FurNation will be back online soon!
Posted by SYSTEM on Wed 21 Aug 2002 - 20:30
We have moved the online date to Thursday morning August 22. From the donations we received we have covered all the expenses in setup fees and stuff with the co-location provider.
With further donations we are hoping to cover a few months of hosting fees to give us the needed time to search for a better hosting service.
Please visit FurNation if you would like to contribute.

About the author
SYSTEM — read stories — contact (login required)a system operator from Dallas, Texas
Page is still down, and yes, it is Thursday the 22 of August. I still can't wait to see Furnation when the remodeling is done. Might be another day (or two, but I hope not. If lucky it will be up and running later tonight.) before we see it back up and running.
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