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New Friend Says He Has One Year to Live and Cuts Him Off

Ask Papabear - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 11:56

I have this friend that I met weeks ago, and we really hit it off.... We talked, joked, played around, and had fun.

Well, today, he mentioned that he has cancer and 1 year to live. He said that he'd stop talking to me so that I wouldn't get attached, and it hurt.

Now he's not talking to me. I'm depressed and scared.... What do I do??


* * *

Dear Sean,

This might sound rather cynical, but my first reaction to your situation has to do with a couple of experiences I have had. On not one but two occasions, I have had furries tell me they were dying or near death and it turned out to be a lie because, for some reason, they wished to break off communication with me and didn’t have the guts to just tell me. One of them even texted me, pretending to be his father and telling me his son was dead (good gravy). I also had a non-furry once call me and say he was in the hospital about to get a quadruple bypass and that he might die on the table—only to find out a few hours later it was all a lie to get sympathy from me.

The first thing I would do, if I were you, is try to confirm the story. Try to contact other friends of his and check out what’s going on. If it’s all a lie because this guy no longer wants to talk to you, grant him his wish and shut the door, nay, slam the door. I’m sorry if this sounds horrible of me, but the whole “I have one year to live” thing rings like cliché to my ears. I would bet you $100 right now that it’s bullpucky. Why? Because you just met him a few weeks ago; he was joking around, happy, care-free, feeling fine. All of a sudden he’s going to die in a year? Alarm bells are ringing here, and if untrue, then you have a right to be angry about his emotionally manipulating you.

But! I could be wrong; wouldn’t be the first time. If confirmed (and I am serious that you should check out his story and not just take his word for it) and he really is terminal with cancer, then he needs a friend. Emotional support and encouragement are some of the best medicines for a person who is ill. You don’t have to offer solutions; just your mere presence can help immensely. No one wants to die alone and friendless. I’m hoping that this friend is somewhere close so you could actually visit him, but if that’s impossible, use the phone or Skype (texting is not sufficient) so that he can hear your voice and/or your face.

If you are having trouble contacting him, employ the same strategy as above and try to contact his friends and family. He and they need to know you’re a real friend who wishes to be supportive in this difficult time.

Good luck!


Balloon Dragon-Bat

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 11:56
Categories: News

PWYW Commissions, help me pay rent

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 11:09
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Streaming: Starting the Kaijusona Smash images

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 11:08

And other things, depending on my attention span. Come join if you dare. Come hang.

Edit: If you're joining now, within a couple minutes of posting, I'm setting the stream up still. It will be up, but I'm still setting up

submitted by Sareii
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Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 10:41
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Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 09:44
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Ellie by Sparklicorn

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 06:55
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Earthen by Falvie

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Sunshine, Lollipops by Falvie

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Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 05:41
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Please help

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 04:49

Hey guys i hate to be that asshole that promotes on some site but i could really use some help, i'm running low on funds and have to pay rent soon so i am opening some pay what you want commissions over on FA, i explain my situation in better detail in the journal i'm about to link

(again sorry for shitting up the subreddit, please feel free to delete this if not allowed)

submitted by jroy101
[link] [2 comments]
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Eye of the Beholder (sketch)

Furry Reddit - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 02:48
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Beast of Burden Closer to Escaping?

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 25 Apr 2015 - 02:29

A recent article in Variety notes that Beast of Burden is now set to shoot as the first China / New Zealand co-production animated feature film. “Written and directed by Kirby Atkins (Nickelodeon’s The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron), the story sees a species of now-extinct creatures called Thoriphants rebel against their life of servitude to mankind and embark on a treacherous journey.” You may recall that we previously discussed the film on this very web site. As a reminder, we’ll give you the link to Mr. Atkins’ original proof-of-concept short film, which helped him to secure the production deal for his first solo feature.

image c. 2015 Kirby Atkins

image c. 2015 Kirby Atkins

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Unfinished Wolfman. Pencil.

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Kitty Bear

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