for fun we should hit the 100,000 sub mark in Approximately: 5885 days or 16.12 years.

submitted by BlueSergal
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 10:04
Categories: News

Episode 1: Introduction

Culturally F'd - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 08:57
Categories: Videos

Owning a fursuit is like

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 08:37
Categories: News

A bit of a story, my friends once again think im an evil bastard

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 08:20

i already know im gonna make a giant wall of text, so there will be a TL;DR version in the bottom.

So, to start of i go to an art and game oriented school in sweden, wich is awesome. and there we got a bit of a project, where we would make a character in three steps, first we were to make atleast five "thumbnails", next we would make some areas more detailed, and last we would make the whole thing, this was to help us get quicker ideas on how our characters can look.

but first we were to decide upon three keywords, the teacher went on to tell us about it, and then we were going to pick, so we all started shouting, and the first word that was picked was "apocalypse" then a bit later someone shouted "nordic gods" (like thor, odin etc). then there was pretty much mayhem for the last word, untill i overshouted the rest and said "Anthropomorphic!" and BAM now people are making panda and pikachu thors! and for those who didnt understand, these keywords were for the entire class, everyone had to use these.

TL;DR: school thing, we picked three words, i made the entire class draw furry stuff.

submitted by bjorn0411582
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Categories: News

Avian hunter [OC]

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 07:11
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 06:06
Categories: News

Can someone teach me how to be original when designing a fursona?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 05:43

And are there any good "fill in the blanks" kinds of things, cause I'm probably not gonna think of everything

submitted by cpguy5089
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Categories: News

Before He Was a Rich Duck

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 01:59

Don Rosa is perhaps the only person associated with Disney’s Scrooge McDuck nearly as much as creator Carl Barks. Now IDW Comics bring us Don Rosa’s The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Volume 1 as their next Artists’s Edition release. What’s an Artist’s Edition? The pages are 14″ by 20″, the size of an actual comic artist’s drawing board — in other words, huge! Though the images are in black and white, they are copied from the original art in color — allowing the viewer to see things like paste-overs, blue sketch lines, editorial comments and more, straight from the artist’s original sheets. From the IDW web site: “Rosa’s Eisner-award winning work on The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck told the story of the penny-pinching mallard’s early days before he made his legendary fortune.” At over 160 pages, this hardcover edition (the first of three upcoming volumes) is headed to stores this April.

image c. 2015 IDW Publishing

image c. 2015 IDW Publishing

Categories: News

Anyone else binge playing Dust: An Elysian Tail?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Mar 2015 - 01:40

I got it during the bundle deal and I've just been playing it like crazy for the last couple of days. I've been playing for the last six hours now and just stopped.

Don't regret a single second!

submitted by SamuraiDDD
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Categories: News