Ranking furry skins in 'Fortnite', Part 2

Back in April 2020, I ranked the then-existing furry and furry-adjacent "skins" in popular online "battle royale" game Fortnite. Since then, the number of purchasable animal-themed skins has doubled; there are also far more anthropomorphic animal skins running around. The following is a ranking of skins that appeared since the original list, to try and keep up with the growth.
In determining what constitutes a "furry skin", I have not included a variety of skins that other people might include with various animal thematic elements, including animal ear accessories, animal-themed clothing, and animal names. Basically, I generally chose human skins if their face was covered, they otherwise had a full body costume, or they had in-game characterization that further connected them to a certain animal.
I also stuck to the "animal" part of the "anthropomorphic animal" definition of furry; there are a lot of anthropomorphisized plants and inanimate objects in Fortnite, but I did not list them, or various non-human monsters, aliens and other such entities.
The stopping point of this list is August 15, 2024, the end of Chapter 5, Season 3 in the game's chronology. Further furry skins will almost certainly be introduced, and in fact there is already at least one fully furry [well, scaly] skin in the game's files waiting for an official release.
Each entry below contains the name of the skin, the species it represents, its Rarity and price (or which Battle Pass Tier it was available in, which Bundle it was a part of, or what month's Fortnite Crew Pack it was a part of), its original release date and which Set of cosmetic items it is a part of, followed by the in-game description of the skin, then a brief reasoning for why I ranked a skin where I did.

80. Guggimon
Species: Rabbit
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 2, Season 7 Battle Pass, Page 4, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: June 8, 2021
Set: Guggimon
Fashion horror artist.
Would rank higher if it wasn't NFT based.

79. The Inkquisitor
Species: Octopus
Rarity: Epic (Fortnite Crew Pack, November 2022)
Release Date: November 1, 2022
Set: The Inkquisition
Hunting from the inky shadows.
Is his body supposed to be made of ink? That's gross.

78. Cluck
Species: Chicken
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 2, Season 6 Battle Pass, Level 61)
Release Date: March 16, 2021
Set: Eggsplosives Expert
Cheep cheep cheep, cheep cheep b'kaw.
I cannot believe this was a Battle Pass skin.

77. Brite Hunter
Species: Dinosaur
Rarity: Uncommon (800 V-Bucks)
Release Date: November 8, 2023
Set: Dino Guard
Hunt on the bright side.
A fusion of two earlier skins, Rex and Brite Gunner. Could've stayed unfused.

76. King Flamingo
Species: Flamingo
Rarity: Uncommon (800 V-Bucks)
Release Date: July 6, 2019
Set: Flamingo
Some of us were born to fly ...
I forgot this one last time.

75. Optimus Primal
Species: Gorilla
Rarity: Epic (1,600 V-Bucks)
Release Date: June 9, 2023
Set: Transformers
Fierce leader of the brave Maximals.
I reviewed his movie, so I guess I should include him.

74. NeuraLynx
Species: Cat
Rarity: Epic (Tech Future Pack, $17.99)
Release Date: November 23, 2021
Set: Tech Future
Ready for whenever cat-astrophe strikes.
Variation of Lynx minus the tail. Major downgrade.

73. Syd
Species: Bear
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: July 28, 2022
Set: Beary Cuddly
Approach with clawtion.
Supposed to be the Cuddle Team Leader out of uniform, but I don't know about that.

72. Vi
Species: Fox
Rarity: Legendary (Fortnite Crew Pack, February 2021)
Release Date: February 1, 2021
Set: Drift Tracker
Always the hunter. Never the hunted.
Our first Fox Clan skin. They seem to have trouble with the pretty simple concept of "wearing a fox mask that looks like a fox."

71. Stray
Species: Fox
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 5, Season 2 Battle Pass, Page 9, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: March 10, 2023
Set: Sign of the Fox
Adrift, but never lost.
Like this Fox Clan member's name, but foxes don't have horns.

70. Janky
Species: Bear
Rarity: Epic (1,500 V-Bucks)
Release Date: September 18, 2021
Set: Janky
Indestructible stuntman and self-proclaimed streetwear icon.
The non-Battle Pass NFT skin. Like it better because they messed up the eyes and actually gave him an expressive pair.

