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CACE: Final News Update

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Hi, everyone;

Although the big news right now is our programming schedule, we do have a few other news items to pass along as well.CACE is pleased to offer the convenience of Visa and Master Card payment at our event for registration and art show purchases. Of course, you can also pay in Canadian or US cash.

As well, the CACE art show is essentially sold out, pending a couple more confirmations. If you wish, you can apply for a place on our waiting list in case some mail-in art doesn't show up. We'll definitely have to make sure that we have a larger art show next year to accommodate all interested artists. However, we still have a handful of table spaces left in the artists' and dealers' room (art shoppe). Please contact as soon as possible if you are interested in reserving space.

We have selected our charity for the 2003 event – the CHEO (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario) Make a Wish foundation. We'll be donating our art auction commissions to this cause. Stay tuned for more information.

For those who like interesting animation, we'll be screening some award-winning National Film Board of Canada animation shorts during our evening video programming. "The Cat Came Back" will be included. (I *love* that one!). Look for some "anthro anime" programming as well!

We're busy looking for a time and place for our 2003 convention, and hope to announce this shortly. Is there something you'd like to see next year? Please let us know.

Please note that we've negotiated the parking rate for guests of the convention (staying in the hotel or not) down to $5 a day. Please show your badge to the hotel desk to receive this rate when getting your token (which will get you out of the lot).

Overall, though, things are almost ready. We're excited and ready to go!

This will likely be our last update before the convention. However, stay tuned to and in particular our announcements page at for any late-breaking news items.

Many, many thanks to all of you who have pre-registered, expressed interest, or supported CACE in any way. I look forward to seeing you here in Ottawa in two weeks, and then again in 2003!

Jeff Novotny and the CACE Convention Committee


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