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Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Mar 2015 - 10:52
Categories: News

Clever words from an unknown author

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Mar 2015 - 10:46

A lot of people can say that furries are like cosplayers but in actual fact, they are different. I have been a furry for about five years and I contribute to the fandom with furry writing. However, I do not have the 'yearning' to have sex with animals. Every fandom has their weird kind of people but generally, furries are not that way. We incorporate ourselves with animals or others would like to call them as 'spirit animals' and we portray ourselves that way. Thus, that leads to the point where we want to BE that animal that we have created. We create art, stories, music, literature, etc.. Basically creativity and from there, we create our fursona. Which leads to this thing called fursuit. Fursuit basically means fur-suiting. We suit into our created fursonas in real life and go about having fun. Children loves us because we are cute and adorable. That is... if the fursuit is adorable in the first place. We are not cosplaying but fursuiting. The term cosplay usually means costume playing which is where we build our costume based solely on the characters that was created in anima, manga, shows, movie, etc.. It's already there and we make them as cosplays. However, fursuit is something that we create ourselves and want to wear the fursuit that portrays our inner animal.

A fursuit is far more expensive than a normal cosplay, that much I could say. No doubt both cosplaying and fursuiting takes the same amount of time to complete but fursuit is making something that is adorable, cute and somewhat acceptable in public. Yes, there are fursuits that shows nudity and whatnot but that is just a small part of the fandom. I have both friends that cosplay and fursuit and from the looks of both side, a fursuit would cost far higher than a normal cosplay. When you cosplay, you look for cheap materials or on a budget to create that character. Example, you buy polystyrene to make a shape of a weapon and later on colour it with colour paint and whatnot. However, to make a fursuit, you need to purchase furs but that depends on the material. If the client request for their fursuit to feel much more softer and fluffier, a high graded material is used. Sometimes, they want to cut cost and request for fur that isn't that soft but generally acceptable.

Some fursuiters wants their fursuit to have muscles. They want to portray themselves more than just adorable but buff and beefy. Imagine someone dressing up as Leomon from Digimon. He's muscled and how do you make those muscles? We have paddings. Lots and lots of paddings which is then hand sown into the inner layer of the fursuit. The fur are made into the cloth and later on from the inside, paddings. And when it's done, you will have a suit that looks muscled from the outside. It's not easy.

Dressing as a furry is fun in a way because children loves it. I have gone through my first fursuit parade in Singapore and the looks on the children were priceless. They were like 'Mum! Look! Lion!' and all of them came rushing to hug these cute animals and parents are more than happy to take photos with them. As a spotter for these fursuiters, it is, to be honest, really heart warming, because the smile of the children was priceless. Oh, and another thing for fursuiters, we have spotters. Most of them require spotters or helpers by their side because the suit is big and heavy and the people inside could easily dehydrate. I have seen several cases where the fursuiters fainted in the middle of a fursuit parade because they overheated. You need a lot spotters to cool them off, guide them due to limited vision, make sure the tails do not drag all the way on the ground and prepare for any emergencies that require fursuiters to stop and unhead the suit.

So, there is a big difference between cosplay and fursuiting.

submitted by tripp_the_furry_quee
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Categories: News

Voil let'splay - by Koul

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Mar 2015 - 10:16
Categories: News

Ooops! Noah is Gone… Animated movie announcement by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 18 Mar 2015 - 10:13
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Ooops! Noah is Gone…, directed by Toby Genkel and Sean McCormack. For Summer 2015. The number of theatrical animated features coming in 2015 keeps getting larger. There have been uncountable magazine cartoon variations of a pair of unicorns standing on a rainswept mountaintop, watching Noah’s Ark […]
Categories: News

Dangers of the Wild West - by Ifus

Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Mar 2015 - 02:32
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 18 Mar 2015 - 00:03
Categories: News

Harbinger by Ellundiel

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 23:31
Categories: News

Hi! I am new here! Wanna be Friends?

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 22:56
Categories: News

A happy story for once

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 22:35

So I've noticed that a lot of people post "horror stories" about their interaction in public so I felt like sharing a "feel good" story.

So anyway I recently started wearing a tail while school and in general most people that have commented on it have said that it's pretty cool which has been very gratifying sense I made it myself, and today my friend told me in all seriousness that it fit me and it looked like it belonged that and that it looks really awesome. This just made me feel really awesome today and I just wanted to share it with all of you fuzzybutts.

submitted by Samfiller
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Categories: News

I had the "fun" experience of explaining to my therapist that furries aren't just about animal sex

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 22:22

We were talking and he asked what I look at when I'm surfing the web and over time it led to him finding out I'm a furry. Now I'm not a "closet" furry but I just don't go telling it. He kept asking if it was like a fetish or something but I tried to explain that I just like looking at pictures. But it made me think: Why is it that only the bad stuff gets publicized? I mean eventually he claims to have accepted it but I still don't get why people hate? I've been around for a few month just hardcore lurking, so give me something to do and tell me why you think the fandom has such a bad rep, CSI episodes excluded.

submitted by Sunbeamed
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Categories: News

Furry documentary

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 22:09

So I live in Columbia, Missouri, home of the True/False Film Fest. I help out there all the time, and I was watching a movie there this year, and then I thought, "hey, what if there was a furry documentary?" I love documentaries so I would love to see one made by furries for furries. My idea was that we could have multiple people (Let's say five,) and they could each do a vlog about furries. While those play, I could then interweave bits of trivia, and unearth misconceptions with a bunch of mini-monlouges in between. I'm wondering if this is a good idea.

submitted by iizepic128
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Categories: News

I hate that so many people here are dealing with serious depression.

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 21:09

Since I joined the fandom bandwagon about 2 1/2 months ago, I've met at least 20 great people who stuck with me, people I talk to almost every day. But after being able to connect and really share who I was, I found out that they too are dealing with so much.

All the kind, forgiving, and helpful people have so many bad things going on for them, and it just brings them to such low points. I myself have a lot of shit too, but I don't want to talk about that.

I don't plan on getting much sleep anyway tonight. It's 10:08. I am going to stay up for AT LEAST another hour and talk to anyone who needs some moral support. I will tackle the rest in the morning.

Your friendly Reshiram,


submitted by Nexplosion
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Categories: News