69. Haven
Species: Cat/Wolf/Fox/Chicken/Deer/Lizard/Owl/Lion/Rabbit/Klombo
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 3, Season 1 Battle Pass, Page 5, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: December 5, 2021
Set: Kindred Spirit
Raised by the island. Born to defend it.
The ultimate "animal mask" skin, as she has 30 unlockable masks. I like the Reanimated Cat, myself.

68. Miss Bunny Penny
Species: Rabbit
Rarity: Uncommon (800 V-Bucks)
Release Date: April 3, 2023
Set: None
Spring into action. Save the world!
Like her name.

67. Princess Felicity Fish
Species: Fish
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: April 18, 2021
Set: Fishy Kingdom
First of her name. Long may she reign.
Our first Fishstick variant. Last list, I noted female variants usually ranked higher. Princess Felicity Fish is the exception that proves the rule.

66. Fa-La-La-La-Fishstick
Species: Fish
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: December 13, 2020
Set: Elf-Fish
Koi to the world.
Look, more fish!

65. Koi Brawler Zero
Species: Fish
Rarity: Epic (Koi Kingdom Pack, $14.99)
Release Date: April 17, 2023
Set: Koi Kingdom
Fire and water.
Well, they tried something different here.

64. Fishdrift
Species: Fish
Rarity: Epic (Infinite Drift Pack, $17.25)
Release Date: November 9, 2023
Set: Infinite Drift
The Infinite Drift Unit's aquatic charmer.
The Fox Clan fish variant. It was inevitable.

63. Fishskull
Species: Fish
Rarity: Epic (Skull Squad Pack, $19.99)
Release Date: October 23, 2020
Set: Skull Squad
Maki Master strikes again.
Fish skeletons!

62. Atlantean Fishstic
Species: Fish
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: July 23, 2020
Set: Fishlantis
King of the Fishsticks.
And we're done with that stretch of fish. Oh, don't worry, there are more still ahead!

61. Llambro
Species: Llama
Rarity: Epic (Fortnite Crew Pack, March 2021)
Release Date: March 1, 2021
Set: Llegend
He's one ice cold llamacorn.
We interrupt your regular fish-based programming to bring you a couple of llamas.

60. Lt. John Llama
Species: Llama
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 3, Season 1 Battle Pass, Page 3, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: December 5, 2021
Set: Lloose Cannon
Never send an alpaca to do a llama's job.
You ever wanted to see what Rambo would be like if he was a llama piñata instead of a human? No? Oh, well, we did it anyway.

59. Fish Thicc
Species: Fish
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 4, Season 4 Battle Pass, Page 5, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: August 25, 2023
Set: Buffer Fish
More ripped than the tide.
Seperates itself from the school a little by having a bit more personality due to being a Battle Pass skin when being a Battle Pass skin means you get a backstory.

58. Webster
Species: Duck
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: April 4, 2021
Set: Danger Dux
Surrender your breadcrumbs.
Seems at least a little bit FNAF inspired.

57. Haxsaur
Species: Dinosaur
Rarity: Rare (Extinction Code Pack, $4.49)
Release Date: September 5, 2023
Set: Extinction Code
Put the 'hack' in hack and slash.
I'm not even sure what type of dinosaur this is supposed to be. [Perhaps a stylised take on Alioramus?]

56. Mecha Strike Commander
Species: Bear
Rarity: Epic (Fortnite Crew Pack, June 2022)
Release Date: June 1, 2022
Set: Collision
Legendary battle mech reborn.
Featured in the in-game Collision event. It didn't get to fight a kaiju, though, so not as cool.

55. Grriz
Species: Bear
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 3, Season 4 Battle Pass, Page 4, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: September 18, 2022
Set: Growlin' Grriz
They called him "little". Big mistake.
One of the weirder skins to come to Fortnite, and that's saying something.

54. Mecha Team Shadow
Species: Bear
Rarity: Shadow (1,500 V-Bucks)
Release Date: September 17, 2020
Set: Shadow Strike
Shadow assembly required.
Yes, Grriz does fit right in between the two mecha variants perfectly.

53. Saura
Species: T. rex
Rarity: Uncommon (800 V-Bucks)
Release Date: November 8, 2023
Set: Dino Guard
Protect the past in style.
Due to some time travel shenanigans, Rex is a girl now.

52. Guernsey
Species: Cow
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: June 9, 2021
Set: Udderly Invincible
Manure-vure your way to a moo-ving victory.
This is so bad. I love it!

