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The best furry games to try out this summer

Edited by Sonious, GreenReaper as of Tue 23 Jul 2024 - 16:27
Your rating: None Average: 2.8 (6 votes)

If you have time this summer, now is a good time to try out some furry games. Below is a list of items that I found that are all available on the Steam platform with a short blurb on each one. Click the title text to open each game's page.

Gunfire Reborn

A high-octane shooter like Ultrakill where you fight through a series of enemies. It has multiplayer if you wanna play the game with your friends. Animal characters that you can play include a house cat, a Rottweiler, and a bird of prey.

It was recommended to me through by another user, a good game to try out if you enjoy first person shooters. It also has RPG and roguelike elements.

The WereCleaner

In this game you play as a janitor who during daytime cleans up and during nighttime has to actively avoid everyone while also cleaning. It's gotten a large following on YouTube for its cutesy art style and simple gameplay. The game features multiple endings.

Thoroughly enjoyable, plus it's free.

Born of Bread

It's a love-letter to Paper Mario, RPG battles and an adorable cast of lovable anthropomorphic characters with their own unique personalities.

Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling

Another love-letter to Paper Mario, the game is a lot more simplified, but you should be able to enjoy the RPG battles therein.

Zid Journey

An adorable point-and-click adventure game with cartoon dinosaurs, and a successor to Zniw Adventures, previously covered by Flayrah.

Only the demo is currently available. The game, or at least the demo, is very puzzle-centric.

Ogre Pixel Collection

The next three games on the list were made by the same developer, but they have almost no reviews, so I'm hoping to bring light to these hidden gems.

Sticky Business

A cozy game where you play an anthro frog and make stickers.

A Tiny Sticker Tale

A cute cozy little puzzle game with a donkey that collects stickers. The gameplay lasts two hours.

Lonesome Village

A casual game that plays a lot like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley with Zeldalike dungeons and puzzle solving sprinkled in. In this game you play a little coyote who must stop an evil cult.

Lil Gator Game

Yet another cozy game, it plays like Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but without any danger; it is very casual.

The game is wholesome, the premise is that everybody wants to play pretend with the little crocodile; that's why I love it.

A Short Hike

The final casual and cozy game on this list, a short hike has you play a bird who hikes

Nine Sols

Nine Sols is a metroidvania; you fight, kill and collect items. The game feels a lot like Hollow Knight and a huge recommend if you enjoyed it.


Rotwood is a charming hack 'n slash, if you liked Cult of the Lamb, you'll also like this one! You can bring friends into the battle, adding more complexity to how you handle fights.

Another Crab's Treasure

A cartoony action-platformer featuring a crab, you fight enemies with a fork.

Closing thoughts

I'm hoping you found my list informative, these are many games I think deserve some much-needed love and am sure readers would enjoy.


Your rating: None Average: 2.7 (3 votes)

All of these seem cool

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It took a while to go public, so in that timespan I found more furry games in my libray that'd deserve a passing mention imo.
Snake Pass
Chicory A Colorful Tale
Pilfer: Story of Light
Carrie's Order Up
It's a bit too late to edit the article, summer is over...

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