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Southern Discomfort

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 19:32
Categories: News

The fox family (artist?)

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 19:28
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Swirls by Naira

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 19:17
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End Light

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 16:13
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Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 16:12
Categories: News

German furries from munchen read this

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 14:40

Im 18/M and i will be on a school trip in munchen for 2 nights. If anyone of you is interested to hang out since ive never met another furry irl i would be happy to hear from you.

I will probably be free after 19.00 so if you are interesteg contact me here and we can go grab a beer or something

submitted by joziFTW
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Hug Life

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 14:15
Categories: News

Waterbending ~ art by me

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 13:48
Categories: News

Why is the fandom have a two sided opinion about xrated stuff and related thing?

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 13:44

I've been a furry along time and I never understand why their is SOOO much x rated stuff but in real life I see people complain about going to furry convention or meetup and not wanting that stuff to happen. I understand why that is but did you not expect that to happen? I don't know many furries that don't associate themselves with the more x rated stuff of the fandom so it leaves me with a question. Why is the fandom s have such a two sided opinion about it? Is it because it's different when your in your room to opposed with a group of people?

Edited it: im on mobile so I can't see what I'm typing so apologies for the typos/ terrible spelling if there is any ._.

submitted by bloodpain
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Got My Crow Girl Drawn~

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 13:26
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Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 13:07
Categories: News

NordicFuzzCon 2015 - "Super Fluffy Awesome"

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 11:11
Categories: News

Finished my new fursona today!

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 10:53
Categories: News

For those who are being dragged down!

Furry Reddit - Tue 17 Mar 2015 - 10:42

so, prepare for a long text. this is from my own experiences.

So, this is to those who are feeling down, this could help you. but it is aimed to those who are feeling down because of the fact that they are a furry. or to those who have been heartbroken by words.

so, about a month ago, i was feeling really down, it was because i was reminded of two sad events in my life. this made me question who i am, and what i am to do with myself. almost like an existential crisis. the first thing that i was reminded of, whas when i asked a friend who i had known for about a year, i asked him what he would do if i was a furry or a brony. he told me he would block me wherever i were, and never speak to me again, this was sad and all, but it gets worse, that guy i only know online.

this guy however, he i had known for TEN YEARS. thats more than half my life (im 16). and when i told him i was a furry, he said to my face, that i was a diguisting human being, and that he didnt want to see me anymore.

this, got me down. but then, i eventually realised, or well remembered something that acted sorta lika a motto to me, i had never known i had this motto, untill more recently, the motto in its basics is "f*ck it". what i mean by that is. that i dont care, if they are so shallow as to judge me based of off what other people do, then screw them. if someone i have known for ten years suddenly decide to hate me because of something i do in my own personal time, then he clearly wasnt the friend i thought he was.

i know im not a disgusting human being. so he can tell me i am all he wants, im not gonna let it get to me. you know the saying? "sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can never hurt you". well, that now applies to me.

so, if someone is pulling you down, say "f*ck it, they dont know me" and be who you are.

now maybe im painting the story a bit extremely. as much as stuff shouldnt pull you down, that doesnt mean you should block out critiscism. still take into consideration that there could be a reason why this person is saying what he is, and maybe you should look into what it is this person is saying. etc etc. you get the point.

hope this helps!

P.S: i am in no way telling anyone to be an anarchist, only trying to help people.

EDIT: though this was mostly me sharing this to make you guys happier, i still want to thank you all for your support! you guys are the best! be who you are, and dont let anyone tell you who to be.

submitted by bjorn0411582
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Categories: News