51. Rift Strider Drift
Species: Fox
Rarity: Epic (Infinite Drift Pack, $17.25)
Release Date: November 9, 2023
Set: Infinite Drift
Intense leader of the Infinite Drift Unit.
This feels like a new character rather than a variation of Drift.

50. Renegade Lynx
Species: Cat
Rarity: Epic (Season OG Battle Pass, Page 4, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: November 3, 2023
Set: Storm Scavenger Lynx
A raider on her ninth life.
A fusion of furry Lynx and not-so-furry Renegade Raider, but she keeps her tail.

49. Curious
Species: Cat
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: April 21, 2024
Set: Curious Pathwalker
Venture beyond the ninth life.
Basically just another woman in a cat mask, but pretty good for that purpose.

48. Huntmaster Saber
Species: Tiger
Rarity: Rare (Xbox Series X Gilded Hunter Bundle)
Release Date: November 22, 2022
Set: Gilded Hunter
Feared, fanged, and ruthless.
You want to buy an Xbox for a guy in a tiger mask?

47. Highwire
Species: Wolf/Rabbit
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 4, Season 2 Battle Pass, Page 11, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: March 10, 2023
Set: Chaos Artist
Chaos is a game, and she always wins.
While her Pack Leader variant is more furry as a wolf, her normal look does have some rabbit ears.

46. The Burning Wolf
Species: Wolf
Rarity: Epic (Fortnite Crew Pack, September 2021)
Release Date: September 1, 2021
Set: The First Shadows
The legend is nightmarish. The reality is worse.
Not really the lupine answer to all the Fox Clan skins some might want, but okay.

45. Vox Hunter
Species: Fox
Rarity: Epic (Vox Hunter's Quest Pack, $11.99)
Release Date: August 24, 2021
Set: Fox Clan
The Fox Clan's dauntless tracker.
The Fox Clan's fox masks get slightly better.

44. Tex Flamingo
Species: Flamingo
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: February 4, 2024
Set: Feathered West
The long wing of the law.
Flamingos are not the most obvious bird to turn into a skin.

43. Shady Doggo
Species: Pug
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: September 21, 2021
Set: Balenciaga Fit
Who's a stylish boy?
We're into the actually anthropomorphic animals part of the list, starting with this rare variant of Doggo.

42. Mecha Cuddle Master
Species: Bear
Rarity: Legendary (Fortnite Crew Pack, June 2021)
Release Date: June 1, 2021
Set: The Returned
Snuggle through space and time.
Of course, there are still suit and mask types, like this future variant of Cuddle Team Leader.

41. Phantom Meowscles
Species: Cat
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: October 19, 2023
Set: Meownstrosity
A purrnicious monster from a cursed shadow realm.
Not the biggest fan of the Meowscles variants in general, and not really sure what they were doing here.

40. Red Claw
Species: Fox
Rarity: Epic (Fortnite Crew Pack, October 2022)
Release Date: October 1, 2022
Set: Tooth and Claw
Untamed. Unstoppable.
Might be another member of the Fox Clan, but I'm not actually sure.

39. Megg
Species: Duck
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: April 4, 2021
Set: Danger Dux
Unlike Princess Felicity Fishsticks, Megg sticks to the rule that the female skin is usually better.

38. Gummy Fishstick
Species: Fish
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: October 16, 2021
Set: Delicious Fishes
The ocean's chewiest hero.
I have no idea why I like this variant of Fishstick so much more than most of the others, but I do.

37. Azuki
Species: Cat
Rarity: Rare (1,400 V-Bucks)
Release Date: January 2, 2022
Set: Nyanjitsu
Wandering warrior destined to end the Whiskeria Wars.
Want to like this skin more than I do. Just doesn't look quite right to me.

36. J.B. Chimpanski
Species: Chimpanzee
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 2, Season 8 Battle Pass, Page 7, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: September 13, 2021
Set: Astronaut P-14
It was all fun and spacewalks... Until they left him behind.
The final season of Chapter 2, season 8, had a record with three actually anthropomorphic animal skins in its Battle Pass. One had to be last, though.

35. A Goat
Species: Goat
Rarity: Gaming Legends (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: November 27, 2022
Set: Goat Simulator 3
The GOATest of All Time.
It's a goat.

34. Budge
Species: Budgerigar
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: February 4, 2024
Set: Breaker of Cages
Never budgie on your quest for justice.
I thought it was pigeon at first.

