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Drawn AMA! Ask Yami Raichu Anything!

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 17:14

I need ideas for todays daily doodle practice so I thought it would be fun to get /r/furry involved! Today you can ask Yami Raichu anything and I"ll pick 5 or so and draw Yami's response to them. So make them good questions! :D Please keep the questions PG at most.

For those not familiar with the little wizard here is an album of them. Yami Raichu is a little Raichu wizard. They are agender, caffeinated and a bit derpy. It should be noted that Yami can in fact talk normally but typically wont unless it suits them. Yami prefers pokemon speak. Yami has a pet/companion/wizard's familiar Joltik.

Note from the human behind Yami Raichu: (6:15pm EDT) I only just woke up a bit ago so it will be a while before I get to the art. Coffee is still kicking in. Figure I"ll post this up now and get questions coming in so I can have time to work. I am nocturnal so I"ll be up all night. I will definitely get to 5 questions but if I feel up to it I"ll draw more.

submitted by yamicat
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 16:41

its 20whatever and it turned out furries exist. They have the same intelligence as a human but are currently being sold as pets, do you get one? If yes what do you do with it? If no then why? I would like your opinion on this.

edit: well, the magority of you said you would try to liberate them, so imagin this, you suceeded, furries are now a member of society just like you. would your bf/gf be a furry? why or why not?

(sorry for spelling errors, im on a win 8 tablet i only had for a day and cant work out how to do spellcheck)

submitted by ConcernedPikachu
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Categories: News

Vanishing Furs

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 16:38

I've noticed that over the years, there have been a number of artists or other somewhat prominent community members who have vanished. How many artists have you seen fade into the shadows, and have they ever resurfaced?

One example I can think of is san-renard, who vanished from more or less everywhere about 6 years ago, but recently showed up under a different alias elsewhere.

submitted by Arkazex
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Categories: News

Lean on Me - BlackDracon

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 16:32
Categories: News

My wife and I. :D

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 16:14
Categories: News

So Capcom's April Fools joke....

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 16:01
Categories: News

In the Anthro World, Would There Be Species Envy?

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 15:19

Let's say I was born into a family of wolves. I encounter some owls and soon after I want to be an owl, almost like what we would do when we change fursonas. How common would this be, and would it be possible to change at will?

submitted by BalticBird
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Categories: News

Sakura dance

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 15:12
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 15:04

So I was playing animal crossing new leaf and mentioned that if your character was an animal this could be considered a furry game (like dust the elysian tale) and he was surprised to find out that you are the only human in the game. So my question is, why? Why are players the only human in the game?

submitted by Rikku-Panthera
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Categories: News

furry pass the Rhyme?

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 13:38

so, if i wanted to do a "PTP" at /r/PasstheParagraph and have it be furry themed, should i do it at /r/PasstheParagraph or /r/furry???????????

submitted by pinkFOX_12_Scream
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Categories: News

Well, I'm not going to FWA. Who's with me?!?!

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 13:19

I made hotel reservations and put in for days off several months with the hope that somehow I'd be able to afford it. Even thought for a while there that I really would be able to go. But, nope, between repairs to my home, fallout from this brutal winter, needing to pay bills, rent, and buy tires for my car there's no way. Already knew for sure about a month ago, but just cancelled the hotel today. Ah, well.

Would have been my second con. Maybe next year.

Anyone want to commiserate or give me a hug?

submitted by mynameistag
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 13:09
Categories: News

Ol swimmin hole

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 11:48
Categories: News

Community > Commodity, and the value of WTF. Part 3 about the FurAffinity sale to IMVU.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 10:24
A series of three articles:   About the FurAffinity sale, and the issue of trade-offs. IMVU does a Q&A with me. Community > Commodity, and the Value of WTF.  Long live furries. The conclusion brings it all back to commercialization.  I’ve reported this for a while:  Measuring the Furry Economy. – Mainstream advertising: “More and more, Furries are being hinted at […]
Categories: News

Anyone here interested in a fantasy or Si-fi group RP?

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 09:51

I am always up for roleplaying as it is a good way to practice creative writing but also lets you set up your own worlds and stories so I had figured why not try a group version of one? I know that posting here might not be the best place but /r/furryrp isn't the most active sub and most of it is just Yiff RP's (Not that I mind... :P).

So if anyone is interested in this idea you can write down in the comments but what I have learnt from past experience is that not that many people will be accepted because time zones can be a real pain and large amounts of people (like more than 5 or 6) is just too many to manage.

The roleplay itself would either be set in a fantasy or science fiction setting since those are the most fun, the setting being chosen by whichever is wanted most. The actual story and character backgrounds can be set up once all members have joined and the setting is chosen.

Sorry if this post is really all over the place and doesn't so much belong here but I am looking to give this a go! :D

submitted by Eddyoshi
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Categories: News

Workin' on updating my ref [NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Tue 31 Mar 2015 - 07:54
Categories: News