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Furtannia: The History of the Furry Fandom in the United Kingdom

Edited by Sonious, GreenReaper as of 19:11
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Furtannia cover

British furry Tim "Gamepopper" Stoddard has released his new book, Furtannia: The History of the Furry Fandom (Barnes & Noble US, Amazon UK) in the United Kingdom (Uncle Bear Publishing, 2023).

This well-researched book was written by Stoddard after many furries asked him whether he had written a book related to his history talks he has given at ConFuzzled. The resulting tome covers everything you wanted to know about furries in the UK. The book covers the following elements:

  • How early British children's literature influenced the fandom.
  • The rise of house parties and conventions such as ConFuzzled and Scotiacon.
  • Information about key figures in the British fandom such as Simon Barber and Ian Curtis.
  • A tour of the successes and failures of various cons.
  • The connections between the U.S. and U.K. furs.
  • Relates how the media have received and portrayed the fandom over the years.
  • Coverage of furry comics and APAs, rave parties, and the pubs and other venues where Brit furs have hung out over the years.

The book contains illustrations with dozens of photos and includes a helpful index. Furtannia is a must-have book for anyone, furry or not, interested in the UK fandom!

To learn more, visit


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About the author

Grubbs Grizzlyread storiescontact (login required)

a self-employed writer and editor and grizzly bear from CA, interested in fursuiting, wildlife, writing and art

Born in 1965, I've been a furry since I was a little kid pretending to be a wolf from The Jungle Book (the book, not the film) or Chip from Chip and Dale. I discovered furries in the late 1980s when I stumbled on FurNation, but I didn't really start to get active until the 21st century, and, when I discovered my bear nature, started to get REALLY active, founding the BearFurries group on Yahoo, getting a fursuit from Beastcub in 2011, and writing the Ask Papabear column.