33. Purradise Meowscles
Species: Cat
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 4, Season 3 Battle Pass, Purradise Meowscles Quests)
Release Date: July 6, 2023
Set: Taste of Purradise
From the catwalk to the boardwalk.
I like this better than the original Meowscles because it embraces the joke even more.

32. The Giant Chicken
Species: Chicken
Rarity: Epic (1,500 V-Bucks)
Release Date: January 27, 2024
Set: Family Guy
Always ready for another fight.
I don't watch Family Guy, so I don't know if its actually a giant chicken, or a man in a suit.

31. Beerus
Species: Cat
Rarity: Epic (1,500 V-Bucks)
Release Date: August 16, 2022
Set: Dragon Ball
Of course before any creation must come destruction.
Another character from a popular cartoon I don't watch. [He destroyed Earth! But they became friends afterwards.]

30. Safety First Steve
Species: Shark
Rarity: Epic (1,500 V-Bucks)
Release Date: July 14, 2024
Set: Safety Shark
Don't make him blow the whistle.
A lifeguard shark is a good concept, but hard to pull off completely successfully.

29. Skull Squad Leader
Species: Bear
Rarity: Epic (Skull Squad Pack, $19.99)
Release Date: October 23, 2020
Set: Skull Squad
Lead your skeleteam to victory.
A scary skeleton variation of the Cuddle Team Leader, but I still prefer Spooky.

28. The Goldfish
Species: Piranha
Rarity: Epic (Gilded Elites Pack, $17.25)
Release Date: December 23, 2023
Set: Gilded Elites
Grand don of the deep seas.
Leviathan has not gotten a lot of variations since last time.

27. Fabio Sparklemane
Species: Unicorn
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 2, Season 8 Battle Pass, Page 5, 9 Stars)
Release Date: September 13, 2021
Set: Unicorn Flakes!!!
The official mascot of Unicorn Flakes.
A cereal mascot that has just too much going on to really be as funny as it should be.

26. Metal Team Leader
Species: Bear
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: July 3, 2020
Set: Royale Hearts
Totally metal.
The only real Team Leader variant to come out since last list.

25. Lumi Jellie
Species: Anemone
Rarity: Rare (Bioluminescence Quest Pack, $7.99)
Release Date: December 20, 2022
Set: Bioluminescence
Keep your friends close and your anemones closer.
Nice that they're still putting out invertebrates.

24. Ductch
Species: Rabbit
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: March 31, 2021
Set: Dapper Rabbit
Floppy, hoppy, and unstoppy-ble.
Another one of those I'm not sure if it's a costume or an actual anthro animal.

23. Sgt. Drake
Species: Duck
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: February 4, 2024
Set: Squawkin' Sergeant
Proud soldier of the Never-Ending Bird Skirmish.
Best of the three bird skins released together.

22. Bogstick
Species: Fish
Rarity: 1,200 V-Bucks
Release Date: October 14, 2023
Set: Boggy Lamps
Lurk the murky mire.
Fishstick as a creepy cryptid. Actually works!

21. Toon Meowscles
Species: Cat
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: May 7, 2021
Set: Inkville Gang
Toon'd up for maximum cattitude.
The toon variations of various characters are fun, and this is probably how Meowscles should have always been.

20. Drakon Steel Hybrid
Species: Dragon
Rarity: Epic (Fortnite Crew Pack, November 2023)
Release Date: November 1, 2023
Set: Hybrid Evolved
Embrace the dragon within.
Hybrid without any of the awkward ninja stages. And just looks better.

19. Raphael
Species: Turtle
Rarity: Epic (1,600 V-Bucks)
Release Date: December 15, 2023
Always ready for a fight and a master with a sai.
I didn't realize when I decided to rank Fortnite skins I'd have to rank the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Sorry, Raph.

18. Michelangelo
Species: Turtle
Rarity: Epic (1,600 V-Bucks)
Release Date: December 15, 2023
Rad skateboarder and a master with nunchucks who's always ready to party.
Michelangelo comes in third out of four.

17. Splinter
Species: Rat
Rarity: Epic (1,500 V-Bucks)
Release Date: February 9, 2024
Stoic sage, adoptive father and ninjutsu master who adores his adopted sons.
Not a bad take on Splinter at all.

