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Edited by GreenReaper as of Tue 26 Jul 2011 - 19:14
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Rather curious.... Try going to, the web home of the long standing IRC network.... you'll find instead of being sent to their website, a lone mp3 file of some type of farewell-sounding song will begin to Open and play on your machine.

What does this mean?



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Your answer here.

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YAY! our long international nightmare is over! Good riddance!

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Damn. Yiffnet appears to have gotten much, much nastier since I was on IRC. Either that or I just was never in the right (er, wrong) channels.

Two problems here - one, that users of the system are to abusive to the system's benefactors, and two, that the system admins let it get to them.

Way I see it, Sibe's incidental here. It's those who are ungrateful and hostile who are the real cause of harm. Unfortunately, there's a few in every group, and they're usually louder than the thankful, polite members.

Ideally, admins would learn which individuals these are and simply write them off as blathering idiots, but that is very hard to do, doubly so when your services are provided sans compensation. I can't say I'd have tough enough skin to do that myself.

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Dude, WTF? Yiffnet is a great service, and I'm very very happy that it's still up and running.

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Just probably the final curtain going down on something that's been very useful to a number of furs. Unfortunately, we it seems we forgot to take the time to care about what had been started, and now it's gone...

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Just probably the final curtain going down on something that's been very useful to a number of furs. Unfortunately, we it seems we forgot to take the time to care about what had been started, and now it's gone...

You're blaming the wrong person. is down because of Sibe, pure and simple. If Sibe hadn't done what he did, nothing would have happened.

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But now that Sibe is in prison, why don't they reopen it?

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If you honestly can tell me that the admins shut down an entire IRC network because of one user, then I can just as honestly tell you that they never should have been IRC admins in the first place, pure and simple. I've been an admin on a small network for the better part of six months now (and counting) and yes, there are several people who have become thorns in my side who do their best to drive me nuts and make me question my reason for providing service. But I do what I can to keep them out of my hair, and suck up the rest and just move on with my life. I serve a larger group of people than just those one or two twinks, and I recognize my responsibility to them to continue to provide access and friendly service without the dramatics.

From what I hear, the entire Sibe situation was handled poorly by both the user and the admin community on YiffNet. I'm afraid I don't respect either side very much after the way things were handled.

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Sibe isn't in prison; he's out on bail and unless those he harmed press charges or contact the prosecutor, he's probably going to stay out.

And his being in or out of jail does not change the damage done, now does it?

Reality is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we CAN think!

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The webpage referenced ( is quite out of date.

Yes, the service known as went away, but it was replaced almost immediately, and eventually the three servers that made up the network became known as the FurNet IRC network.

You can get to FurNet by going to


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