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BC fur who met 12-year-old on FB pleads guilty to five counts

Edited as of 12:46
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Adam Woolacott of Burnaby, British Columbia, known as O'hare-ah and vivalink in furry fandom, has plead guilty to five of nine charges against him related to sexual offences involving a young teenage girl, after failing to get evidence thrown out over an incorrectly-issued warrant.

Adam - who was then 35 - made contact with the child in December 2019 on a furry Facebook group, and reportedly continued to interact sexually with her through text messages after learning that she was 12. He later met her in a park and touched her breast through clothes, before inviting her to his townhouse where they had sex and he showed her a dragon sex toy.

The girl met Adam in his hotel room at VancouFur 2022, and after further sexual touching sought sex with her again, telling her he had condoms; but she just wanted to hang out. Becoming upset, she left the room and told the event organisers, who contacted police. Adam went missing for a time after the convention, causing friends to request help to find him.

The charges were announced on April 5, 2023, accompanied by restrictions on Adam interacting with under-16s, using the Internet save for employment, or wearing costume masks in public.


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rakuen moment

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Knew this guy as I live around Vancouver. He has his fans locally even still. Interesting to see him plead guilty though, I wonder how the local fandom will respond.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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They'll most likely go after him and go against him if anything.

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Vehement denials, always.
Yet this stuff keeps coming to the surface.
What do you lot have to say for yourselves?
So when animals bite you because you try to screw them, you move onto kids.

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kill yourself, tranime-loving turbonigger

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Not all of us are zoophiles or pedophiles. If I could remove all of those though I would in a heartbeat.

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Start by removing yourself.

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Go back to 4chan or Kiwi Farms.

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i guarantee people will find a way to pin this on furries

2016 was a good year

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There is no need to, it is already seemingly involving furfaggotry people.

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Go home to your Hate Site, 4chan freak.

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This is sad. I really wish we could do more about the creeps in our fandom. They are ruining the space.

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It's called going to prison.

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Self-referential comments I note.

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GreenReaper (Laurence Parry)read storiescontact (login required)

a developer, editor and Kai Norn from London, United Kingdom, interested in wikis and computers

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