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My boyfriend has said he wants to try to get into the fandom. Any advice?

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 13:01

So he's told me that he wants to try to get into the fandom and I started to tell him to create a fursona but I don't really know how to introduce it to him in the right way, hoping you fuzzbutts have some advice! Thanks so much! You guys are the best hugs for all

submitted by mitchminx
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Categories: News

What are some things we wouldn't like about being furries irl?

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 12:43

Fleas & hair maintenance are my top answers (I guess that wouldn't apply to scalies).

submitted by MRjarjarbinks
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Categories: News

Summer job

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 12:31
Categories: News

Goddess, by Arilin Thorferra – book review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 10:01
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Goddess, by Arilin Thorferra Dallas, TX, FurPlanet Productions, January 2015, trade paperback $9.95 (141 pages). “This is a mature content book.  Please ensure that you are of legal age to purchase this material in your state or region.” When furry fandom began to develop in the 1980s, […]
Categories: News

Fluffy licks

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 09:58
Categories: News

Fatality - (A bit of practice)

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 09:38
Categories: News

Trailing sunset

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 08:19
Categories: News

PSA: If you're asking for a request, don't mention that you can't pay for it

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 07:32

We all know what I'm talking about. "I'd pay but I don't have the money! ". If you're going to request, just post a simple request thread. As an artist, I feel less inclined to take on a request if it's mentioned in this manner.

submitted by satirical-seadragon
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Categories: News

What's your favorite color?

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 05:53

Insanely simple question, I know. It's 3 AM here and for some reason I think it'll satisfy my childish curiosity to know what spectrum of visible light you sexy people prefer.

Do you even prism, bros?

submitted by GoldenDiamonds56
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Categories: News

And tonight on 9 news...

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 05:29
Categories: News

Does the Furry Fandom seep into other Fandoms you're a part of?

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 03:06

With me being a major Kamen Rider and Super Sentai (get your heads out of the gutters) fan and a furry (surprise surprise) I always imagine what the heroes would be as anthros (and doodle them up when I'm motivated to, example: Kamen Rider Drive: Golden Retriever Kamen Rider Mach: House Cat)

Does stuff like this go through your heads, can you give examples?

submitted by MonoDragon
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Categories: News

Can somebody explain 'furry' to me?

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 03:04


So I stumbled upon this term some time ago while browsing, as there seemed to be a lot of shit being thrown around on the subject. I've looked at the articles linked above, but they feel either extremely simplistic or too focused on a historical definition of the term (born in 1980, examples from cartoons yaddayaddayadda). Also, most of them take a kind of overly defensive stance.

Can somebody explain 'furry' to me? I'm curious to know how the everyman in the fandom sees it.

submitted by Stefan46664
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Categories: News

Any Minnesota furs around?

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 02:13

I know there's a bunch in the cities, but I'm pretty much the only fur around here for 50 miles so I don't know anyone locally. If anyone wants to chat feel free to add rumtum_hyena on Skype! :3

submitted by pretzelbagel
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Categories: News

Anyone know who this suiter is?

Furry Reddit - Sat 11 Apr 2015 - 00:09
Categories: News