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Catching Some Rays - by Freelapse

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 21:01
Categories: News

Furry Fandom Kept Me Happy

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 20:19

A lot of stuff was happening in my life and the bigest of all was my already far away cousin was being stationed by the army again but this time to Korea. We were so close to him (emotionally not literally) and we are just so afraid war will be declared when he's there. It was sad but a few days ago I noticed I was happy again. It took me a while but than I figured out it was the furries. So this post is just to say thank you!

submitted by Metalworks13
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Categories: News

And Now for Something Completely Different: 15 minute sketches!

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 19:24

Since the last art of something different went well lets keep it going! How about some 15 minute quick and dirty sketches! Whatever you can draw in about 15 minutes share it! It doesnt have to be a hard 15 but try to keep it close! Learning to do 10-15 minute quick sketches is a great way to practice and improve yourself! If you do a quick 15 minutes once a day for a month you will see improvements! So beginners and veterans alike... show us what 15 minutes of your life spent looks like.

Let me start. I'm been doing 15 minute doodles for a few months now and it has helped a ton. Its kept me from trying to over think which was probably my hardest obstacle to overcome art wise. I'd ache over anatomy instead of just drawing what looked good. In the end stopping the over thinking improved my anatomy on its own.

submitted by yamicat
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Categories: News

Trying my hand... er... paw at comics

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 19:06
Categories: News

Stolen fursuit.

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 18:37

A friend of mines sold a fursuit to someone and they refuse to pay. He's already gotten the suit and knows what he did. Please help spread the news.

submitted by MagicalChair
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 18:23
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 17:47
Categories: News

Stylish seal.

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 17:00
Categories: News

YCH Commission I just finished <3

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 16:31
Categories: News

Badge request done for Stratathefox

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 15:30
Categories: News

A story i wrote : )

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 14:42
Categories: News

any CS:GO furs?

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Mar 2015 - 14:21

Hai, just wondering if any of you fluffles play CS:GO would love to play with you guys .^ skype/steam name: Zezors

submitted by Zezors
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Categories: News