Digging up Positivity - Furry charity and good news - July 2020
Hello there, and welcome to July’s episode of Digging Up Positivity. This month we will cover some amazing members of our community, lovely videos, and our featurette is a wonderful artist from Berlin known for her outstanding artwork for individuals and companies alike.
Following many amazing conventions, South Afrifur could not be left behind. They took it upon themselves to organise Fursaverance and raised quite a bit for charity, as for the details, I think they will explain this best by themselves, Ivic Wolf, you have the stage!
[Submitted movie by Ivic]
Fursona Pins
One of the fandom's biggest collectible pins manufacturer Fursona Pins released a special pin last month dedicated to Black Lives Matter, and they sold like cupcakes. Over 1,100 pins got sold, and after all was said and done, $16,080 dollars was donated to the cause.
In Oklahoma, USA, Peacewolf is making wonderful fursuits. But did you know with every fursuit sold, a small percentage will be donated to a local charity in Oklahoma: Safari Sanctuary? An organisation that provides shelter for discarded exotic animals, many of them previously being held as pets. Besides this noble cause, they have been educating the people about the difficulties of caring for exotic wildlife through their ‘Zoo2You’ program, helping prevent the need for future animal rescues. Peacewolf did visit their premises herself to see all the animals there are loved, healthy and happy. So far, a total of $760 dollars has been donated from Peacewolf, which will increase with every fursuit sold.
Helping Bey and Tar
The city of Tampico, Mexico means ‘place of otters’. Unfortunately due to urbanisation and pollution those very critters are in danger of going extinct. To help these otters, the group of environmental educators and rescuers of COBEA have founded an animal rescue center in that area and they are building a rehabilitation habitat where young otters can learn how to swim well and how to get food.
Unfortunately they did not get much help from the government, and Almita decided to hold a raffle. If you donate to them, you don’t just get a lovely drawing, but you are helping two of the newest residents of COBEA: The little otters Bey and Tar. The initial goal of 300 dollars has been passed as I speak. But then again, with Almita’s wonderful skills, I am not surprised!
The Good Furry award
Ask Papa bear, and Uncle bear are proud to announce the winners of the 2020 good furry award.
Many were nominated, amongst yours’ truly. I am sure it was a difficult choice. In the end Ash Coyote was chosen. An award well deserved for the driving force behind ‘The Fandom’, a documentary about the fandom that is well received in the fandom and beyond. Besides this wonderful documentary, other work from her is often shown to highlight the wonderful sides of our community, helping acceptance and inspire people everywhere.
Red Panda born at Beekse Bergen
In Safari Park Beekse bergen, a little red panda has been born. This is quite special, since world wide, only 2500 red panda’s are living in the wild. They don’t know the gender yet, but the little is doing very well. Because they are very frail in the early stages of their lives, momma Angel and father Turner are being left alone. The Park is hopeful the little one will grow up into a healthy and beautiful red panda!
Zooming Cats
Normally we at Digging Up Positivity do not cover politics. But when we do, we make sure there is a cat in it.
Scottish member of Parliament John Nicolson was having a zoom meeting, when his beloved cat Rojo decided he was, and rightfully so, more important those silly political meetings and promptly gained thousands of new fans around the world. Just look at that snoot, how can’t you love that fella!
The Stupendum
It has been months since Animal Crossing has been released, and it is still going strong. Their community is bigger than ever, and of course, this comes with plenty of creative homages to the game. This time I’d like to point out The Studendum, a lovely youtube channel that has various amazing songs, including some true gems devoted to this game. Like Nook Line & Sinker and our favourite bug fearing owl in The Hallowed Walls.
Alector Fencer
And on this lovely note, we are with this months featurette, ladies and gentlemen and everything in between, I present to you, Alector Fencer!
[Featurette Video]
Thank you so much for sticking with us till the end.Which brings me to these special people, supporters of this channel: Ishnula (his ferret is in the intro!) , Els Deckers, Taross, Kitako, Falconeo, Hanzana, Cosmik with a K, and Score Chaser, we will return on August 29th. And until then: Stay awesome, and all the hugs!

About the author
Pegla (Danny) — read stories — contact (login required)a designer and Skunk from Hilversum, interested in stuff
^This was a cat^
If only more people installed PawSense.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
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