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We are all artists.

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 17:17

Firstly, I want to thank /r/furry for harboring me and my creativity, and allowing me to be able to have intelligent discussion with other people about topics that truly interest me.

Recently, a friend of mine and I had an interesting conversation about art and artists. I asked him if he was an artist, and he replied by saying that he is, that he's a musician.

I was confused, and then I realized that he was using the word artist in it's purest form; to describe one who creates art.

The word artist has shifted and changed throughout it's lifetime to describe someone who paints, or creates any other kind of visual illustration.

But, while the word has served it's purpose in describing an illustrator, it does a disservice to all other artists, making the connotation, that to be an artist, you must make something visual.

I want to change that

While we can't stop using the word artist, we can expand it to include all creators. The Writers, The Illustrators, The Musicians, The Videographers, The Dreamers.

We are all artists

We are just creative in different ways, and by just referring to illustrators as artists, we exclude all the other creators of the world, almost, making their creativity, less important...

As a writer, this is truly important to me

tl;dr The word artist shouldn't be reserved to describe people who create illustrations, and that anybody who creates anything is an artist

submitted by ryartran
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Categories: News

FA UI Beta

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 16:25

So what does everyone think of the new FA UI beta? I think it's putting the site on the right track but I do think it needs a ways to go before its useable. This is very much, to me, a chrome before function update.

I like:

  • I think the new look is a step in the right direction

  • I like the search from anywhere, that's handy

  • Dark theme looks snazzy

Some criticism:

  • Text is way to big in comments and descriptions

  • Hamburger menu... Why? It's a mess because everything is lumped into it. At least recognize the user string so that we're not forced into a mobile site on desktop. A slide out menu would be better than one horribly lumped menu

  • On submissions the name of the piece and art are scrunched together.

  • Messages screen is still a mess, journals are way too out of sight still. Truthfully would reverse watchers and journals

  • White text on light colored buttons... Really?

  • Us writers already struggle for attention, please don't lump us in with the visual artists

Feature ideas:

  • I'd love to be able to add multiple species tags, as I have a hybrid species persona it would be very nice if I could do both "shark," "drake," and "dragon"

  • Standardized tags or recently used tags for your art would be nice

  • Folders would be awesome. God knows it'd help with organization

  • Ability to commission through the commission page would also be cool

  • Allow artists and writers to have slots and open and close them at will or have them continuously be open and alert users to them

submitted by usaf2222
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Categories: News

How old are you?

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 15:23

I was just wondering what the general age group is. My guess is late teens, early twenties but I'm not really sure. (I'm just curious :3)

submitted by Noodles51
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Categories: News

Bunny Fursonas

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 15:07
Categories: News

I think I like anthros a little too much

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 14:41

hi, I need to ask some advice. I've always been really lonely and never had any friends, and then I found this fandom (yay friendly people) but I think I like anthros too much, I really feel connected to them and I have almost lost interest in having a human sexual partner, of corse I'm not gonna date a dog but I feel like an anthro would make such a good boyfriend, they're cute and fun and look extremely hot, is this normal? Should I get help?

submitted by ConcernedPikachu
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Categories: News

That didn't take long...

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 14:21
Categories: News

Little sergal

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 13:37
Categories: News

Portrait of my tasmanian devil lady

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 13:20
Categories: News

He Needs to Get Rid of Attitude That His Fate Is Written in Stone

Ask Papabear - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 11:59
Hello again, Papabear.

It’s been a couple of months since I wrote to you. Still nothing. I feel like the book is already written for myself. I feel that after the divorce that I had back in July of 2014 that I proved my ex wrong. That nobody would want to date me nor will they want to date a divorced LoneWolf such as myself. I am back to square one before I met this backstabbing b**ch (sorry about the language), miserable and lonely, though to that day of our divorce I feel that the book is already written for me. Is it possible that this is my fate in life to be divorced or never to be with anyone in my life again? Ad is it possible that my book is already written to stay this way for all eternity? 

If advice can't be given on this I understand why it can’t. 

Skullking LoneWolf 

* * *

Hello, again, LoneWolf,

Oh, Papabear can give advice on pretty much anything, but it’s up to the reader to decide whether or not to listen.

You have been divorced less than a year, yet you have already thrown up your paws and given up on any other relationships happening in your life. That is a defeatist attitude. As long as you are down on yourself, bemoaning that fate has already written the book for me and I am doomed to be alone until I die, then that is exactly what will happen to you. It’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The way out of your situation is to change your attitude. If you go around feeling nothing but negativity about life, you create a powerful, dark aura around you that, although most others cannot see it, is very palpable. It chases people away from you who might otherwise have become your friends. It is very off-putting.

A big step toward dispelling this aura is to learn to forgive. Put aside your bitterness toward your wife. That is part of your past now, and you are only hurting yourself by carrying that hatred in your soul. I understand anger, hon, and know that it will eat away at you unless you learn to, as they say, forgive and forget.

In addition, learn how to have a positive attitude. You might ask, “What do I have to be positive about? I can’t be positive if my life is awful.” Actually, that’s not the way it works. You have the cause and effect backwards. If you take a positive attitude toward life, it can actually make your life better and good things will start to happen. For one thing, if people you encounter see you smiling and enthusiastic, it makes you much more attractive and they will be more likely to want to get to know you.

Drop the negativity. Drop the doom and gloom. Only then will you turn your life around.



Now that Easter is today...

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 11:47
Categories: News

Dancing PyKat (SL)

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 11:43
Categories: News

any furry games out there?

Furry Reddit - Sun 5 Apr 2015 - 11:39

so, i found out about a game called Amorous, looked it up, had a play, enjoyed it. and then i found a game called puppy love. same deal.

now i want moar!

no but seriously, if someone knows of a good furry game/games then please do let me know. id love to try them out.

submitted by bjorn0411582
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Categories: News