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Psst! Hey, you, Mr./Ms. Practicing Artist Fur...
So.. There's this girl that I'm trying to date. I know she likes me back and we decided to date when I moved back there. But since I didn't want her to wait for somebody she thought was weird, I told her straight away that I was a furry. She thought it made me cuter (awesome) so today, I got surgery and I've been.. Relaxed.. With painkillers the doc gave me and I was super confident telling her about my characters and stuff. Then I had an idea to see if she wanted to make one! And we spent the last few hours creating Vera! A short arctic fox! We were both gonna try drawing her but neither of us are very good. Regardless we wanted to practice. But I was thinking, if somebody wanted to practice as well, I'd really like it of I could surprise her with a good one to kick off her furry career.
Unfortunately, I don't have much for cash right now so I won't be able to pay anybody. But if you want to practice, here's a good character you can draw! And you'd be helping me make this girl happy if you did.
This is Vera (Alex's character)
Female Arctic Fox 4' 1" White body, fade to dark blue on her fingertips and foot paws. The fur on her stomach and chest is white, while her back fades to light blue. A few white spots are noticeable on her back as well as on her face, which are blue on white fur. Her ears are big with blue on the back and white fluff on the inside. This helps with her hearing. Her eyes are purple and she has a shorter nose and small head in general, in proportion to her ears. She has two katana swords crossed on her back, the grips have a blue and white cross pattern while the sheaths are white.
Remember I'm not looking for anything special, just a quick sketch, you don't even have to colour it. If nobody wants to draw it, I would still appreciate some notes on how to make her better. We had a lot of fun creating Vera and Alex is stuck creating a background for her.
TL/DR = Just looking for a free sketch for a girl I'm trying to get to like furries. Or even just notes on how to make her better.
(Sure hope I did that TL/DR thing right)
submitted by TheLonelyGecko[link] [11 comments]
Fursuit Friday?
I've seen many fursuiting images submitted, both here and elsewhere, with references to "Fursuit Friday." My question: Is there some unwritten rule that fursuit images only be submitted on Fridays? I don't have much in the way of fursuit pictures to post yet, but if I did, would submitting them on a day other than Friday be frowned upon?
submitted by OutsiderWolf[link] [2 comments]
My girlfriend draws a lot of furries, she's only given me permission to post this one. So, meet Nela (The Dog) and Brin (The Cat)
So I had an interesting turn of events.
I told my mother that I was into furry content yesterday and she took it surprisingly well. The reason I told her was because I wanted to go to Anthrocon this summer and needed her help with planning it. Today I was able to buy the Supersponsor Membership thing and she even made arrangements for me to be able to use the family RV because all the hotels are either booked or too expensive.
TLDR: I told my mother I am a furry and now she is helping me with my trip to Anthrocon.
submitted by jfmherokiller[link] [8 comments]
He's not very furry, but he's got some fluff!
Parents might find out I'm a furry; what do I do?
A bit of backstory: up until the past couple of years, I've been heavily, for lack of a better term, in the closet about being a furry. It's only thanks to the fact that an acquaintance of mine was part of the fandom that I was able to go to my first meet and even hang out with other furries at an anime convention near my town.
However, there's the matter of my parents. My mother is incredibly nosy and comes to visit me at least once a week (I live only sixty miles away from my parents for college), and has discovered pieces of furry art I've done (or attempted to do) on several occasions, usually not questioning it. And then it turned out that she nosed about in my room and found parts to a fursuit in the process of being made by a friend of mine (tail and paws, head currently being worked on), and started asking questions about it. I convinced her that it was part of a Halloween costume, but now I am concerned.
On top of being nosy, my parents- especially my mother- are incredibly overbearing, despite me having moved out of the house. There's also the matter of the fact that they seem to be in denial of the fact that I have a boyfriend (I'm a guy), just calling him my 'friend', and constantly ask about what I'm doing with my friends or online (both of which usually involve hanging out with people in the fandom). They don't trust me, they're paranoid, they might be xenophobic, and I'm afraid of what's going to happen if they find out I'm a furry; honestly, the best case scenario I see is that they make me get rid of my fursuit parts.
What do I do?
submitted by Ihpkmn[link] [17 comments]
Furry Fandom Kept Me Happy
A lot of stuff was happening in my life and the bigest of all was my already far away cousin was being stationed by the army again but this time to Korea. We were so close to him (emotionally not literally) and we are just so afraid war will be declared when he's there. It was sad but a few days ago I noticed I was happy again. It took me a while but than I figured out it was the furries. So this post is just to say thank you!
submitted by Metalworks13[link] [3 comments]
And Now for Something Completely Different: 15 minute sketches!
Since the last art of something different went well lets keep it going! How about some 15 minute quick and dirty sketches! Whatever you can draw in about 15 minutes share it! It doesnt have to be a hard 15 but try to keep it close! Learning to do 10-15 minute quick sketches is a great way to practice and improve yourself! If you do a quick 15 minutes once a day for a month you will see improvements! So beginners and veterans alike... show us what 15 minutes of your life spent looks like.
Let me start. I'm been doing 15 minute doodles for a few months now and it has helped a ton. Its kept me from trying to over think which was probably my hardest obstacle to overcome art wise. I'd ache over anatomy instead of just drawing what looked good. In the end stopping the over thinking improved my anatomy on its own. http://imgur.com/3Vto3S9
submitted by yamicat[link] [4 comments]
Stolen fursuit.
A friend of mines sold a fursuit to someone and they refuse to pay. He's already gotten the suit and knows what he did. Please help spread the news.
submitted by MagicalChair[link] [50 comments]