16. Kimiko Five-Tails
Species: Fox
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: June 13, 2023
Set: Protective Zenko
An ancient fox spirit who watches over the Fox Clan.
Saw a complaint on Twitter that there were not enough female truly furry skins, and that's true, but then they posted artwork of a potential skin and it was basically Kimiko down to the face markings, they just weren't aware of her.

15. Leonardo
Species: Turtle
Rarity: Epic (1,600 V-Bucks)
Release Date: December 15, 2023
Dedicated team leader and a master with a katana.
The team leader comes in second.

14. Donatello
Species: Turtle
Rarity: Epic (1,600 V-Bucks)
Release Date: December 15, 2023
Tech expert, automotive genius and a master with a bo staff.
Yes, I'm going with the nerdy pick for number one Ninja Turtle.

13. Toona Fish
Species: Fish
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 2, Season 8 Battle Pass, Page 1, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: September 13, 2021
Set: Inkville Gang
Greyscale guppy. Aspiring rainbowfish.
The toon variant, once again, works really well with a skin I otherwise don't like that much.

12. Cerberus
Species: Dog
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 5, Season 2 Battle Pass, Page 1)
Release Date: March 8, 2024
Set: Grim Gatekeeper
Three fearless, ruthless, very good boys.
It's everybody's second favorite hellhound!

11. Katt
Species: Cat
Rarity: Epic (Fortnite Crew Pack, March 2024)
Release Date: March 1, 2024
Set: Kataclysm
Answering the pspsps of destiny.
Kit got an upgrade.

10. Camille
Species: Mouse
Rarity: Epic (1,500 V-Bucks)
Release Date: November 18, 2022
Set: Ratzattack
She always manages to squeak by.
A sort of were-rodent that has a human form.

9. Rufus
Species: Raccoon
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: March 9, 2024
Set: Garbage King
Trash it.
Gets put in the Item Shop with Fennix, Kimiko Five-Tails and another skin further up the list together as an all furry squad option.

8. Axo
Species: Axolotl
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: August 9, 2020
Set: Axolotl Attack!
Here to see if life on dry land lives up to the hype.
Axo has a tail, but you can optionally remove it. I'm going to have to take a few points off for that, but it's okay, axolotls can regrow their tails.

7. Thunder
Species: Komodo dragon
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 4, Season 2 Battle Pass, Page 5, 9 Stars)
Release Date: March 10, 2023
Set: Street Rep
Street warrior, sushi chef, and the coolest lizard in the Peace Syndicate.
Has some game story lore, and the best part is that he's just a really nice guy, actually.

6. Volpez
Species: Arctic fox
Rarity: Rare (Winter's Trickster Legacy Set, $11.99)
Release Date: October 1, 2023
Set: Winter's Trickster
Ready for a long winter.
Officially Fennix's little brother. Unfortunately, due to the long complicated way in which he is obtained, and the fact that he'll probably not be back, he might be the rarest furry skin.

5. Raven Team Leader
Species: Bear
Rarity: Epic (1,600 V-Bucks)
Release Date: December 5, 2023
Set: Nevermore Hearts
Brooding master of the dark hearts.
Combination of Raven and Cuddle Team Leader, two rival unofficial mascots of Fortnite. Mixing them was kind of genius.

4. Wendell
Species: Wolf
Rarity: Rare (1,200 V-Bucks)
Release Date: May 9, 2023
Set: Wendell & Walnut
A loyal mountaineer with quite the bite.
He's the one who teams up with the raccoon and the foxes in the Item Shop. Walnut is his squirrel friend, by the way.

3. Ringmaster Skarr
Species: Hyena
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 5, Season 3 Battle Pass, Page 7, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: May 24, 2024
Set: Wasteland Overdrive
Rule the chaos. Run the destruction.
They never explicitly state she's wearing a hyena mask, so it's quite possible they still think that's a jackal.

2. Oscar
Species: Tiger
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 5, Season 1 Battle Pass, Page 3, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: December 3, 2023
Set: Big Cat Brawler
Nothing's gonna change his stripes.
Oscar's a pretty cool cat...

1. Meow Skulls
Species: Cat
Rarity: Epic (Chapter 3, Season 4 Battle Pass, Page 5, 9 Battle Stars)
Release Date: September 18, 2022
Set: Cali-cool
She's one chill kitty.
... but Meow Skulls is cooler.

About the author
2cross2affliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a red fox
New teeth. That's weird.
#53 --- Life --- uh --- finds a way
Thunder should be #1.
Woo-hoo, hyena!
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