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Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 09:16
Categories: News

Newbie Fursona

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 06:34

Hey there. I'd like some color suggestions and tips on how to improve. It's my first try on drawing a fursona and feedback to it would be nice.

submitted by TraxTheCat
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Categories: News

Reddit Flair Request Thread!

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 04:29

I'll be back in 9 hours time from the submission of this post to do whatever amount of flairs I can. Will try to do as many flairs as possible, but no promises are being made.

Please post references of all kinds (if possible) for a more accurate end result.

When you receive your flair, just then send a PM to /u/copperbadger and he'll make it your current flair whenether he gets the chance to. So be patient from his and my ends.

Any other artists that want to help out are more than welcome. But, at least sace some for me please? Thank you.

submitted by ShaunSP
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Categories: News

Ehna Sketches

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 02:56
Categories: News

Daily doodle- Cant.... reach.... COFFEE!

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 02:32
Categories: News

I bet you can't stereotype the ONLY AXOLOTL ON THE SUB!

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 01:56

This is a response to all the recent blathering about "stereotypes". I've got one to end them all...ME.

Axolotls are a really peculiar type of salamander native only to lake Xochimilco in Mexico. They never metamorphose to breathe on land, some glow under blacklight, and they can grow back any limb after only a few months.

Good luck, and please, for everybody's sanity, search for the thing you're about to post before you post it. It keeps things...


submitted by Stariteone
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Categories: News

Two Bears, One Boy, and a Big World

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 01:53

Amber Victoria has both written and illustrated a new novel for younger readers, Twins European Adventures. It’s the first in a planned series of books about the exploits of a pair of orphaned bears who are befriended by a young human named Thomas — and then, adopted by Thomas’ family. It so happens that Thomas’ parents have jobs that require them to frequently travel the world, and of course this leads our ursine young pair to adventures in many far-flung places.  This first story, as you might guess, follows the bears and their new human family to Europe, where a series of mishaps finds the bears separated… and scrambling on a variety of trains and buses trying to find one another again! Find out more at the Twins web site, and find the book on Amazon and Createspace. The llustrations are also available as black & white prints.

illustration c. 2015 by Amber Victoria

illustration c. 2015 by Amber Victoria

Categories: News

A simple profile by ralloonx

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 01:46
Categories: News

At The Lights [Stucat]

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 01:17
Categories: News

Passing on some love

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Apr 2015 - 01:14

Okay so this is something I want to try and do every now and then if everyone likes it so in the words of a great Italian plumber: Let's a-go!

You know those hard day? Those days when you feel tired and can't help but just want to lay down in bed? To be taken in by sleep and forget, even for just a little while, and have a moment of peace?

It's not a very fun place is it? I can tell you that its not.

I want you all to take a moment.

And take a nice, deep breath.

Now remember. Remember your part of a community that does care about your safety. That we care if your upset, and we all want to make you happy, even just a little bit. Being apart of this community has really helped people more so then any of us can realize.

The amount of creativity, caring, devotion and just...

You know what? Humanity.

The amount of sheer humanity displayed by all of you here, ALL of you make others laugh, feel loved, and your all so caring!

Your all so wonderful. You make others feel welcomed, you accept who you are and just enjoy being you. Those hard days may happen but many of us can and will try to cheer you up.

So please if I can ask for one thing from all of you its this: don't ever forget that your NEVER alone. You have people, furry or not, that love you somewhere on this big crazy blue ball we call Earth.

Love you ;)

submitted by SamuraiDDD
[link] [14 comments]
Categories: News

woke up new - by kamui

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 22:53
Categories: News

A Drawing I did of my Maltipoo!

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 21:48
Categories: News